May take tren-e for my first cycle ever.


New member
Been lifting on and off for six years. Been lifting regular for about a year now.
Bf is prob like 22?
Thinking about takin tren-e by its self for first cycle ever.
Been lifting on and off for six years. Been lifting regular for about a year now.
Bf is prob like 22?
Thinking about takin tren-e by its self for first cycle ever.

Errrr... Think again bro. Do some research on this site on test e only first cycles. U obviously don't know much about AAS if u think that's a good idea. Be safe bro
Test only bro. Then go from there tren is more for advanced users. or people who have atleast a couple cycles under their belt. Thats what i have gathered and been told.
Don't even think about tren yet unless you don't want to have a future worth living. A testosterone only cycle is the way to go. Come on bro I'm three years younger than you and clearly done more research, lift your game. Aim for 250/300MG of testosterone enanthate split into twice a week, with a good PCT, HCG and Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and you'll be set.
^^^ u mean 500-600mg test e split into two injections a week... So 250mg twice a week

No offence, but I really did mean 250/300MG of test enanthate for a first cycle. To be honest, on this forum's other forum there are many vets and respected posters who say you shouldn't do anything more than 300MG of test enanthate a week as a first cycle. It's better to start off and test the waters with less testosterone that more. I'm not saying you don't know what you're talking about, but I don't agree sorry.
new members should honestly have to pass a quiz before they are able to post on the forum that way they at least read the stickies and do some research before asking dumb questions
new members should honestly have to pass a quiz before they are able to post on the forum that way they at least read the stickies and do some research before asking dumb questions

Yeah I agree, though I suspect that our community would only have about 500 members if they did :)
new members should honestly have to pass a quiz before they are able to post on the forum that way they at least read the stickies and do some research before asking dumb questions

Hey that is a good idea but what Dapperdog said also makes sense lol
they could be members and browse but until they could pass a quiz on basic shit they can't post. it would save alot of bullshit post everyday which get old after awhile
Not saying tren only isn't an option but i wouldn't recommend it , it will 100 % shut you down you wont be able to get hard etc etc... Also the sides are going to be a kick to the balls if you've never even done test expect insomnia , night sweats , short temper ... I'd add test at the very least.
No offence, but I really did mean 250/300MG of test enanthate for a first cycle. To be honest, on this forum's other forum there are many vets and respected posters who say you shouldn't do anything more than 300MG of test enanthate a week as a first cycle. It's better to start off and test the waters with less testosterone that more. I'm not saying you don't know what you're talking about, but I don't agree sorry.

Definetely ok to disagree with me bro. But 250mg of test a week? That's a testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) dose. Why shut down your natural test to only supplement it with an almost equal amount of test?
Definetely ok to disagree with me bro. But 250mg of test a week? That's a testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) dose. Why shut down your natural test to only supplement it with an almost equal amount of test?

This is true. It does seem sort of pointless. But do you think gains could still be made on that dose for someone who is still under their genetic maximum? The sides from 250/300MG of enanthate a week would be less than at 500MG a week surely?