mixing Fina and Test E


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mixing Fina and Test E

Can i mix fina that has been converted into crystals ( 4 g ) into 50 cc of QV ethanate . Will it stay in the solution , or do i have to add extra ba. or is it just better to make the tren into it's own seperate solution .
Why would you want to do something like that? Fina needs to be injected ED or EOD, but Enan only needs to be administered 2x per week.

You are better off making a separate vial of tren, rather than mixing the two.
true, make it separate dude.
4g of fina is 2 cart at 2000mg a cart dissolved in 50ml/cc
of Test Eth would put you tren at what 80mg/ml
given trens half life, at 80mg/ml twice a week is not even close to what you'll need. you'll just be wasting the tren.
i planned on running tren eod and ethanate eod i just though it would be easier to combine them . ill run both for 15 weeks along with some other goodies i've been saving up . I ll take your advice and put the tren in a seperate vial , thanks .
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Really "animal" thats just the first cycle of the year , its just a warm up for the round to come. One of my friends was over yesterday and we started talking , i told him i was going to do a 15 weeker and he laughed .he thought i was joking , but then again he's been on 2 grams of test a week for two straight years , plus tren for the past six months and he's never been off not even a week he's the animal . But he's fucking HUGE
You could add it fine. Id say you will need to add at least a ml or 2 of BA though and maybe even some oil if the injections sting.

I always mix everything together like that. Remeber when you add though, you decrease your Enantahte concentration as well.