mini cut with t3?? suggestions ?


New member
have put on a few pounds, sitting around 15%bf.. ive never used t3 before (Always clen) and was wondering the standard protocol of a mini cut with t3? (obviously ill be eating a bit under maintenence cals and adding cardio )

running tren, test and tbol all at around 500mg pw... the tbol i start today @ 50mg to 60mg

is it possible to run t3 at something like 3-4 weeks and lose bodyfat? i have 20mcg tabs what would be the best way to go about it?
Running tren at 15% bf...your fat should be literally melting away. Why fuck with your thyroid? I say FUCK NO dont do it
you need to look at your diet... on tren it should be easy..

so diet is likely the factor..

why dont you tell us some more about yourself?

training history
exact cycle layout, are you taking an ai?
about to turn 30
been training for most of my life, but serious for 2 and a half years (4-6days pw never missing a sesh)
500 test e, 500 tren a, and recently started tbol will do 60mg, and possibly go higher after i gauge tolerance... also i blast and cruise now ,,
i was running nolva but switching to adex
i am losing bodyfat, its just not 'melting' away haha, i ended up starting the t3 at 20 mcg yesterday ... i honestly think my tren is smashing my thyroid, ive read plenty of studies to suggest this so i thought what harm could it do if i do a short t3 cycle?? ive never used t3 and would like to know how my body reacts also.. plus ive read on here a fair few times that t3 is safe if not abused... i dont even want to go above 40mcg
20mcg t3 will not make you lose weight. That is a replacement therapy dose. You are shutting down your normal production and replacing it with the same amount.
Before you go with t3 be more patient and see if you can cut calories more.
I did use t3 but I wish I didn't and never will again. Same with clen.
Unless u are hitting the stage u just don't need either of them.
Cut them calories and if it gets tough drink black sugarless jello... make zucchini noodles or buy miracle noodles on amazon. At some point with the deficit and the tren you will lose that fat.
Bro sounds to me you are relying on the drugs to take the weight off you. As many others obviously do also. You need to learn your body. Post your diet I guarantee that is where the trouble lies. are you counting macros? What are your macros? Be honest with your response or we can't truly help you. I have never ran tren and I always get down to single digit bf easily being consistant and dedicated. If I only have 160 carbs for the day once I hit my carbs that's it I won't cheat even a little bit. It all comes down to how bad ylu want it and do you really put in the work to be at a low bf. Trust me you don't need t3 or clen or eca anyone tells you it's required or necessary is full of shit
have put on a few pounds, sitting around 15%bf.. ive never used t3 before (Always clen) and was wondering the standard protocol of a mini cut with t3? (obviously ill be eating a bit under maintenence cals and adding cardio )

running tren, test and tbol all at around 500mg pw... the tbol i start today @ 50mg to 60mg

is it possible to run t3 at something like 3-4 weeks and lose bodyfat? i have 20mcg tabs what would be the best way to go about it?
main focus should be diet, but yes T3 can help out. 40-60mcg ed, some use more but i dont rec much, not worth risk of extra muscle loss, but being on aas helps in that regard.
So what this is a cutting cycle or is it a recomp? Have you ever used tren before? Its nutrient partitioning properties or just its potency as an androgen will allow you to drop bf super easily while maintaining or even gaining muscle in some cases. You prob dont need the t3 but if your gonna use it id run it at 40mcg/day.