Mens Physique - "Pre Contest Cycle"


New member
Hi All,

Long time reader, first time poster. Competitive BBer/Physique. Multiple Cycles under my belt, and a vast experience with various Peptides.

I'm 10 weeks out from a Physique Contest. Below is an outline for what i'm doing ***8230;. any opinions are welcome & encouraged***8230;.. only as long as they're constructive in nature.

Brief Stats
230 pounds / 11-13% b.f off season.
550 squat (raw)
600 dead (raw)
350 bench (raw)
Training & Nutrition looked after by a top coach.

For the most part i'm doing my own drug protocol.

Goals for AAS use
Maintain mass during a caloric defecit
Overall wellbeing during dieiting
improved workouts during dieiting
Improved muscle conditioning not size (i have enough overall size for my division***8230;. muscularity can be marked down in MPD)

Tren Enth @ 200mg per week ***8230;***8230; monday/ friday
Masteron Prop @ 300mg per week ***8230;.EOD
Test Prop @ 200mg per week ***8230;. EOD
Liquid Femara (letro) .25mg EOD

GHRP2 @ 100mcg 1-4 times per day
MOD-GRF @ 100mcg 1-4 times per day

So there we have it ***8230;.. let me know what you think.
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You can diet down without anabolics but that's up to you.

No plan for a post cycle therapy (pct)? I would go ahead and lay that out and consider adding HCG.

I would stay away from Letro just because its so harsh. There are other AI's to use and that's why you should get bloodwork

I have a feeling you're going to be sore from pinning so much.

Goodluck and let us see the outcome
If that's you in the avi, big props to you and I tip my hat off to you. Very very nice results bro!!! I absolutely love the fact that despite you do physique competitions you lift HEAVY ASS WEIGHTS and have great numbers for a raw lifter. You could, and I'd suggest if not already doing it, enter into some powerlifting meets local to you. I think you'd have a lot of fun if you don't already do them. A 550raw squat is putting up some pretty big numbers!

As far as constructive critique I don't have much, you're following a very good path already lol. Your coach is obviously top notch considering you're numbers on the big 3 and BF % so there's not much to add there. Where are you sitting currently stats (Bf weight wise) 10wks out of the show? From my understanding, which is admittedly not as much as yours, men's physique is primarily concerned with leanness a bit more than total muscle mass where pros are more muscle mass. To me this means that your primary goal should be to get into as lean a state as possible while not at the expense of muscle mass.

Your cycle looks pretty solid and if you have a coach and prior experience like you mention than you know better than anyone how you'll respond to this cycle and what changes might be necessitated. As far as peptides, I have nothing useful to add and you would know more about them than I but maybe I can help with your Aromatase inhibitor (AI) problem.

My recommendation to you is to get a blood test ASAP. See this thread to get some very cheap options. In this case you are primarily concerned with E2 (we want to see if its high, low, or just right bc elevated E2 hinders fat loss and retains water in skeletal muscle and adipose tissue), liver enzyme values (tren has been shown to mess with liver even though its not alkylated at the 17th alpha position), and the RBC/HCT numbers (to see if your blood is "thick" and a donation is required).

Once you get these values we can start to adjust your Aromatase inhibitor (AI). Since you're running such a low dose test you may not need much Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and tren and mast Rent aromatizable compounds so they won't affect E2. If possible, drop the letro and pick up arimidex or exemestane. Both are available from our sponsor RUI at good prices and impeccable quality plus shipping times are unheard of! If you get the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) ASAP start it up before the blood test, adex should be run for several days before testing to stabilize levels and aromasin should be ran a week or more before testing. If you can't get them quick get the blood test first. Either way a great starting point for adex is .25mg EOD and aromasin would be 12.5-25mg/ED. Since you are worried about low E2 these dosages are pretty mild and shouldn't crash your levels but help put them back in range if out. Letro is an extremely potent Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and effective doses are measured in micrograms so .36mg is very possible to crash E2. It's so potent that unless you have experience running it and take the time to dial it in, you're much better of using adex or aromasin.

Hope that helps and best of luck in the comp! Bring us back a gold to show off for 'Ology :D
You can diet down without anabolics but that's up to you.

