maybe fake Powdered oxandrolone sample melted before REAL melting point


New member
:wtf: now I'm new to this whole scene, but I have recieved a sample from a source from china. He gave me a sample to test its legitimacy and today I opened up the oven, even bought a oven thermometer just to make sure the temp. was accurate and, low and behold the sample melted at what must have been 120'F. Now it didnt melt at the real melting point of oxandrolone which is 455-466. What I did was set the temp to 20 degrees less than 455 just to make sure if it was a fake or not. Then i saw that the white powdered sample started to melt and turn a shade of dark yellow??? now is this stuff legit or real. Im new to this so please help me. I thought the source was legit so thankfully the sample was free so even if it was fake I didn't lose any money. ?Help please? :sadwavey: is this stuff a definitive fake?

ugh I hate getting ripped off again n again. i would save Lois Lane for a legit powdered Anavar (var) source right about now...

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Crank. Post this in the chemical research forum. That's where all the brewers are. I know I gave you the advice but better off there. What temp did you have the oven set at? Once it reaches peak temp you need to turn the oven off because they heat in cycles.

I'm not understanding your post. First it say 120 then 20 less than melting point. Did it melt at 20 less or just start to turn color.

Also how much powder did you put in and what was it on. If I remember correct you had 2g. So I'm guessing I told you to use 100mg?
:wavey: haha i love how your the only person who ever answers my posts 204 lol ur awesome. and as to ur question, yeah i turned off the oven at 420 and it started to change colors from white to yellow, and it wasn't like a liquid then but thats when it started to melt. I tried this at 400 and no melting occured. I again tried this method again just to be sure and I stopped the oven at about 430 and it turned into a white liquid. I don't know why the first test sample turned into a yellow liquid.

I hope this isn't fake gear but from the looks of the melting test it is. and since your soooo nice to me 204 can u pm me a source for anavar powder :bigok:
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Let me check on a couple things. I have no personal experience with anavar. I put my time into other compounds. I'll get back with you. In the morning if there are no post, bump this thread so it comes back to the top. There are some others who can help and like I said post this in the chemical study(I think) forum. It will get more replies there but may take a day or two.
Pretty sure impurities can affect the melting point too. Most of the powder you can buy is 95-99.5% pure iirc. 20 degrees just doesn't seem like that big of a deal to me. I might be wrong though.
thetemp of an oven is more accurate cooling off then heating up.. heat to a degree then shut off and apply your powder.. either way this isnt an easy or sure fire test.. the best thing would be to cap some up and eat em for a bit.. or send it to me ill tell yah if its legit.. instead of trying to bake a cake out of it
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Pickle makes a valid point. But honestly i can't understand your posts. was it 120degrees or 425 degrees?

Please clarify. MP tests are kind of stupid actually and even moreso f its a well known source for powders. And because impurities can cause such huge spikes in MP testing anyway, and the fact that conventional ovens are pretty lame testing vehicles, i'd say either trust it or don't. Buy 10g and eat it.

Easiest way to tell is by the texture. Anavar (var) is grainy like sand in its best form.

Of course, if you weren't trying to take such a gay drug like Anavar (var) , you wouldn't have this issue.
i'd say either trust it or don't. Buy 10g and eat it.

Easiest way to tell is by the texture. Anavar (var) is grainy like sand in its best form.

Like sugar maybe? What would Anavar (var) and Dbol taste like?