Mercy labs help


Looking for a gear change
I used to use oxide labs and there shit from was bomb. then Imwasmtols mercy labs was a good replacement and I heard mercy had even better shit if you knew about them. If you know of the site or contact info could you pm me it to me, I couldmreally appreciate it. Btw my stats are 6'3, 250 and I'm 26. I hoping to get this cutting cycle runningnaround thecyear or as close to them as possible. Thanks bros
sorry dude not allowed to ask for a source.
but you said you used oxcide before why not use them again. still in action.
Sorry bros, My apologies, I thought that in this forum you were able to mention things like that. Oxides site is up but they are the process of going down... try emailing them.. anway, my bad, wont happen again