Mid Blood Work 500mg test only. 5831 ng/dl

Since I inject every Mon morning and Thurs morning I was told to do bloods Wednesday. I think there's a thread on here that debates whether or not a long ester can alter your T levels if you do bloods the same day. If I remember correctly the consensus was that it'd only raise it a few hundred ng/dl's. Hopefully this thread didn't start an argument or people doubting their gear when they are at the 3000 ng/dl levels for 500mg test e. I'm getting everything from "Tell me what else you're running bro" to "your AI is bunk".

Nope, you're fine. They've just had quite a bit of higher dosed stuff going out I guess. Peak is still 48hrs (once you're at saturation) post injection, I'm assuming 3J just misread it. :)

This just serves as a fantastic example as to why we recommend blood tests so much. Nothing wrong with higher dosed gear, just have to be able to adjust AI use accordingly. :)
Overdose gear is no better then under dosed gear. How will you ever know the truth of labs? Just saying...
Nope, you're fine. They've just had quite a bit of higher dosed stuff going out I guess. Peak is still 48hrs (once you're at saturation) post injection, I'm assuming 3J just misread it. :)

This just serves as a fantastic example as to why we recommend blood tests so much. Nothing wrong with higher dosed gear, just have to be able to adjust AI use accordingly. :)

I agree that it's nice to get more than what you paid for.. but if I was self managing TRT for example and was trying to use the same stuff he has right now, I'd be in a little trouble lol

500mg a week had me at 2200 trough. His readings are over double that!???

I just make it easy and do just under 1ml of 250mg/ml test per week for my cruise. If I was using PSL that I used for cycle.. I'd be pretty well off.. 1200-1300 peak / 900-1100 trough. If I used his.. I'd be blasting on my cruise dose. And that's not cool...

Thank god for bloodworks though.. after 5 weeks it'd be pretty easy to make an adjustment here and dial it down to 1/4 the dose. But hopefully estrogen wouldn't be out of control before that time.. Tricky.

As Buzz said.. makes the consistency of the labs product questionable. Especially when I have previous experience with this lab, and having LESS THAN HALF the readings at trough, I'm very skeptical now because of this. Oh well, I grew like a fucking weed on 2100 ng/dl with 3J's help :D
You can experiment on your own, and I would recommend that vs taking my word for it, but I peak about 36 hrs after injection (test cyp). Trough readings are always going to be right before the next injection starts to soak in. I have a stack of BW that I'm basing my observation on...but that's just me.
From all I've read, your experience seems right. I've also read that E2 follows T. And I know from the last 2 plus years, that I start to notice my high E2 symptoms about 36 hours post injection, if I haven't taken my anastrozole by then.
I got my mid cycle blood work back today as well and my test levels came back at 5370 and estradiol came back at 47.
The above numbers are from 250mg twice weekly shots of GP test cyp, .5mg of arimdex daily and 250IU twice weekly shots of HCG.
So clearly my gear is also way over dosed. So I'm bumping my dex to 1mg daily for the rest of my cycle.
Not to hijack your thread but we have very similar blood results from the same amount of gear.
Also my hematocrit came back at 54.1... so im assuming I need to give blood asap before I stroke out?

WHOA!! Don't get crazy. Your E2 isn't that high. You will crash your shit fast if you take 1mg a day. You need to take into consideration also which test you got when you did bloods. If you got the regular essay while doing blood work your e2 can be high by about 10 or so points. If your feeling good, erections are good and you have zero problems don't take any more Adex. Thats a problem waiting to happen
WHOA!! Don't get crazy. Your E2 isn't that high. You will crash your shit fast if you take 1mg a day. You need to take into consideration also which test you got when you did bloods. If you got the regular essay while doing blood work your e2 can be high by about 10 or so points. If your feeling good, erections are good and you have zero problems don't take any more Adex. Thats a problem waiting to happen

I appreciate the concern, I did however fail to mention slightly tender nipples, so I did end up upping to 1mg a day with 20mg of nolva and so far I am feeling just as great and sensitivity around the nipples has gone away almost completely. I guess taking around a gram of test and thinking it's only 500mg will do that.
I honestly feel no different now then I did taking .5 so based on this I am stupidly assuming my e2 hasn't quite crashed. I'd take .75mg but I don't have anything that I can cut the halves with that doesn't crush them to powder.
I'm also contemplating swapping my adex for exemestane as I've got a 60ml bottle laying around and it's liquid form so much easier to dose appropriately.