mod grf 2mg/mod grf 5 or 10mg

robot lord

New member
mod grf 1-29 2mg/ghrp2 5mg advice

I am a 40yr. old male and 230lb. Currently at about 20-25% bf and in the gym 5-7 days a week. Split workouts 50/50 strength training/cardio(low intensity for fat burn 30 min). Diet pretty clean as I have lost 34lbs in past year. Was a fatso at 264 and decided to make a change. Have leveled out at 230 and can't seem to break through. I have been lifting heavy so maybe increased muscle mass and fat reduction happening at same time? Almost two weeks in with FRAG HGH and not seeing scale results but am noticing drastic change in abdominal fat. Wife said "OMG that FRAG is the sh#t" as I exited shower. I am currently using 160mcg x3 a day. I am now convinced that along side training and diet that peptides can do amazing things.

So now I am interested in adding both GHRP2 and MOD GRF1-29 to my research at 100mcg x3 a day. With results varying from person to person and all posts reflecting this I am a little confused. From the limited stats I have posted can anyone tell me if this is a good starting point for the new peps? I have read posts that say all three peps can be pinned together but do I pin 7 days a week or do I need days off(currently 7 days with FRAG HGH)? How many months can I stay on or can I go indefinitely? Last but not least why does MOD GRF come in 2mg and GHRP2 in 5mg? Been adding 2mg bac water to my FRAG HGH and was going to do the same with new peps. Do u need 2 bottles of MOD to every GHRP2? I have read just about every post under peptides over the last month so I am not lazy and just wanting this info spoon feed to me but rather confused and lacking clarity on a few things.

After Christmas I will be contacting Chip W and getting started with Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) as my test is currently in the dumper at 430. Will save any further speak on that subject for Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) section on board. Hope someone can help me soon because I would love to take full advantage of the sale prices a certain supplier is only offering till Sunday of this weekend. Thanks.
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I am a 40yr. old male and 230lb. Currently at about 20-25% bf and in the gym 5-7 days a week. Split workouts 50/50 strength training/cardio(low intensity for fat burn 30 min). Diet pretty clean as I have lost 34lbs in past year. Was a fatso at 264 and decided to make a change. Have leveled out at 230 and can't seem to break through. I have been lifting heavy so maybe increased muscle mass and fat reduction happening at same time? Almost two weeks in with FRAG HGH and not seeing scale results but am noticing drastic change in abdominal fat. Wife said "OMG that FRAG is the sh#t" as I exited shower. I am currently using 160mcg x3 a day. I am now convinced that along side training and diet that peptides can do amazing things.
Finally someone has seen the light! If youre not doing HGH then you need to be doing peptides to get the best from a cycle. Peptides will push you past your genetic barrier. It's like nitro thrown in with a muscle car. Once you incorporate peptides into your experimental lab rats you'll never want to go with out again.

So now I am interested in adding both GHRP2 and MOD GRF1-29 to my research at 100mcg x3 a day. With results varying from person to person and all posts reflecting this I am a little confused. From the limited stats I have posted can anyone tell me if this is a good starting point for the new peps? I have read posts that say all three peps can be pinned together but do I pin 7 days a week or do I need days off(currently 7 days with FRAG HGH)? How many months can I stay on or can I go indefinitely? Last but not least why does MOD GRF come in 2mg and GHRP2 in 5mg? Been adding 2mg bac water to my FRAG HGH and was going to do the same with new peps. Do u need 2 bottles of MOD to every GHRP2? I have read just about every post under peptides over the last month so I am not lazy and just wanting this info spoon feed to me but rather confused and lacking clarity on a few things.

After Christmas I will be contacting Chip W and getting started with Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) as my test is currently in the dumper at 430. Will save any further speak on that subject for Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) section on board. Hope someone can help me soon because I would love to take full advantage of the sale prices a certain supplier is only offering till Sunday of this weekend. Thanks.

It's all about cost. If you can afford 7 days then by all means do it. Some prefer a 5 on 2 off to save money.

You can stay on indefinitely. I have seen no research showing negative effects from lengthy term usage

One product is cheaper to make in one measurement than the other

Good luck in your research animals and please keep us up to date on your journal.

