Milk thistle???


New member
When running dbol at 40mg per day for a 4 week kickstart to 12 week test E cycle, how many mg of milk thistle is advised to be taken?

I have 380mg milk thistle tabs at the moment!!!

And also im getting alot of different answers as to wether or not milk thistle is ABSOLOUTELY essential,and wether it can actually hinder some of the gains you can achieve.

I dont know Im just looking some answers from you guys.

760 mg a day could be good enough during the kick boy.

... obviously... it doen't make nothing anabolics, or either keeping gain.

it just protect your liver.
I bought some milthistle by vitamin worl or vitamin shoppe that was 1000mg and thats what I ran ed.
Hey youngbuck milkthistle will protect your liver & to help add more protection use lily of the dersert it is a detoxifying formula you can buy this product at vit-shoppe it works if you need more info contact me your friend in iron dynoman happy holidays
i always use milk thistlle..but would rather get liv 52..thats 4 sure
yeah...that would be sweet...milk thistle is ok for tree huggers....but i need something a lil more protecting of my shit.....
yeah...that would be sweet...milk thistle is ok for tree huggers....but i need something a lil more protecting of my shit.....

You can't get Liv52 there? Go on Vitamin shoppes web page and order it. Or won't they ship it? I'll frickin send it to you if they don't.
yeah man i like the best way to look after ur liver is not to put anything in you that would compromise like SHUT THE FACK UP FLEA-BAG...