Microdiscectomy (L5/S1) Back in Action


New member
Alright All,
I was a good football, baseball player in HS. I was offered scholarships for both, particularly baseball which I got D1 offers from Purdue, PSU, Pitt and many D2 for both sports. I ended up being offered a full ride from the USMC via the ROTC program at UPENN. To cut to the chase, I fell off of the stairway to heaven on a field ex. I severely herniated my disc at l5s1, so no more USMC for me. No scholarship=no college.
I finally got back into school this past semester and got straight A's. So everything is rock and roll except my back. Two years after the injury I had tried every therapy, epidurals, yatayatayata... I FINALLY was able to have the surgery (procedure was done 12/26/2013). Probably a lot of you have/are currently going through disc herniation or other problems. So this could be a useful log for you. I also work at a chiropractic therapy office to make money for school, so I have experience and some expertise in the matter. Questions welcomed.
Now that the microdiscectomy is finished, and I feel nearly as good as I did in high school however I still have 3 more weeks before I am allowed to do any real work in the gym. I have my 4th cycle on the way and am psyched about it. After 6 months without being able to lift heavy, I'm 6'1", 205 lbs down from 225 at the end of my last cycle. First tren run. I'm thinking 100 mg's EOD combined with 60 mg's EOD test prop (that's the proportions it comes in [premixed in vial]).
I'll try to post as much as possible and get some B&A pics up. I intend to lift often but obviously for the next 6months to a year deadlifts and squats will be light or even non existent, I suppose that we will see how I feel. To compensate for the lack of these lifts I am going to be using machines (yay -_- ) for my legs and probably being creative with my lower back (hey if anyone has some good lifts for my purposes, let me know!). But upper body should be gtg. Wish me luck and I hope that you all enjoy it and can get some insight into your own cycles/ injury recoveries.
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Alright so I am 6 weeks removed from my surgery. I work in a chiropractic therapy clinic right now, and my doctors told me to go ahead and start working out, and "if it hurts don't do it... "
So a week ago I began working back into things. I am keeping my back straight, benching with light dumbells, lat pulldowns, as far as legs go, there's very limited options. Obviously squats and deads are out of the question (perhaps forever)... but I use the machines and because its been a few months, i really feel sore after I get off the machines. I haven't started a cycle yet, I want to get my weight back up before then and heck, I am gaining a lot fast just because of the length of the break.
The back is fine but it does get sore, when it does I just call it a day. It feels WAYYYYY better than it did pre surgery. A Ruptured disc can really lay you out but the microdiscectomy is something i recommend to anyone with the similar problem. Sciatic pain is 99% gone. Between work and school its enough to keep me occupied on rest days. And I am lucky to be able to do therapy at work. So there's a 6 week out update,
Alright fellas,
So my story is now this. I started running my tren A and test enth cycle 3 weeks ago the tren is at 50mgs/day and test 2x per week at 400mgs per week total. First tren cycle so I did not really know what to expect. So far, things are okay. Pros and cons all over the place. I am up to 217 lbs as of this morning. I did manage to bench 350 one rep yesterday fairly easily without "kipping" with my legs and w/o arching my back. I am eating like a mofo, 5000 calories/day, clean less my guilty lunch pleasure of 2 chick fil a sandwiches, which are not too bad from the macro standpoint. I am running this to gain mass not to look like a holister model, so I can deal with a little excess until towards the end of the cycle. Although I had surgery recently I had not lost much strength from where I left off training (which was part of my reasoning for kicking off the cycle). I am making pretty incredible gains with a low dosage of tren, and from the mirror test, it is solid stuff not water.
Now, the tren sides are fairly kicking my ass. I do not feel sleepy, I am pretty much functioning on 4-5 hours of sleep and laying awake the rest of the night. When I do sleep, I have intense, vivid nightmares and wake up sweating (not puddles of sweat like i have heard of, but significant enough to note it here) My gf I have been dating a lil over a year is aware of this cycle and luckily is supporting me despite the fact that I have become an emotional trainwreck. I am super "jealous" or "paranoid" lately. I am always that way bc I am a man and shes my woman but I usually keep it to myself whereas lately i just hit the warpath at the first sign of a rival male... I assume this is because of the tren. At work I want to strangle patients (but then again I always do), but so far am able to realize when im raging and just evade conflict.
All in all, I am holding up okay through it and the gains outweigh the costs. Could use some input regarding the emotional melodrama from someone EXPERIENCED with tren, hypothetical whims need not reply.