I am glad someone on here realize how important adding peptides is.
Thank you so much for your reply. It was very helpful. You will be getting my business from here on. Your much closer to me than the company I have been dealing with and would anticipate quicker turn around. Would also like to add that I have dropped an additional 3lbs since origanal post date. I would also like to say that I had a very long day and was very tired and not paying attention to what I had typed in my title. I gotta say I feel foolish and understand why I havn't got much in the way of feed back from other members. Secondly I understand that my rookie rating, lack of friends on this board and only one post do not make me look so credible in the eyes of long time members. I just want to say it's cool guys and I get it! I will continue to log my progress and maybe some pics in the hopes that other rookie members may get some inspiration and answers that they are afraid to ask. In conclusion i would like to thank senior members who may have read this post for not totally blasting me for my questions and error in title. Thanks again!
O M is pretty spot on.

Mod grf and ghrp2 is an excellent combo. You could sub the ghrp2 for Ipamorelin anytime but ghrp2 is usually cheaper. These work very well but it's long term just like gh. 100mcg each 3 x a day is an effective dose. With ghrp2 and ipam you can dose up to 500mcg at a time if you want but ghrp2 can produce some sides when dosed higher. Ipam won't cause sides dosed higher.

Mod grf is the only way to go with ghrh IMO.

I think you will be very happy with this combo dosed 3 x a day. Honestly igf DES or lr3 is a nice addition as well. It can help with muscle mass but I also seem to stay very lean while using it.

Basically you need 2 mg mod-grf for each week and just one 10mg vial of ghrp2. You can make them stretch a little farther if you like but research shows this as very comparable to gh.
Thanks for clearing up the mystery so I can make my order. I would hate to run short of one or the other and not be able to capitalize on their synergy. Gonna run these peps till I can afford Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) after Santa has made his big delivery at my house.LOL! The peps and test etc. should have this old man where he wants to be by summer 2012.

One more thing. Read a post earlier that suggested that running frag with this combo may slow or lessen GH bursts. Does anyone know if this is true? If so I will finish up frag prior to starting GHRP2/MOD grf combo. This is all very new to me and would like to avoid making costly time wasting mistakes. I feel fortunate to have so many brothers and sisters at my disposal on this board!!!
Honestly I only run the ghrp/mod-grf combo but if you go with frag dose them an hour apart.

Same with igf, it's possible it could blunt the release because your body has plenty of igf in it so I just dose DES an hour or so before the gh peps and lr3 30-60 minutes after my pwo dose.

Add this to your test and you will be looking great.
First of thanks for taking an interest bro.. So I am planning on purchasing a months supply of peps. So based on your reply I know I need (4) 2mg MOD and (1) 10mg GHRP2(or one a week?). I am assuming 10mg is for a month due to 2mg a week of MOD being suficient. I just read the break down of LR3 and it sounds great. Anabolic,muscle growth and works on reflex/mental alertness/memory/learning! Wow. All good shit for an old timer.LOL!

You instructed pinning the combo an hour apart from LR3 but I am not aware of dosing schedule for LR3. Should it just be used pwo or x3 a day as well and at how many mcg? Also can I dilute all 3 peps with BAC water and if so how many ml per pep? Currently using 2ml per 5mg of frag.

Not interested currently in adding a 4th pep(DES) so as not to confuse things any more. As I begin to master what works for me I will in time add to my regimen. Thanks dude as soon as i get your response going to take advantage of the buy 2 get 1 OSTA deal.
Basically 100mcg 3 x a day for the mod grf = 2100mcg a week so 2 mg would leave you with only 2 injects one of the days so 2mg a week leaves you about 1 day short in a month. No big deal. I just dose 100mcg 2 x one day

Ghrp 10mg = 10,000mcg
100mcg 3 x a week = 2100mcg a week
2100 x 4 = 8400mcg a month
So you will have 1600mcg extra at the end of the month
With ghrp2 you can dose as high as 400-500mcg at a time but it can increase prolactin and cortisol. I like my pwo dose to be higher or you could do 150mcg for just over a week.

Igf lr3 doses are from 20mcg-100mcg a day
I use lr3 pwo at 60-100mcg. I use DES pre workout.
Basically I dose the ghrh/ghrp morning, post wo, before bed. Then dose lr3 about 30-60 minutes after your gh peptide pwo dose.

