masteron... for beginners???


aas virgin
save the test rants for another thread please...

can masteron be used by beginner Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) users safely? from what i've read the sides are very mild and can produce amazing results. is there more to consider than side effects when thinking of aas?
its a shitty drug. some like adding it to contest prep.
did nothing for me when i added it at 200mg a week but make me anxious and pissed off. if you think tren fucks with your head, masteron will really make you nutty.

so what do we have here? Low to zero results and strong psychological sides.
bad drug imo.
If you want something mild (low sides) go with anavar. Atleast with var, you'll be able to make some decent gains...
Warmachine said:
its a shitty drug. some like adding it to contest prep.
did nothing for me when i added it at 200mg a week but make me anxious and pissed off. if you think tren fucks with your head, masteron will really make you nutty.

so what do we have here? Low to zero results and strong psychological sides.
bad drug imo.
whos mate were you using?
Mast dose youre head in more so than tren?!I run mast @100-150mg eod and like it a lot I can feel a bit extra aggression but nothing to bad ..tbh it makes me feel quite good!I get some good results when stacked with test or test and npp
wouldent run alone though
It can produce visible results for a beginner if that beginner is lean to begin with. It shines for lean users. Otherwise, its a flop.

The sides are nothing like tren for me. I haven't used tren for 18 months because of the acne, mood swings, and insomnia. I've used masteron for a year at a time and felt pretty good.
i used BD mastabol depot and got bad irritibility and anxiety. i saw no vasucularity or hardness benefits but wasnt single digit bodyfat, more like 12-13%.

i was looking for an injectable that could mimic winstrols aesthetic results and masteron wasnt even close.
kobiack said:
save the test rants for another thread please...

can masteron be used by beginner Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) users safely? from what i've read the sides are very mild and can produce amazing results. is there more to consider than side effects when thinking of aas?

Masteron is not a newbie type drug. Its more of a competitors drug.

Try test. Oops, never mind.
Warmachine said:
i used BD mastabol depot and got bad irritibility and anxiety. i saw no vasucularity or hardness benefits but wasnt single digit bodyfat, more like 12-13%.

i was looking for an injectable that could mimic winstrols aesthetic results and masteron wasnt even close.
Ive only used the prop version from clp the only unpleasant sides are the first 2 days of starting it I get a bit of a bad head and the night sweats but once thats gone it all good
I use 150mg eod with good results though its been tested a 180+mg
running mast @150mg eod with 125mg of npp eod with 250mg of test e e4d
loving it so far up 7 lean lbs looking good and streanth is climbing, getting some silly pumps aswell