Mixing Adex


Delectable Injectables
Was gonna mix up some adex.

.1g + 100ml of everclear for a 1mg/ml oral mix. Gonna put it in sterile vial and then draw with a slin pin to take what I need, prob 25mcg eod.

Just wondering if anyone had any probs mixing adex up like this, thought I read about some things clumping when mixing with EC like nolva and clomid. Thanks
Arimidex goes into EC at 1mg/mL no problem.

I'll assume that 25mcg you mentioned is a typo. Maybe you mwant 250mcg (.25mg)?

I use a dropper bottle, although I'm kind of short on them now and need to find a place to get more.
Meant 250mcg, sry. Haven't decided whether to go with .25 or .5 eod yet.

Droppers are fairly accurate though? Was hesitant about using one.
Just pull the back off a syringe barrel and use the dropper to put the adex in in, count how many drops you need to get to .25mL and that's how you dose it. Or put a mark on the dropper itself how much solution you need to draw up it to get .25mL
i dont like to mix it with alcohol this is better ,1g a-dex 250ml glycerine 10ml ba and the rest water to make it 1 liter (1mg/ml)and it doesent taste bad.
bmass said:
i dont like to mix it with alcohol this is better ,1g a-dex 250ml glycerine 10ml ba and the rest water to make it 1 liter (1mg/ml)and it doesent taste bad.
The glycerine itself tastes good, right? But the BA is nasty?

Just curious: why don't you like to mix it with alcohol? Is the alcohol just too strong for your liking?

Also, where'd you buy the glycerine and for how much? I'm trying to figure out the cheapest place to get it.
mranak said:
The glycerine itself tastes good, right? But the BA is nasty?

Just curious: why don't you like to mix it with alcohol? Is the alcohol just too strong for your liking?

Also, where'd you buy the glycerine and for how much? I'm trying to figure out the cheapest place to get it.
10ml ba out of a liter is very little so theres no problems there and yes the glycerine gives it a sweet taste and first even if its just a little you shouldnt take meds with alcohol and i dont like the taste and high proof alcohols are impossible to get here in sweden i got my glycerine from researchlabsupply.com
don't use peg... plenty of reasons why...

mainly - you'll never be able to use all of the active ingredient you ingest...
You can probably make a suspension with oil, but somebody will need to confirm. A suspension might not be very accurate with something like Arimidex that is dosed so low.

I think EC is sold at package stores in states where it is legal.
bmass said:
i dont like to mix it with alcohol this is better ,1g a-dex 250ml glycerine 10ml ba and the rest water to make it 1 liter (1mg/ml)and it doesent taste bad.

I think I may do this since I have an order coming from Rlabsupply soon anyways. I'd prob be mixing .1g adex + 25ml glyc + 1ml ba + water until 100ml.

Can anyone say for sure whether consuming minute amounts of BA for a mix like this is dangerous? I'd have to travel to another state to buy EC, grain shit is hard to find near me so this would be much easier for me to concoct.
A-10 said:
I think I may do this since I have an order coming from Rlabsupply soon anyways. I'd prob be mixing .1g adex + 25ml glyc + 1ml ba + water until 100ml.

Can anyone say for sure whether consuming minute amounts of BA for a mix like this is dangerous? I'd have to travel to another state to buy EC, grain shit is hard to find near me so this would be much easier for me to concoct.

You could try 151. I had good results with clomid at 67mg/ml and nolva at 20mg. Although with adex you might noit wanna fuck around bc of the extremely low dosing.
Try www.lemelange.com for dropper bottles. They also sell everything else like sterile vials, bottles, oils, EO, peg, bc water, flavoured water if you swing that way, needles and all the over shit you could ever need for making your homebrew - except the powders of course.
Dirt cheap too.