more GH= more fat burning ?

Do this:

Week 1 to 24: 2ius 5 on 2 off
Week 1 to 10: 350mg of prop
Week 2 to 10: 20-30mg of Oxandralone ED
Week 11 to 14: Clomid therapy
Week 15 to 24: 400mg of EQ
Week 17 to 24: 25mg of Winstrol (winny) ED
Week 26 to 18: Clomid therapy

You will see some pretty solid gains from that!!
I was more thinking of this:

week 1-2 Sus 750mg each week
week 3-6 100mg prop eod w/ 25mg dbol
week 7-10 20-30mg of Oxandralone ED
week 11-12 sus 750mg each week
week 13-16 100mg prop eod w/dbol
week 17-20 5,000 IU Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) First week w/20-30mg of Oxandralone ED
week 21-22 sus 750mg each week
week 23-26 100mg prop w/ 25mg Winstrol (winny) ed

This is a cycle one of Pro BB from England told me to do. Ian Fitish-I can't spell his name right. He was in Flex few times. He said that he has been doing 6 on 3 off for 4 years now and it works great.

So this is my experiment++ I'll be going w/ GH too.

What do you think?
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Solid cycle! I dont like the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) schedule. I would never shoot more than 1000ius at one time! The only reason to take Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is to revert or prevent any atrophy. I like to prevent it! So I take 500ius 2 times a week, every week throughout the cycle!

I didnt know you were that advanced! This is my 11th cycle coming up and my doses have finally hit those doses!
Solid cycle! I dont like the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) schedule. I would never shoot more than 1000ius at one time! The only reason to take Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is to revert or prevent any atrophy. I like to prevent it! So I take 500ius 2 times a week, every week throughout the cycle!

I didnt know you were that advanced! This is my 11th cycle coming up and my doses have finally hit those doses!

What Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) do you use and how? Do you use it as GH right in your fat around your stomach or in to the muscle?

If you take a closer look at the cycle it isn't high in doses. 750mg of Sus each week for 2 weeks isnt that much. Keep in mind that Sus I will run only for 2 weeks. So after 2 weeks only the long esters will be active. So I'm not really getting 750mg the first week.
Prop is prop, it's in and out, so 100mg eod is a standard dosage. then 3 weeks off on anavar will help your body to catch some air. You natural test production will not suffer that much because it was only put to the test for 6 weeks. 3 weeks anavar doses are 25-30mg will not affect the test that much. Then I hit it again.

I do like you way of taking Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), I want to try that.
I guarantee your HPTA will be suppressed!! You will need clomid post cycle...and your right, the doses arent that high.
They will be suppressed but if I do Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) like you 500ius 2 times a week throughout the cycle that would help. I don't want to touch clomid until I'm totally off at the end.
the main reason i keep putting off my first cycle is because i realy want to have gh in it. i think when i get my tax refund ill be getting everything. id like to run the gh at 3-4 iu's ed for 6 months if i could. but what i might do is 4 months with gear one month off then another 4 months of gh starting gear the second month. i see no reason not too use gh even though im only 20, especialy since im already experienced with slin. still gotta make up my mind on my cycle too. only definates are test and tren. and an oral, probubly dbol. but im also thing of low dose deca or eg and maybe even finish with Winstrol (winny). i can never make up my mind.
I don't think that’s a good idea bro. I think that would be too much for your first. Get some opinions on this subject from other members, I personally wouldn't do it. Too young for all that stuff. Take it slow bro.
I split my dose...1iu around lunch and 1iu right before training( 7-9pm)

I rotated all around my abs and love handles! My last cycle of GH resulted in 5% bf loss!

did you diet or not ?
how long did this cycle last ? 12 weeks ?
the gear dosages will def be small. if you mean the gh is not a good idea id like to hear why. ive talked to a few gh vets who said if they could do it all over from the star they would have done gh in every cycle including there first. i already have tons of experience with slin. i started in high school at 17 using it to carb up after starving myself to make weight wrestling and then to get into ketosis faster and eventualy stay in ketosis while eating carbs post practice/workout. i used slin again this year with good results and am very comfortable with it. i dont think 4 months on the sauce is too long either. im gonna go with lawnsavers advise and use Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) sat-sun. and its gonna be low dosages. 400 mg test max, 50 mg tren max, 20 mg dbol max, 50 mg Winstrol (winny) max. but not all of those at once or even all in the same cycle. im def gonna strt out light with the gh if i do use it, using 2 iu's ed then work my way up to 4 max.