With lr3 1mg/1000mcg
20mcg = 50 days
40mcg = 25 days
80mcg = 12.5 days
This is everyday dosing. I prefer ED or 5 on 2 off, but you could do training days only. I prefer ED because you want elevated igf while using it.

Igf is typically reconstituted with .6% acetic acid(AA). This is thought to provide the proper ph and make it last long enough to use it. I just mixed a vial with bacteriostatic water to see how it works. This was last Friday I think, and so far it seems to work fine. I would say 60mcg minimum is the way to go.

I add 2ml AA to 1mg igf.
So 1ml = 500mcg
So each line or tic on the slim pin is 10mcg

2 mg mod-grf I add 2ml BW
1ml = 1000mcg
So each 10 line (10 iu line) = 100mcg
Each line or tic is 20mcg

10mg ghrp I add 4ml BW
1ml = 2500mcg
Each 10 line (10 iu) = 250 iu
So each line or tic is 50mcg
Testosterone of 430ng/dl at 40yrs old technically ain't "in the dumper"!! You can work with that and even improve upon that number significantly as it is well with in the middle range of normal
Juicy you are absolutely correct and I was I guess being a little dramatic with the "in the dumper" statement. I most certainly make due with an average test level. I put in 4 days of both strength training/half hour cardio and 2-3 days of an hour of cardio. I am 40 but look about 28. I am in a trade where I deal with people face to face on the daily and everyone is shocked when I tell them how old I really am. So I guess I should be thankfull for what I have. On the other side of the coin I would say just about everyone on this site is interested in throwing mother nature a curve ball!
If we were all satisfied with just being average there would be no peps in the fridge or gear in the medicine cabinet. LOL! I am interested in trying to maintain test/gh levels I had in my twenties. I notice these days I run out of gas a little faster, sleep quality is down, sense of well being could use a boost and a little extra led in the pencil wouldn't hurt either.
Been running the ghrp2,the mod grf and the lr3 for three days now. I feel like a little help from Maximus and 3j after the holidays will have me looking and feeling like a new man in conjuction with the peps. I have the will and dedication that has carried me thus far(lost about 40lbs). Pair that with the science/chemistry of body building and nutrition and I feel like I can't fail.
Juicy you are absolutely correct and I was I guess being a little dramatic with the "in the dumper" statement. I most certainly make due with an average test level. I put in 4 days of both strength training/half hour cardio and 2-3 days of an hour of cardio. I am 40 but look about 28. I am in a trade where I deal with people face to face on the daily and everyone is shocked when I tell them how old I really am. So I guess I should be thankfull for what I have. On the other side of the coin I would say just about everyone on this site is interested in throwing mother nature a curve ball!
If we were all satisfied with just being average there would be no peps in the fridge or gear in the medicine cabinet. LOL! I am interested in trying to maintain test/gh levels I had in my twenties. I notice these days I run out of gas a little faster, sleep quality is down, sense of well being could use a boost and a little extra led in the pencil wouldn't hurt either.
Been running the ghrp2,the mod grf and the lr3 for three days now. I feel like a little help from Maximus and 3j after the holidays will have me looking and feeling like a new man in conjuction with the peps. I have the will and dedication that has carried me thus far(lost about 40lbs). Pair that with the science/chemistry of body building and nutrition and I feel like I can't fail.

chip and i would be more then happy to assist you in your goals
Thanks 3J. After being a member for only a few months I have read only great things about both you n Chip. Just trying to recover from the holidays and put the cash together. Blood work, physical, prescription for Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) and of coarse the nutritional guidance that makes it all work from you 3J. No sense getting blood work if I don't have the cash to institute all the other components. You will be hearing from me in about 3 weeks. Until then have a happy New Year bro..
Thanks 3J. After being a member for only a few months I have read only great things about both you n Chip. Just trying to recover from the holidays and put the cash together. Blood work, physical, prescription for Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) and of coarse the nutritional guidance that makes it all work from you 3J. No sense getting blood work if I don't have the cash to institute all the other components. You will be hearing from me in about 3 weeks. Until then have a happy New Year bro..

looking forward to it!!