Making own test at home

Phil Mc Win

New member
Hey guys, is it easy to obtain 10 grams hormone (testosterone Enanthate)
.08ml Benzyl Alcohol = 2% BA
8ml Benzyl Benzoate = 20% BB
23.2ml oil (grape seed or sesame seed)
Syringes 3cc & 5/10cc
18 or 20 gauge needles
Vial or beaker
Sterile filter

I want to learn how to make my own gear. Test E to be specific. Can i find them on here?
ya i got alot of good advice from the vets on the chem cant ask for sources here, but the knowledge that you can learn on there is invaluable when u actually get your hands on some trying to find my own source of raws as well, im tired of losing so much money to fake gear. but in the mean time im just learning everything i can so i dont mess up once i start.
I dont think any supplier outside of maybe locally. will sell you only 10grams. its not worth the hassle. I would get 25gr if I were you and just make a batch of 100ml