Moving to Mexico, possibility someday. Input?

Zero V

Prodigal son
Well that is the general idea.

I have met a girl on a missions trip, we have talked for about 2 years now and...well she is more amazing than anyone I have met stateside, plus I like Mexicans :kiss2:

On top of that, people know I am not very big on "America" and I have alot of issues with it and its materialistic society.

I want one of two things. A glorious revolution where pontification can drive masses into fighting for their freedom, or a quite life off by myself with the ones I love.

Thinking I want to go for the second one haha.

Getting the paperwork to move down there is not hard, living is fairly cheap, etc,etc.

Even safety wise its safer in most of Mexico(Excluding the border war area) than it is in most U.S. cities. And I guess internet is literally everywhere now. Its coming up fast in the world.

I love the country, the people. Their life is so much simpler, their family bonds are AMAZING. What I witnessed was people being happy just for having one another when I was down there. Its humbling, its what I want to be a part of to be honest.

My only issue is finding a job. My best bet seems to be running internet businesses if I do go down there on a more permanent bases. Even getting certified as a trainer, E-training is becoming big. I also have some website plans, and I could also study and do web development on the side.

I just know its hard to get work down there because the Mexican government does it right. Mexicans get the jobs, foreigners dont lol.

Just a thought, and idea, something I been tossing around. American life, is not quite for me. I never have belonged here, save for the gym nothing else here makes sense to me.

Anyone have experience, or know people who have moved down there?

I wish there was no border war, then I could live along the border. But as of now, thats suicide. Gotta go deep lol.
Well that is the general idea.

I have met a girl on a missions trip, we have talked for about 2 years now and...well she is more amazing than anyone I have met stateside, plus I like Mexicans :kiss2:

On top of that, people know I am not very big on "America" and I have alot of issues with it and its materialistic society.

I want one of two things. A glorious revolution where pontification can drive masses into fighting for their freedom, or a quite life off by myself with the ones I love.

Thinking I want to go for the second one haha.

Getting the paperwork to move down there is not hard, living is fairly cheap, etc,etc.

Even safety wise its safer in most of Mexico(Excluding the border war area) than it is in most U.S. cities. And I guess internet is literally everywhere now. Its coming up fast in the world.

I love the country, the people. Their life is so much simpler, their family bonds are AMAZING. What I witnessed was people being happy just for having one another when I was down there. Its humbling, its what I want to be a part of to be honest.

My only issue is finding a job. My best bet seems to be running internet businesses if I do go down there on a more permanent bases. Even getting certified as a trainer, E-training is becoming big. I also have some website plans, and I could also study and do web development on the side.

I just know its hard to get work down there because the Mexican government does it right. Mexicans get the jobs, foreigners dont lol.

Just a thought, and idea, something I been tossing around. American life, is not quite for me. I never have belonged here, save for the gym nothing else here makes sense to me.

Anyone have experience, or know people who have moved down there?

I wish there was no border war, then I could live along the border. But as of now, thats suicide. Gotta go deep lol.

If I'm reading this right, you are thinking about moving to Mexico, because you basically hate America ?...

Listen, There are things I don't agree with our American society, but to say I want to move to another country ... I wouldn't go that far !

I've been to Mexico many times, their culture is rich sure, but their goverment is all Messed up !! Their goverment is all corrupt, they cannot control their citizens, they cannot control their cartels, etc

I've been in Mexico for weeks at a time, I like their culture like I can appreciate any other culture, but I can tell u,
I wouln't move my family there, I think our Country is not perfect but is as perfect as it gets..

There's no better goverment than ours,

Why do u think they keep crossing the border ??
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I have family in Mexico and its like anywhere else it all depends on where you go. Their are some real bad dirt poor shit areas full of thieves and crime and their are americanized areas with all the luxuries of home. But their are some beautiful peaceful areas that fall in between I don't think its a bad idea at all life just seems a little simpler and people appreciate things just a little more, but finding work will be the hard part, that's why most americans retire their, they have already saved up, owning some sort of small business seems to be he only way ...good luck
Your young plenty of mistakes to be made and learn. May aswell get them over with before your an old ass.

And you made Mrs.P swear!! is this bad?
should we run for the hills? Damn it zero now Im all paranoid..:(

If I'm reading this right, you are thinking about moving to Mexico, because you basically hate America ?...

Listen, There are things I don't agree with our American society, but to say I want to move to another country ... I wouldn't go that far !

I've been to Mexico many times, their culture is rich sure, but their goverment is all Fucked up !! Their goverment is all corrupt, they cannot control their citizens, they cannot control their cartels, etc

I've been in Mexico for weeks at a time, I like their culture like I can appreciate any other culture, but I can tell u,
I wouln't move my family there, I think our Country is not perfect but is as perfect as it gets..

There's no better goverment than ours,

Why do u think they keep crossing the border ??

