mg/ml versus blood levels


New member's been a while since I've seen it but I know that there is an excel spread sheet that someone made out there that shows the relation between how much you inject per week to what your blood levels should be approximately X weeks on cycle on then going off.

I'm supposed to have a testosterone serum check in approx 3 months and I want to do a small 4-6 wk cycle then I'm hoping that about 6 weeks will be enough to get them down to where they are now....
malibu350 said:'s been a while since I've seen it but I know that there is an excel spread sheet that someone made out there that shows the relation between how much you inject per week to what your blood levels should be approximately X weeks on cycle on then going off.

I'm supposed to have a testosterone serum check in approx 3 months and I want to do a small 4-6 wk cycle then I'm hoping that about 6 weeks will be enough to get them down to where they are now....

4-6 week cycle of test wont even be worth it. or are you talking about doing an oral cycle?
hmmm i don't think that is a good mix right there i would drop the Winstrol (winny) and take the test enen..200 mg to 250 mg..but thats just me..
Personally I would not run a short cycle like that. And NEVER with test E...
Use prop or something if you want some acutall gains from it.
What Bast said. A long ester test usually takes 2-4 weeks just to kick in. Use Prop if anything. Many guys have had great results on 6 week cycles, look at DocJ.
I used that combo...winny, tri-tren, and deca the last 6 weeks of my last cycle and I got a lot harder and leaner...then got in a car accident....and didn't work out for 2 and 1/2 months and gained back 35 lbs...

I was just hoping that this cycle would help push me back to where I was...the last few inches around my waist are not coming off like they did before....I'm down to 150g of carbs a day...and doing 45 mins of cardio every's just frustrating....

and the reason i'm doing such a short cycle is because I went to the doctor because I was experiencing nipple discharge and he ordered full blood/hormone tests.....the only thing that came back abnormal was my testosterone....I've been off cycle since early April of this year....and my total testosterone was around 160ng/dl. They want me to wait aproximately 3-4 months and then come back in for blood tests.....they may prescribe some test if they are still low then....and if it's prescribed then my insurance will cover some of the expense.....I of course know that my levels are low because of my last post cycle therapy (pct) was interrupted at the begining of my 3rd week by the car accident and that threw me off....

but anyways...bottom line free gear is free gear....more money for food or glutamine or something :)

I would just like to get a cycle in that is going to help me get back to where i was at and give me enough time to get my levels back to where they currently are when I go back in to the doc in 3 months. Any opinions/suggestions are welcome. Thanks!
So let me get this straight. You wanna sandbag your test levels so you can get Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)? Haha. Sounds like something id try. Use test prop for 8 weeks and just time the blood test so its about 3-4 weeks after your last injection. If you really wanna make sure then dont do any post cycle therapy (pct) till after the blood test. Only prob with that is you might risk losing some of your new gains. Anyway you look at it theres gonna be a catch.
Why anyone would want to have to inject themselves every week for the rest of their lives unless they absolutely had to is beyond me...
I don't want to inject myself every week for the rest of my life...just until i'm done with bodybuilding....

and yes I guess you could say that I want to sandbag it....they should have prescribed it to me alread but they think that it will just fix it self over after a couple months...
malibu350 said:
I don't want to inject myself every week for the rest of my life...just until i'm done with bodybuilding

Thing is, do you really plan to be "DONE" with bodybuilding? This is something for life bro.

Personally someday (as late as possible) I'll probably start testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) on myself. But not until I seriously have to or I become pro. And that will also be for life.
Bast said:
Thing is, do you really plan to be "DONE" with bodybuilding? This is something for life bro.

Personally someday (as late as possible) I'll probably start testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) on myself. But not until I seriously have to or I become pro. And that will also be for life.

I guess you are right.....when are you ever truly done...especially after having the same lifestyle for the majority of your life....kiinda like the retire...but your never really done
malibu350 said:
I guess you are right.....when are you ever truly done...especially after having the same lifestyle for the majority of your life....kiinda like the retire...but your never really done

Thats what I was getting at. Once you start juicing you most likely will never stop. If that means running 1 cycle a year, running year long trying to make it or just something little we all will most likely never be off totally.

But hell, I'll be the horniest 70 year old ever :)