Mixing two different compounds in one vial


New member
Do you reken its possible to mix two vials? same or different oil based?
so for example, can Test Prop and Masteron Prop be mixed into same vial and drawn at once to inject? as they are of same oil based, wouldnt it mix nicely and drawn equally when i draw into the syringe? i know there are pre-mixed products of two so.... i dunno

Also, what if i mix Test E and Deca, they two are using different oil based enanthate and decanoate, would it not mix and stay seperated? if i shake it before i draw, would it help? but there are also pre-mix products like Sustanon.

I dont know...
reason im asking is cuz, im currently on 100mg test P eod and 50mg mast eod. and when i put draw them one after the other, i seem to have some problem drawing exactly 1ml, and 0.5ml, ive only used ampoule products before, so,, im kinda new to this vial thing.

if its not a good idea... is there a technique where i can draw exact amount of each compounds? i seem to have some problem because of that little tip on the syringe where you put your needle on...

any help appreciated.
Don't mix them in the vial. Draw one into your dart, then draw the other and inject.....mix in the syringe.

Oils with oils. I would avoid oils with waters (example HCG with Test C).
You mixing compounds into one vial is not the same as compounds that are premixed. In otherwords, if you mix test e @ 250mg/ml with deca at 250mg/ml. You will now have test and deca @125mg/ml. When compounds sre premixed, like sust for example, the hormones are mixed, then added to the same amount of oil. This way you still hsve 250mg/ml.
Hope yhst makes sense.
In other words, there is no benefit to mixing them yourself.
You mixing compounds into one vial is not the same as compounds that are premixed. In otherwords, if you mix test e @ 250mg/ml with deca at 250mg/ml. You will now have test and deca @125mg/ml. When compounds sre premixed, like sust for example, the hormones are mixed, then added to the same amount of oil. This way you still hsve 250mg/ml.
Hope yhst makes sense.
In other words, there is no benefit to mixing them yourself.

Umm.... Yea i know i majored in physics... I know my math of course im gonna draw 2mls of mixed compound everytime i inject..
You can mix the oils together. These guys don't know what they are talking about. Mix them, apply some heat, swirl it around and you'll be fine.

look im not sure if you can mix them in one vial or not but i do know that you should not take this guys word for it. hes a retard and advocates oral only cycles.

@bighorse stop giving people advice
look im not sure if you can mix them in one vial or not but i do know that you should not take this guys word for it. hes a retard and advocates oral only cycles.

@bighorse stop giving people advice

Lol fair enough
Then how do i draw exactly 1ml and then .5ml of the other drug? Cuz its always a bit short when i do the last injection of the vial which would mean that ive been drawing more than a ml each time i inject. Any techniques?
Lol fair enough
Then how do i draw exactly 1ml and then .5ml of the other drug? Cuz its always a bit short when i do the last injection of the vial which would mean that ive been drawing more than a ml each time i inject. Any techniques?

imsure you are not that far off to make a difference but if it matters that much to you you could always just do two injections.

remember though that you always lose some because every time you inject some stays trapped in the needle so its normal to come up short
Lol fair enough
Then how do i draw exactly 1ml and then .5ml of the other drug? Cuz its always a bit short when i do the last injection of the vial which would mean that ive been drawing more than a ml each time i inject. Any techniques?

You are always going to lose a little every time you inject. You can put an air bubble in the syringe, which will push all the oil out of the barrel and pin.

Either way, you always tend to lose a little from each injection, so order a few extra mls per cycle.
Your putting too much thought in to it. Draw 1ml from one bottle, then draw .5ml from the other, stick it in your fucking muscle and push the plunger down.
I'm new here but I'm guessing the little red things under you name indicate either you have given bad information....or you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground. Incouraging someone to risk contamination or cross contamination would indicate a combination of both. I love how you tell the guy to "add some heat" yet you leave out the small detail of heating in a vial requires venting the vial.

You can mix the oils together. These guys don't know what they are talking about. Mix them, apply some heat, swirl it around and you'll be fine.
look im not sure if you can mix them in one vial or not but i do know that you should not take this guys word for it. hes a retard and advocates oral only cycles.

@bighorse stop giving people advice

I dunno man , u posted something normal but I find myself laughing to death..
Keep those coming up bro. Lmao.
To answer your question, no, it is not a good idea to mix two compounds in the same vial. Drawing them into the same barrel from different vials for one shot is fine, but mixing them in the same vial will create exactly that, a mixture....not a solution. A mixture is not evenly distributed and will offer different concentrations in different parts of the liquid which makes it impossible to get presice dosages of each compound. So it's better just to keep them seperate. If your shot is off by a couple tengths of a ml it's not a big deal..Rarely do I have exactly 1 cc left at the end of a bottle.

Compounds that are sold already mixed are made by mixing the raw powders of the different compounds in the same BA, BB , and oil...so although there are different compounds and even different mg's per ml, they are part of the same solution. Very different to mixing oils (even if it's the same kind of oil) ...and IMO it sounds cool but not very practical.
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It will never mix perfectly, you will never know what percentage of each you have drawn even if you draw the correct amount of oil.
You mixing compounds into one vial is not the same as compounds that are premixed. This is true In otherwords, if you mix test e @ 250mg/ml with deca at 250mg/ml. You will now have test and deca @125mg/ml. This is not true, if you mix them like that you will have unequal parts testosterone and nandrolone in each ml. When compounds sre premixed, like sust for example, the hormones are mixed, then added to the same amount of oil. This way you still hsve 250mg/ml. And this is just a confusing, incorrect statement.. Sustanon only has one hormone, testosterone. Mixing of hormones and mixing of esters is a COMPLETELY different concept.