Our government is as bad as theirs, ours just does a better job of covering it up with makeup and keeping us distracted with pointless wars and politics...

Americans feel fake, dead even. Just walking being part of a cog of a giant machine. Their thought patterns are 100% predictable. I can walk up to anyone and almost essentially control their life via inputting specific stimuli to get exact outcomes I desire... People are machine like here. I have met in person very, VERY, few people who are actually alive, who's mind thinks freely and is not linear.

America drives me crazy, its excess, its focus on money and possessions. The moral fiber here is almost kaput except for when you draw on peoples extreme emotions by showing them a wounded veteran, or a scared child.

What happened to little towns being one big family? I am in an era that does not support that, but I support that ideology. I just cant find anyone else that does.

Recently I have had several people proposition me with business ventures because I function and live different. Only the sense of adventure that comes with knowing I will own my own business someday, and that I as a human can exercise free will and leave this country keep me sane.

I just desire a lifestyle that is no longer available in a money based nation like ours.

Your young plenty of mistakes to be made and learn. May aswell get them over with before your an old ass.

And you made Mrs.P swear!! is this bad?
should we run for the hills? Damn it zero now Im all paranoid..:(


lol, why is the point always made "I am young" sheesh -.- im 24, practically old, over the hill!


Its also like I mentioned, there is a woman involved. lol. Beautiful, unique, amazing. And I will be honest...American women give me headaches...
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Maybe you are just living in the wrong State...yes the government is the same, but states and cities are all very different. Just a thought before you move across foreign borders.

Bro, you're young, c'mon 24 years old !!
I could understand where your coming from, you can go head over hills for a women, and follow them to India if u have to..

I know I would, I did for my wife.. but she's American, there are lot's of beautiful Amerian girls here...and from different cultures..
Mexican, Spanish, Italian, irish decent, but they are American..

I've read some of your posts where u have stated that this country needs a revolution and that what happened in Egypt will most likely happen in this country too.. well, let me tell u that won't happen in this country, we are united, eventhou we have our disagrements...

the word revolution is a dangerous word, u have to be careful how you use it, Fidel Castro had a vision of a revolution & look to where it lead his people.

I like what our founding fathers believed in "
A republic for which it stands one nation under god indivisible with justice for all"
I'll take that over any revolution.

Good luck to u with this girl !
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My dad used to tell me ..if the grass is greener on the other side then fertilize your lawn..never quite knew what he meant until I got older. I would sure love to live somewhere more tropical like Hawaii or something, I love water and palm trees not much of that in chicago..
Your young plenty of mistakes to be made and learn. May aswell get them over with before your an old ass.

And you made Mrs.P swear!! is this bad?
should we run for the hills? Damn it zero now Im all paranoid..:(

Lol jimbo


Our government is as bad as theirs, ours just does a better job of covering it up with makeup and keeping us distracted with pointless wars and politics...

Americans feel fake, dead even. Just walking being part of a cog of a giant machine. Their thought patterns are 100% predictable. I can walk up to anyone and almost essentially control their life via inputting specific stimuli to get exact outcomes I desire... People are machine like here. I have met in person very, VERY, few people who are actually alive, who's mind thinks freely and is not linear.

America drives me crazy, its excess, its focus on money and possessions. The moral fiber here is almost kaput except for when you draw on peoples extreme emotions by showing them a wounded veteran, or a scared child.

What happened to little towns being one big family? I am in an era that does not support that, but I support that ideology. I just cant find anyone else that does.

Recently I have had several people proposition me with business ventures because I function and live different. Only the sense of adventure that comes with knowing I will own my own business someday, and that I as a human can exercise free will and leave this country keep me sane.

I just desire a lifestyle that is no longer available in a money based nation like ours.

Its also like I mentioned, there is a woman involved. lol. Beautiful, unique, amazing. And I will be honest...American women give me headaches...


I understand your view on how our society and it's excess, and focus on money and possessions, and how the moral fiber has been lost.. I totally agree with this..

This bothers me as a person, so what I do ?
I live my life with different standards, and teach my kids to do the same.

I think you'll find the same in Mexico, China,
Africa or any where u go, u have to live your life to your own standards and not let others affect you, u can't change the world, u can try, but u really can't.

So sure there are plenty of bad things going on here, but it doesn't make our society bad as a whole.. There are plenty of good too.

I understand other countries have a more laidback lifestyle, and don't seem to be so obsessed with money, etc...
But they have plenty of bad things going on with them too..

I love other cultures, didn't mean to be offensive, but I have been in Spain, Mexico for extended periods & what I lived & seen, has only made me realize how good we have it here.

Hope u find your happiness here or across the border.
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I understand your view on how our society and it's excess, and focus on money and possessions, and how the moral fiber has been lost.. I totally agree with this..

