magic solution???


New member
Can I make my own With BB & BA? I have alos seen some people talk about 60%PEG/30%PG/10%BA. Is this possible when Im coverting powders ( Test, Stan,EQ, Tren ) I was thinking I could but need some vets out there to give me hand on subject.
Thanks for input. But if you could maybe help me with ratio. Ive been researching for a long time on subject and this is what I ve came up with.

What would be the benefit of using this magic solution? Why would it be better than just the ba/bb that is mentioned in the stickies?
It wouldn't be and in many cases it's worse and will crash and if it crashes can never be brought back with any amount of heat. Also leaves an enjoyable crystalline depot.
Yep, what animal said. I recently made a prop/fina combo that turned out crystal clear and has the normal characteristics of a normal prop post-inject but the soreness doesn't occur at every inject site. I originally didn't like the idea of so much BA and BB as the solvent, so I tested by adding 1% at a time of BA and BB until I got it to dissolve really well before filtering, oil, heating, etc... It was my first attempt at suspending prop/fina so I let a friend of mine be a guinea pig for me. He started using it 2 weeks after moving and joining a gym he liked. He noticed a huge difference in the stuff even before joining the gym. He was like, "Spook! What the hell did you put in this stuff? I'm growing a little just using it and sitting on my ass every day!!!" From the average schmoe I'd dismiss it, but he used to take in several grams a week of the shit.

If you don't use the right solvents of proper amount of solvent, yes, it will crash big time and will crystallize in the muscle tissue....OUCH!!!!! Better to recrystallize in the flask than in the muscle.
Animalkits said:
It wouldn't be and in many cases it's worse and will crash and if it crashes can never be brought back with any amount of heat. Also leaves an enjoyable crystalline depot.

My man, am I misreading here? It sounds like you are saying that making ones own is better than your product in many cases???
some hormones dont require a solvent as they are solable in oil. some require a lot of solvent. it depends on the hormone as to which path to follow. sometimes the carrier will help a hormone to stay in solution or at least hold in suspension.