making a come back


New member
I don't know where to start, I'v been gone since 07 and now I'm back. I left to get on top of my job and make some changes befor I hit 30. Well now I'm 27 turning 28 next month and have not been working out or eating right for 3 years now. Just last month I joined back up with my old gym and noticed how much I'm out of shape. N-E-Ways my last cycle back in the end of 07 was enanthate 100mg, cyplonate100, and prop 50 a mix that I took every 3 days(1cc). Befor that it was susn. 2 years with this good on cycle and off but now that I'm. Tring to get back into shape I don't know what to kick things off with? I hope someone can help me here. I'm 5'11" 155 still cut but with no size(mass)

Thank you for any input
Start eating more and training for 6-12 months at least, then think about jumping on the bandwagon again. No point in going all out cold turkey, IMHO.
If your dead set on a cycle Id train a month natural, get your eating in order and simply 400-500 mgs Test for 12 wks.

LOL... Randy841 your most likly right I do need a lot of training time but I think if I hit the gym and track hard for 6-10 weeks I might be able to get on top of things quickly. Well see what happens and Gator you don't think 400-500 mg test is to much? Iv never done more than 250 but iv never been over 180lbs and that was at my peak but this is what I wanted to hear thanks guys and also if I hit the gym hard for 2-3. Months natural and start eating 5 meals aday do you think I could start off with hgh for the first 4-weeks and than follow up with test. What that be a good thing or not.... and why
Thanks again guys
LOL... Randy841 your most likly right I do need a lot of training time but I think if I hit the gym and track hard for 6-10 weeks I might be able to get on top of things quickly. Well see what happens and Gator you don't think 400-500 mg test is to much? Iv never done more than 250 but iv never been over 180lbs and that was at my peak but this is what I wanted to hear thanks guys and also if I hit the gym hard for 2-3. Months natural and start eating 5 meals aday do you think I could start off with hgh for the first 4-weeks and than follow up with test. What that be a good thing or not.... and why
Thanks again guys
dude hgh for 10 weeks will do just about nothing. if you did that mix you explained then you were doing 500mg a week anyway, what is the concern with doing it again?
My bad let me clear it up. If I was to start hgh after a hard core 3month session on a good diet and all natural and then after being on hgh for 4-6 weeks start stacking it with test.
Also I got Gators post mixed I thought he meant 500mg per cc. I know hgh should be takin over a large amount of time I just don't know how long I should go with it iv never done it, but I'm told that it works best if you take it Mono(by its self) for awhile and then stack it later. Correct me if I'm wrong
Sorry about the double post.
BTW I'm so pumped now that I'm back in the gym. Iv never been a big guy out of high school my weight was 162 and never got over that untill I was 23. I started susn and jumped 18lbs in 3 months. I spend most of my time at my parents training with my kid brother(15) makes me feel weak to know that workout is from my brother pushing me threw it..LOL... but its working 5-100meter sprints following 2 400meters runs and then we start pushing weight and I got to say for a 15 year old kid that's built the same as me he's strong! Every day I get off work and take a 1 hour power nap and a high proten snack/shake and then head to the country where my work out starts and in the morning I hit the gym for an hour befor work I hope I'm not over doing it cause I'm not a teenage any more..

Seeking for sum advice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Im 33yrs old 5'11 and weight 94kg. I have been training 3-4 yrs and have never used anythink like this before just shakers.

After running an SD Matrix cycle which looked like this:

2 Weeks SD + Milk Thistle
2 Weeks Androbolix + Milk Th + Estro Supress
2 Weeks SD + Milk Th
4 Weeks Androbolix + Milk Th + Estro Supress

I noticed some sensitivity around my nipples after a month and they are sore also have bump on my right nipple.

Getting kinda worried that I'm going to have bitch tits and looking for advice in how to get rid of this. Is there anything which i can take or would i need to go for stuff like Clomid or Nolvadex???? Please get back since im geting worried...............

Your advice would be a great help!!!

