Major Screwup!! Help!


New member
First time post but I have been reading this forum for a couple of years. Normally I can search and find the answer but not today...

Anyway, I started a cycle last Monday the 4th with 750mg(3cc of 250mg/ml) test E. On Wed the 6th I used 250mg of Deca. This Monday I woke up and instead of using 3cc of test I accidently injected 3cc(750mg) of Deca. Unfortunately I discovered the mishap after today's 1cc deca injection. So this week I've used 1000mg of deca and no test.

So my question is what do I do now? Do I use the test now that I missed Monday? I was planning on running this cycle for 10 weeks. Obviously, now I will run out of Deca early so should I find a replacement, or just use test only after the deca runs out?

Any help would be appreciated!!
well at that point what i would do if i was you was ... start looking for a coffin. No man im just joking , ull be fine . However u need to run test . id would take the test u missed . yes thats alot of gear in your system but with no test in your system , ur gonna get some heavy shutdown. take the test u have normaly now ,its all good however 10 weeks for that cycle isnt a good length anyways . i would have run that cycle for 14 weeks min anyways , so id suggest getting more and continue regular doses for the rest and increase cycle length , i just hope u have the appropriate ai's for that cycle ?! and i would be running deca around 400mg also if u want results from it
They are long ester drugs so I wouldn't do nothing too drastic. I would continue the cycle and maybe run it a little longer then ten weeks. U don't have to compensate for missing a pin. Are u pinning your test twice a week? I would split the doses evenly. Hope that helps and I'm sure somebody else will shed some light on the subject too
re-adjustment ... take just 250mg for the week so u have test in your system , but u just started anyways u will be fine . then nect pin continue everything back to normal
Are you pinning the whole 750mg of test on one day? You should be splitting that up 2x a week. Maybe I read it wrong? I run tons of deca and I'm still alive.
just look it like you front loaded deca... ester is so damn long you probably did yourself a favor

keep dosages the same, keep pinning like it never happened
Are you pinning the whole 750mg of test on one day? You should be splitting that up 2x a week. Maybe I read it wrong? I run tons of deca and I'm still alive.

you're better off pinning test once a week or E5d or something along those lines the first few weeks or longer to build up blood levels faster. more frequent pinning is only useful once you're reached peak levels... i'd personally switch to ed or eod at that point
Great, thanks guys! I was planning on taking the whole 750mg of Test at once on Mon and 250 of the Deca on Wed. Running for 10 weeks. Appropriate AIs.