No plan for a post cycle therapy (pct)? I would go ahead and lay that out and consider adding HCG.

I would stay away from Letro just because its so harsh. There are other AI's to use and that's why you should get bloodwork

I have a feeling you're going to be sore from pinning so much.

Goodluck and let us see the outcome

When i diet down (naturally) i've always lost a TON of size. Also my prep would then have been say 22 weeks instead of 12.

Whats the best way to get blood-work done ? walk in clinic or TRT doctor ?

I'm considering Aromasin; but letro is in the equation because i have it handy. I figure because i only have 1 compound that converts; and only at 200mg(slightly above trt) that i might not even need one.

I've been pinning EOD for over 7 weeks now ; good source; no PIP.

Haven't layed out a PCT because i've been blasting and cruising so to speak since early this year. Reason being; i started a cycle in April, decided on this show a month or so into my cycle. decided that i did not wan't to come off only to jump back on weeks later without a lengthy recovery. I'll probably stay on two weeks post show before coming off.

Drop Mast & Tren Right after the show
for the next 2-3 weeks post show... use just prop @200-300mg per week.... while the tren clears.

3 weeks post show
Nolva= 25/20/10/10
Clomid= 50/25/25/10
HCG= 1750IU per week x 4 weeks

Will Have bloodwork done Before post cycle therapy (pct), and toward Week 4 of PCT to see how i am recovering. Prepared to meet with a TRT doc if my recovery does not go well.
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^^^how to get cheap,blood work done.

I'd get the aromasin or adex instead of letro. It will be very difficult finding the right dose of letro and its not forgiving like the other AI's.

A better PCT would be Nolva 40/40/20/20 or 40/20/20/20 and clomid at 50/50/25/25. If you blast Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) like that you will increase intra-testicular E2 which most AI's will not being down except for possibly letro. Plus the body can only metabolize so much at a given time. The best way to run Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is throughout the whole cycle at 250iu 2x/wk sub-q or IM doesn't matter so much. If you have it or can get it I'd recommend starting on that dose Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) immediately. If not use it 250-500iu EOD after your last pin and stop 4days before starting post cycle therapy (pct). you typically don't want to use Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) during PCT bc Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is suppressive. It mimics the LH secreted by the pituitary and binds to Ledyig cells in the testes to get your endogenous production working again. But by doing this the body sees no need for real LH and the pituitary will not release any keeping you further suppressed.

^^^how to get cheap,blood work done.

I'd get the aromasin or adex instead of letro. It will be very difficult finding the right dose of letro and its not forgiving like the other AI's.

A better PCT would be Nolva 40/40/20/20 or 40/20/20/20 and clomid at 50/50/25/25. If you blast HCG like that you will increase intra-testicular E2 which most AI's will not being down except for possibly letro. Plus the body can only metabolize so much at a given time. The best way to run HCG is throughout the whole cycle at 250iu 2x/wk sub-q or IM doesn't matter so much. If you have it or can get it I'd recommend starting on that dose HCG immediately. If not use it 250-500iu EOD after your last pin and stop 4days before starting post cycle therapy (pct). you typically don't want to use HCG during PCT bc HCG is suppressive. It mimics the LH secreted by the pituitary and binds to Ledyig cells in the testes to get your endogenous production working again. But by doing this the body sees no need for real LH and the pituitary will not release any keeping you further suppressed.

Great Advice :) i will look into running some HCG now.

Been on AAS since May. I started my off-season at 200pounds (8%), and my goal was to gain more LBM, brining up my arm's and chest. I ended my offseason @ 226 pounds (13%), adding some quality mass onto my frame.

4 weeks ago, i began my pre-contest program. I'm now into my second phase of it hovering @ 213-215 pounds (10%). So far this is the best i've ever looked at this weight, which is a good indicator that i've made some improvements in the off-season.

This week i added back in my letro @ .25mg EOD. Many will say it's unnecessary because of how low my test is. BUT i'm very sensitive to estrogen and prolactin (existing mild gyno) so i'm trying to keep it low.

Kill it this week guys.