From Grafix:
Blessed Thistle
Cnicus benedictus
Parts Used: Flowers, Leaves, Stems
Phytochemicals: beta-carotene, beta-sitosterol, cnicin, ferulic acid, kaempferol, luteolin, oleanolic acid, stigmasterol
Nutrients: Calcium, essential fatty acids, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, silicon, zinc, Vitamins B1, B2, B3, and C
This, IMO is another very good, but unheard of herb. How many of you have heard of Blessed Thistle? Well, it is also called St. Benedict Thistle and Holy Thistle. But you will be amazed as to what this herb can do for you.
Caution: should be handled with care to avoid toxic skin effects.
Known Uses for Blessed Thistle:
- Stimulates the appetite
- stimulates stomach secretions
- heals the liver
- lessons inflammation
- cleanses the blood
- improves circulation
- strengthens the heart
- may act as 'brain food'
- good for female disorders
- increases milk flow in nursing mothers
BTW, i have never had the opportunity to get my hands on some of this Blessed Thistle, but this older guy was telling me about it, i had know idea what it was util i did a little research. If you know where to get some, PM me!
Milk thistle is the most researched and best understood of all the medicinal herbs. Several studies have confirmed the most significant property of Milk Thistle: the ability to protect and help rejuvenate the liver. Milk Thistle has been used medically to heal the liver since the middle of the first century. When Milk Thistle is taken with other herbs such as dandelion, artichokem and licorice, liver protection and bile excretion (important for lowering cholesterol levels) are enhanced.
Functions of the Liver:
- Filters the blood for bacteria that enters your body
- Converts carbohydrates and proteins into fat, and stores it for later use
- Stores Vit. A, D, and B12 and minerals like copper and iron until they are needed
- Converts sugar into glycogen and stores it until the muscles need energy
- Synthesizes triglycerides and cholesterol
- Makes and secretes the bile needed in the digestion of fats
- Makes urea from CO2 and ammonia
- Produces hundreds of enzymes needed for digestion and other bodily functions
- Breaks down medications so you can use them effectively
- Metabolizes alcohol and other toxins
- Activates and metabolizes hormones
- Produces clotting factors to help the blood clot
What Milk Thistle Does for the Liver:
- The medicinal parts of the Milk Thistle plant are the seeds and the fruit, when it ripens, the fruit contains 3 powerful compounds, collectively called Silymarin
- Milk Thistle is a powerful antioxidant (protects liver from oxidation)
- The silymarin in Milk Thistle protects the liver from harmful toxins and helps treat liver diseases
- Milk Thistle can prevent or reduce medication-induced liver damage
- Since the liver can regenerate, like blood and skin (both organs) when damaged, silymarin helps the liver regenerate itself by stimulating growth of liver cells
Standard Dosages:
Ussually 140mg-300mg, 2-3 times daily. However, pay attention to the Silymarin content. I found a good product, produced by NOW Foods, it's 300mg Silymarin, 100mg Dandelion Root Extract, 50mg Artichoke Extract. There are 100 servings per bottle, 100 capsules, pretty cheap as well.
- Steven Foster Group. The Milk Thistle Silybum marium. Accessed: 10/25/2002. <>.
- Blumenthal M., Goldberg A., Brinkmann J., ed. Milk Thistle Fruit. Herbal Medicne Expanded. Austin, TX.: American Botanical Council; Integrative Medicine Communications; 2000: 257-263.
- Robbers J. E., Tyler V.E. Tyler's Herb of Choice. Bringhampton, NY. The Hawthorn Herbal Press: 1999: 76-79.
From Me.....
These companies have served me well over the years, just thought I'd share some info.....I pay for everything 100% in case any of you are wandering!!!!! Again, I'm NOT pushing these products, merely sharing them in the event you need a some help in this arena.
For ALA: I rotate between Ulter's r-ALA and Anabilical's ALA
For Milk Thistle: and Nature' (both GREAT)
For Tyler's Liver Detox: Ulter's store
Ulter's Store:
(If you're like me and hate ordering from 10 different place: He also carries Milk thistle)
Another GREAT product: Liv 52