Mulligan Pics


Finally got some pics posted for you guys for comment. Been working 2.5 years 5'10", 34, 193lbs.

What is my BF?
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mulligan has come a long way. when he started working out with me he lifted 95 for reps on bench, dead 95 for reps, and squat 105 for reps.

good job bro.
tman55 said:
mulligan has come a long way. when he started working out with me he lifted 95 for reps on bench, dead 95 for reps, and squat 105 for reps.

good job bro.

I had no shape when first started lifting. But now Im alot stronger

Deads from 95 to 315
Bench from 95 to 255
Squats from 105 to 225 to the floor

Will keep on pullin and pushin
hey that PINK house is every were!!! nice improvements in wt's mulligan. you keep lifting with Tman and your gonna grow for sure. kep at it.
mulligan is short changing himself though. he got 265x1 after all his sets on bench this week.

Mulligan said:
I had no shape when first started lifting. But now Im alot stronger

Deads from 95 to 315
Bench from 95 to 255
Squats from 105 to 225 to the floor

Will keep on pullin and pushin
Mulligan said:
I had no shape when first started lifting. But now Im alot stronger

Deads from 95 to 315
Bench from 95 to 255
Squats from 105 to 225 to the floor

Will keep on pullin and pushin

Congrats on your improvements! Looking good Mulligan...
adidamps2 said:
hey that PINK house is every were!!! nice improvements in wt's mulligan. you keep lifting with Tman and your gonna grow for sure. kep at it.

I am about to place the Piink House on EBAY if you are interested in buying it.

Oh also, TMAN will give you his autograph.
Mulligan said:
I am about to place the Piink House on EBAY if you are interested in buying it.

Oh also, TMAN will give you his autograph.

a pink house and Tman's autograph! i think i'm getting choked up. i couldnt ask for anything more.
Mulligan said:
I am about to place the Piink House on EBAY if you are interested in buying it.

Oh also, TMAN will give you his autograph.

LOL..I actually laughed out loud on that one. Tman's autograph would be priceless:)

Looks like you've made some great progress bro, keep it up!!