me when i was little

Yea you look like a little bitch :rolleyes:

How about some pics of you 'big'?
look real good, lots of ink. If i recall correctly you used to be fucking huge right. If its the same guy, you dialed in the diet real good.
jcp2 said:
look real good, lots of ink. If i recall correctly you used to be fucking huge right. If its the same guy, you dialed in the diet real good.
jcp im a l ot bigger now. lol, if its the same guy. yes bro this is me. those pics are from last spring/summer. im like 274lbs now. i dont like carrying alot of wieght during the warmer months.
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phatboy said:
jcp im a l ot bigger now. lol, if its the same guy. yes bro this is me. .
lol, not questioning if the pics are you, just couldn't remember if the pics i am thinking of are you. I will say you seem to know how to fluctuate weight, you keep a shitload of mass and get the abs looking nice.
Nice abs,chest,lats,arms, everything (your pics are giving me some motivation to get my lazy ass out of this computer chair right now lol)
Your pecs and tris sure didn't look "little" when you were 230!!! When will you post some "big" pics? You must be incredible at 274.
security1769 said:
how tall are you bud? you look good! what is your cycle history like?


i was on a tren only i believe on the pic. done alot more since then, but its time to cut and for me that means cut back on the gear. thanks for the props bros.
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