This bothers me as a person, so what I do ?
I live my life with different standards, and teach my kids to do the same.

I think you'll find the same in Mexico, China,
Africa or any where u go, u have to live your life to your own standards and not let others affect you, u can't change the world, u can try, but u really can't.

So sure there are plenty of bad things going on here, but it doesn't make our society bad as a whole.. There are plenty of good too.

I understand other countries have a more laidback lifestyle, and don't seem to be so obsessed with money, etc...
But they have plenty of bad things going on with them too..

I love other cultures, didn't mean to be offensive, but I have been in Spain, Mexico for extended periods & what I lived & seen, has only made me realize how good we have it here.

Hope u find your happiness here or across the border.

Thanks every one for the words of wisdom.

And Mrs. P, your right.

I am just burnt out already with this lifestyle. And there seems to be no way to break free from it.

And Mr. P your right on the Fidel issue with revolution.

Its just from my research, study, and time. I see no way for us to ever reclaim power. AS long as there is a left, and a right we will sink in a deadlock unable to swim until things get so bad people do resort to that method. I wish we could go back to what the constitution actually stood for. A tiny little federal government, that made sure the states played nice with each other and raised an army IF NEEDED. What is it today? The FDA, FBI, CIA, EPA, CDC, FCC, DOD, FEMA, SSA, IRS, NSA, USDA,etc,etc,etc,etc.

This...drives insane...its such a broken way of running a nation.
You are a christian, a crussador just like me,
I respect your beliefs.. no matter how different are beliefs are.
But know this, my father faught in the Bay of Pigs for the freedom of the Cuban people, for all I know he was being set up by the CIA and John F kennedy, but he came back and being the man that he is, he respected and believed in what this country stands for.. no matter if Democrat or Republican, and he is a solid Republican, Hell my whole family is.. but he tought me to be an American before my political beliefs.

just wanted to add this last post..

Wish u the best !
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There's a reason Mexicans are fleeing by the millions and taking extreme personal risks to come to the US. The government is corrupt and dangerously close to losing control to the cartels, and employment opportunities are dwindling by the week. It's difficult for a business person from any country to invest in a county where security is in doubt. It's worse in the border regions but if you think the systemic corruption and potential for violence is limited to those areas you've got your head in the sand. The narco-terrorists are spreading like locust and those quaint small towns are easy to take over by bribery or threat of violence. If you think there's more opportunity at living the kind of life you desire to live down there than there is up here you're fooling yourself.
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Have you even been to Mexico? No one there minds stop signs and driving in big cities is like competing in a demolition derby. Mexico City is so polluted you can't walk a quarter mile without being out of breath and feeling like you are suffocating. There is little to no quality work for you outside of the city, if you even speak Spanish. The cops there are beyond dangerous for even minor offenses. Trust me dude, I've been there, and I have no desire to go back. It might be nice if you have lots of money and some house in some exotic party location. But not being able to drink the water or even eat a lot of the food gets old too without getting Montesumo's revenge the next day. I would move to Europe or Canada over Mexico any day. Mexico is like a total free for all. If you get down there without an existing online business you are going to have to work as a gay prostitute living in a shack eating out of taco stands. And I don't want that for you Zero. lol
If you get down there without an existing online business you are going to have to work as a gay prostitute living in a shack eating out of taco stands. And I don't want that for you Zero. lol


Well I am glad your watching out for me then haha!

I see what you all mean though.

The only issue is, I am not compatible with normal life here in the states lol. Maybe I just need to move to the country and find me a good country girl out in the sticks. City life...its not me. And its eating me alive lol.
Well, that's understandable. Small farm towns in the midwest are awesome. I no longer live there but it was a great place to grow up. Some of the best people I've ever met are from the small farming communities in rural Ohio.
Our government is as bad as theirs, ours just does a better job of covering it up with makeup and keeping us distracted with pointless wars and politics...

Americans feel fake, dead even. Just walking being part of a cog of a giant machine. Their thought patterns are 100% predictable. I can walk up to anyone and almost essentially control their life via inputting specific stimuli to get exact outcomes I desire... People are machine like here. I have met in person very, VERY, few people who are actually alive, who's mind thinks freely and is not linear.

America drives me crazy, its excess, its focus on money and possessions. The moral fiber here is almost kaput except for when you draw on peoples extreme emotions by showing them a wounded veteran, or a scared child.


Why are you so concerned with all of these things? They are not yours to fix. Why not just live and enjoy your life an not microscope it.

Mexico basically is a third world country in its thinking. Ass backward dangerous place to be. Think you might stand out a bit. If I was cartel I'd put you # 4 on my kidnap list.

The problem is in your perception of the US
and your dwell on the negative with no power to fix it.

Every country has problems. We do many things right and have tremendous infrastructure. Mexico..not so much.

If you want a refreshing change move to Wyoming. People are wonderful.

