Whats the deal on M1Ts? I hear various things...good bad..great..extremely dangerous. IM wondering if i should enclude them with my cycle of dbols and sus 250.....
I guess i cant just stop taking the dbols overnight and start up on m1Ts the next day right? Isnt there alot of preperation to do prior taking the M1Ts, milk thistle and such? Or would it be ok just to take the M1ts with my sus
I am wondering alot of the same questions as well, I dont really want to start another thread though.
I know the most comon side is associated with M1T is lethargy but what about hair loss or Gyno??
I am also curious as to what the majority of people kept from M1t as some say they have kept all the muscle and some say it just pumped them full of water.
it cant do both so which is it?!!
and yes I have searched but there is not alot of threads out there suprisingly.
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