Methyl 1-Test Guinea Pig


New member
I haven't seen much discussion on S'ology about M1T, but on several other boards I read, the people seem to love the stuff. The most commonly recommended cycle I've seen is 2 weeks on, 2 weeks off, 2 weeks on, 10-20mg/ED, with post cycle therapy (pct) in the middle and after the 2nd run. I've also seen it recommended to do a 4 week cycle at 10-20mg/ED.

Well, in pursuit of better ways (and to be different), I have designed my own ramping cycle:

Week 1: 10 mg/ED
Week 2: 20 mg/ED
Week 3: 30 mg/ED

I've got Milk Thistle for my liver, Saw Palmetto for the prostate, and CoQ10 for the blood pressure, to help combat the sides I'll see. Nolva and clen are on hand for post cycle therapy (pct), so I am ready and willing to stop the cycle at the first sign of bad sides or stopped/slow gains.

I chose to not use 4-AD to combat lethargy, instead using B-12 if and when I need a pick-me-up.

Give me your thoughts, and I'll keep you posted with my results.

BTW, I currently weigh ~200, and I'd like to hit 215-220 by the end of this run, then cut.
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I'm running at 30mg a day since 12-24 and so far I'm not impressed, but many other people do love the crap out of it at 20-40mg.

I started out at 20mg and recently bumped it up because of the pathetic results.
prolonged doses higher than 20mg can make you put on water. it doesn't aromatize, but your kidneys will osmotically draw water and bloat you. those 200+ lbs or experienced gear users should stick with 20mg. all others should do 10mg daily. novices can see results with 5mg.
I ran 20mg for 2 weeks and put on 10lbs (was also running 300mg 1-test cyp and 375mg test enan) almost immediately..strength gains were minimal at best. I then stopped it for 2 weeks, during which my weight remained roughly the same, and then took it again for 2 weeks. I gained nothing (in terms of mass and strenght) during those 2 weeks, but was lethargic as hell.

The cycle was meant to be a cutter (I was at an 800-1000-calorie deficit!) yet I still put on 10-12lbs while looking noticeably leaner! I had my last shot last night so hopefully I won't lose too much after post cycle therapy (pct) (running clomid and nolva as usual).
Aznboy, IMO adding the M1T to the cyp and enth, is overkill. There's really no way to tell how much the M1T helped you, since you were using much stronger "real" juice.
Ok. I said I'd keep y'all updated on my progress (and I really need a place to keep my own records) so this is where my thread turns into more of a journal than a question/info about M1T.

These are my stats as of this morning, Day 1 Week 1:

Weight: 199.0 (Immediately after waking)
BF%: 14.0 (Immediately after waking)
Upper Arm (Biceps): Right Arm: 16.0" Left Arm: 15.33"
Forearms: 12.0"
Chest: 43.0"
Waist: 34.0"
Thighs: Right: 25.5" Left: 25.0"
Calves: 16.25"

I plan on updating this at 3 weeks and 5 weeks.
hornedfrogsAT said:
Aznboy, IMO adding the M1T to the cyp and enth, is overkill. There's really no way to tell how much the M1T helped you, since you were using much stronger "real" juice.

Not everybody here is going to be playing lab rat, I for one am not, I want results. What I dont want is to spend my life reviewing legal products. I wont run anadrol by itself either, and M1T is no exception, I am not running it alone.
Mudge said:
Not everybody here is going to be playing lab rat, I for one am not, I want results. What I dont want is to spend my life reviewing legal products. I wont run anadrol by itself either, and M1T is no exception, I am not running it alone.

I, for one, am not looking for massive gains in a minimal amount of time. I work around too many people that would see that and automatically know "juicer." (and would have me tested) And I DEFINITELY do not want that, as it could very easily affect my college education and planned career. That is why I fully intend to stay legal for at least another year, and only do my first cycle during the summer, when I can get a 10-12 week cycle done and cleared out by the time I could possibly be tested.

Based upon the results I've heard people have had with M-1-T alone, that seems to be what I want. Acceleration of gains and very keepable gains with proper PCT.
It's 2am at the end of day 6 of my 10mg/ED phase, and I'm bored so I'm gonna post measurements. (except for weight/bf%, since it is night, and I can't get a true weight) All of these measurements are cold once again, BTW.

Biceps: Rt. >16.25" Lt. 15 5/8"
Forearms: 12 1/8"
Chest: 43.5"
Thighs: No change
Calves: 16.5"

I'm sure that these are not pure muscle gains (hell, NOTHING can make a person grow that quick), so I'm sure that there is a hell of a lot of water weight in there.

Also, the stretch marks in my chest/armpit region that were beginning to go away have flaired up and are red again.
Aight, weight when I got up this morning, 206.6. This has been fluctuating from 206 up to 209 for the past 3 mornings.

VG, I hope you're being sarcastic.

Only sides I've had are killer pumps and lower back pain, but I haven't been able to figure out if that's from the deads Wednesday or M1T; have to wait and see if they go away I guess.
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Someone heavier on another board fluctuates 5 pounds every day on supplements or off, my body doesn't do that but its somewhat normal. He also gains a massive 1-1.5" on his waist by the end of the day, for me its about 1/2"!
Well, the reason I didn't post my waist measurements last night is that i measured out at 36" and I measure out at just shy of 34" in the morning. I fluctuate ~2" each day.
Ok, update time, as if anybody gives a shit.

Weight: ~210

Everybody talks about crazy ass pumps on this stuff, well I've got the numbers to prove it. Both chest and bicep measurements (M1T) are taken after a chest workout tonight versus chest after a chest workout and bi's after a bi specific workout pre M1T. The top number is cold (pre workout) and the bottom is pumped. I based arm measurements strictly on right arm (cuz it's bigger, lol) but the left had an equal pump.

On M1T:

Chest: 43.5" Biceps: 16.25"
45.0" 16.875"
------- ---------
diff. of 1.5" .625"

Before M1T cycle:

Chest: 43.0" Biceps: 16.0"
43.75" 16.375"
--------- ----------
.75" .375"

NO BULLSHIT NUMBERS. The huge pump claim (for me at least) is no bull. I've got double the size of the pumps at 8 days in.