Get out your mountain bike, roller blades and kayak and go enjoy the USA. WE got Mexicao beat hands down!!! Tell that lil minx to pack her bags and move here cause you got benefits.
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Why are you so concerned with all of these things? They are not yours to fix. Why not just live and enjoy your life an not microscope it.

Mexico basically is a third world country in its thinking. Ass backward dangerous place to be. Think you might stand out a bit. If I was cartel I'd put you # 4 on my kidnap list.

The problem is in your perception of the US
and your dwell on the negative with no power to fix it.

Every country has problems. We do many things right and have tremendous infrastructure. Mexico..not so much.

If you want a refreshing change move to Wyoming. People are wonderful.

Get out your mountain bike, roller blades and kayak and go enjoy the USA. WE got Mexicao beat hands down!!! Tell that lil minx to pack her bags and move here cause you got benefits.

Agree ^^^
Why are you so concerned with all of these things? They are not yours to fix. Why not just live and enjoy your life an not microscope it.

Mexico basically is a third world country in its thinking. Ass backward dangerous place to be. Think you might stand out a bit. If I was cartel I'd put you # 4 on my kidnap list.

The problem is in your perception of the US
and your dwell on the negative with no power to fix it.

Every country has problems. We do many things right and have tremendous infrastructure. Mexico..not so much.

If you want a refreshing change move to Wyoming. People are wonderful.

Get out your mountain bike, roller blades and kayak and go enjoy the USA. WE got Mexicao beat hands down!!! Tell that lil minx to pack her bags and move here cause you got benefits.

Good advise PB,
I agree u can't change the world, u can only change how u view it.
Why are you so concerned with all of these things? They are not yours to fix. Why not just live and enjoy your life an not microscope it.

Mexico basically is a third world country in its thinking. Ass backward dangerous place to be. Think you might stand out a bit. If I was cartel I'd put you # 4 on my kidnap list.

The problem is in your perception of the US
and your dwell on the negative with no power to fix it.

Every country has problems. We do many things right and have tremendous infrastructure. Mexico..not so much.

If you want a refreshing change move to Wyoming. People are wonderful.

Get out your mountain bike, roller blades and kayak and go enjoy the USA. WE got Mexicao beat hands down!!! Tell that lil minx to pack her bags and move here cause you got benefits.

We do have the power to fix it, I do have the power to fix it. Only in unison with others though...

Throughout history the world is changed by the few who alter the path of the many.

Why do people keep telling me not to worry about the problems? If I follow that advise, I do what ever one else does and focus on ME, myself, and I. I cant die happy if I lived a wealthy life but didnt change a damn thing.

The problem, the biggest problem with America being told your too small to change the nation, or even the world.

Every time I crack a history book, I see single men and women, or small groups of them that alter the world forever. They birthed nations, destroyed nations, changed a nations view on things.

Why can this not be anymore?

Why are we all content to sit, and just "exist" when living means so much more?
We do have the power to fix it, I do have the power to fix it. Only in unison with others though...

Throughout history the world is changed by the few who alter the path of the many.

Why do people keep telling me not to worry about the problems? If I follow that advise, I do what ever one else does and focus on ME, myself, and I. I cant die happy if I lived a wealthy life but didnt change a damn thing.

The problem, the biggest problem with America being told your too small to change the nation, or even the world.

Every time I crack a history book, I see single men and women, or small groups of them that alter the world forever. They birthed nations, destroyed nations, changed a nations view on things.

Why can this not be anymore?

Why are we all content to sit, and just "exist" when living means so much more?

Zero, You know that I like you so please understand that I am not bustin on you.

The problems that you want to fix are unrealistic for one man.
That is like saying I want to fix would hunger and being upset when I dont get it done. I have fed almost 2000 in haiti but it is only a drop in the bucket and today they are hungry again. My point is the project is too big/broad.
The things that you address would take decades and billions of dollars. If you are upset that you cant achieve that then you will be upset the rest of your life cause it aint gonna happen.
Even if you win the lotto it aint gonna happen. If I win the lotto I can feed haiti for a month then it is hungry again.
You need to recalibrate your expectations with what is attainable. Focus on one thing.

How much progress have you made on any of these projects as of tody. I venture not much because they are too broad.

To sit and be gloomy because you haven't changed the world is niave and wildly unrealistic. You could never be happy with that task. Unless that is your goal, to be unhappy then you are achieveing it.

Pick one thing-go after it, report back

PS I dont just exist. The clinic that I built with the Lords blessings has served over 17,000 haitians-no charge- since the quake. You need to plug deeper into Gods calling and source. You know these things. I dont have to explain them to you. Take the words Me and I out of the conversation and replace it with
For The Kingdom, For His Glory. You wanna truly be a world changer start there and wait for the Lord to open the door for you.
I didn't get my calling until I was 47. Be patient
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