You're best to do a Google search on... "how to mix hCG."
Then read this thread by 3J on how to store hCG.
Moving forward you will most likely find is easier to purchase hCG in 5,000 iu's - rather than 10,000.
By using 5,000 iu's you won't have to freeze it... but it should be refrigerated, and wrapped in foil
to preserve it's lifespan.
The lifespan is around a month when refrigerated - however I've been running 500 iu's twice a week (1,000 per week)
making it a five week cycle, which would make it a little less potent for the last week - give or take...
Regardless of the lifespan, this has been the perfect mix for all of my cycles - big or small, while blasting and cruising over the last five years.
Keep us posted on how it's working for you.