Mrs p


This is to Zero & weights=life

j/k lol
Suck ass!!! Lol. Before they get to you they gotta get through me. I'm also on tren and a big boy. Lol

Thanks Herm,

I might have your first job, there's someone I might need u to "take care of" for me,
he's a mean, mean nasty bully.

will send u info shortly.

(does it matter that he's 6? :S )

As you all know I'm old, having said that I look much younger than PhatBastard

I just wanted to toss the above in there as a fact of sorts :)

Anyway, is it just me? I never see anyone really crossing Mrs P anyway. When they do they vanish rather quickly.

So what did PhatBastard do to merit starting this thread? What did I miss?

PhatBastard is like a little fat kid with cake all over his mouth telling others not to eat cake. Something isn't right here!

hmmmm........................................... well, lets just say we do accept undisclosed large amounts of cash... just sayin :D
No damage control LOL

I knew you guys couldn't make it threw one thread civilized! LOL I have the same problem!