Milk thistle between cycles


New member
Hey guys. IM JUSt curious, if i take milk thistle between cycles, will it speed up my liver recovery time so i will be better off when i start the next cycle? And will taking the milk thistle for that anount of time hinder the gains of my next run? I know that it can if taken during, but just not sure if it will be any different if i take it for 3 months straight before starting up again
Nac is N aceytl cystine, It is taken to protect your liver when running orals at around 1200-1880mgs/day. Its a supplement that rui (top of page) sells and one of the only 2 i know of that actually help the liver as far as protecting from and reversing damage from using oral compounds.
I use udca and have been meaning to try NAC. I think Ill pick some up for my next cycle. I have heard some people run it all the time anyway? This true?
What the heck is NAC? Sorry I am new here and not sure what you guys are talking about..

Welcome to the forum. You should make an intro thread here when you get a chance.

As Jimi said It is for the liver and I also Highly recommend it as well, Over milk thistle any day.