MK-677 cycle and possible log


New member
Ordering MK tomorrow and possibly logging it here. I just finished 1 month nolva/clomid and looking for something non-suppressive to play around with. Who here has experience using huperzine with MK? SHould I order it too? Also, what supps to take against water retention? Dandelion root? I have some aromasin on hand but dont think water retention from MK is due to E2. How bad is the water retention for those bros who have run MK? Is it kinda like the bloat from creatine?

Ive been eating 4000 calories throughout PCT. I am not losing or gaining so 4000 is about my maintenance. Looking to run MK to gain some lean muscle and not gain fat while going slightly above 4000. Maybe 4300-4500. Are there any other non-suppressive supps I could take to help me?

ALso going to order kratom for stimulant and sleep. Do you guys get the white for stim and red for sleep?
I love it. Id take an 82mg enteric aspirin daily. It handles the bloat beautifully. I started to get a bit of tightness in my hands about 4-5 days in with mk so I started the aspirin and from then on bloat was no issue.
I am on the day 10 of MK-677. So far so good. I have improved sleep and crazy dreams. I have good pumps at the workouts. I will be stacking MK-677 with S4 as soon as I receive it. I'm planning to run it for at least 8 months. As far as side I do feel tired during the day. I can name it as Lethargy. But no big deal. I will start taking preworkouts again to kinda push me further and I take potassium pills for water retention and I eat banana, potato etc.

Oh also, I got it from Rui-Products. They will have a labor day sale tomorrow which you could get up to %45 discount. I hope they put MK-677 on the discount so that I can stock up for another 3-4 months :p

Good luck. Let me know how it goes with you. I will stop by and we can compare the effects.
I'm in my 3rd month of running RUI's MK as well. I had some bloat at first mostly in my feet and ankles. It was never too extreme and it subsided after a while. Considered the aspirin strategy but it wasn't necessary in the end.

I also dialed back my dose from 20 to 15mg. Something else I changed mid-way is that I switched to taking it in the morning - too close to bedtime it messed up with my sleep pretty badly. Also agree with the mid-day lethargy side but it's getting better little by little. On the plus side - faster recovery, hardly ever get DOMS, muscle fullness and great pumps. I am also convinced that it helped me retain my strength and gains from a previous LGD run since I hardly lost any weight after the cycle.
I'm in my 3rd month of running RUI's MK as well. I had some bloat at first mostly in my feet and ankles. It was never too extreme and it subsided after a while. Considered the aspirin strategy but it wasn't necessary in the end.

I also dialed back my dose from 20 to 15mg. Something else I changed mid-way is that I switched to taking it in the morning - too close to bedtime it messed up with my sleep pretty badly. Also agree with the mid-day lethargy side but it's getting better little by little. On the plus side - faster recovery, hardly ever get DOMS, muscle fullness and great pumps. I am also convinced that it helped me retain my strength and gains from a previous LGD run since I hardly lost any weight after the cycle.

Have you had any issues while placing orders with RUI? For some reason my Visa card is getting declined and there is no issues with the card provider...
I use bitcoin with them, super easy and no BS like this.

It says I have like $10 limit in bitcoin. So it's kinda BS to me too. This problem is really bothering me... This happened before and I was able to place the order after trying several times. But no luck this time. My bank says everything is %100 OK.
Same thing happened to me the first time I ordered - I tried to use a MasterCard which didn't go through - the bank didn't even receive the transaction at all so it wasn't them blocking it. A different card worked (Visa in my case). If you have another card try it and if not contact their support. They are quite responsive in my experience.
Same thing happened to me the first time I ordered - I tried to use a MasterCard which didn't go through - the bank didn't even receive the transaction at all so it wasn't them blocking it. A different card worked (Visa in my case). If you have another card try it and if not contact their support. They are quite responsive in my experience.

Just like before, after trying several times the transaction went through. My bank guaranteed me that there is no issue with using my card, they didn't receive the transaction too. So no doubt, RUi has issues with processing cards in their website. But anyhow, got my card worked and good to go another month or so :D I'll most probably have the same hassle next month :D