MuscleAddiction's 2012 EpiStrong Cycle for the New Year!

What do you think of the transaderm M/A??? I have a couple of bottles of that and some forma laying around and I am looking to put something together in a month or so.. nice detailed log.

10 pumps of forma with 8 pumps of transderm is lots of fun.

i did that as a bridge, well somewhat of a bridge. :startrek:
What do you think of the transaderm M/A??? I have a couple of bottles of that and some forma laying around and I am looking to put something together in a month or so.. nice detailed log.

I apologize for my damn computer crashed a couple of days after my last posting and just got it back yesterday...for the cost to fix it I could have bought a f*cking new one! I lost quite a bit of information that wasn't backed up...but such is life.

Nerd, I love the Transderm...the only issue I have is getting the right amount/serving. The pump seems to shoot out partial dabs and I just want to make sure I am getting the 5 pumps in the morning. I am also running Forma on my cycle now as well. I will update a very detailed post after I get back from the gym, which is where I am going now for chest/shoulders.

I am on week #4 of Epi Strong, 60 mg ED...split 1 cap every 6 hours or so...and with a recommendation I started Forma the same time I switched to 60 mg ED to keep estrogen at bay. I am loving this cycle so far, my weight has gone up a bit, but seem to look a bit leaner (currently 234 lbs.) and that is up from 228-230 in 3 weeks. I started the Transderm 2 weeks prior to starting the Epi for my test base (just as a recap from earlier in my log) and plan on running it until the last day of Epi and drop it 1st day of post cycle therapy (pct).

Funny thing is I am looking forward to post cycle therapy (pct) as my line up has changed a bit and will post the changes shortly so all can see...again I am so sorry for falling away from this log, but wasn't able to access this site easily from my Droid due to this site doesn't have an Android application like EF, AM, and NTBM...which is why you have probably seen me over on those forums and not here over the past two weeks. I plan on redeeming myself here over the next few days as I am off work and have some time to dedicate back here on 'Ology this weekend and from this day forward now that I have my computer back up and running...need to learn how to fix this crap myself!

I hope that everyone will give me a second chance and follow from here on out as I have some weeks left to log and would like to give you all a solid log from here on out...and my post cycle therapy (pct) should be just as fun as my cycle :).

Let me go take my 1.5 scoops of N2KTS, my 4 caps of N2 Amp, and get my ass into the gym for a workout, and while I am sipping on my post workout shake I will continue posting here and give my cycle a brother from another mother has given me some input as to modify my cycle to give some more results.

I will be back brothers and sisters!!!
10 pumps of forma with 8 pumps of transderm is lots of fun.

i did that as a bridge, well somewhat of a bridge. :startrek:

Maybe I will up it to this for the last 3 weeks of my cycle as I think I have enough Transderm left to do so...I have plenty of Forma ;).

Man it will be good to be back here Gymrat827...missed it here and feel guilty for not posting on my own f*cking log :bash:!

Sipping N2KTS as I type and walking out the door to the gym...time to Kill This Shit!!!!
Alright, got back from the gym a while ago and just kicking it with my wife and daughter...but snuck on over here to post pictures that I promised to put up a few weeks ago, and they were taken a few weeks ago, so be nice as I am a work in progress...and a lot of work I have to do! I guess you can say that we want our first pictures to look the worst they can so that the progress pictures look better :).

At this time I was 228 lbs weighed 1st thing in the morning on an empty stomach. The pictures were taken later in the day in the worst lighting they could have been taken in, as it makes me even whiter! This was the week prior to starting Epi, and my diet was clean, but this is my winter/holiday's coat you can say...the bear just came out of hibernation :). I am working on my cycle modifications to cut and paste so I will post it shortly.
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Here is my revamped cycle (with some help from a brother on these forums):

1-8 RS-Transaderm (5 pumps ED am/after shower)...going to bump this up to 8 pumps a day for the rest of the Epi cycle (last 3 weeks).
1-4 Liver Fix (2 caps am/pm)
3-8 Epi-Strong (45mg ED for 3 weeks, 60 mg ED last 3 weeks)
3-8 N2Guard (7 caps ED)
3-12 HCGenerate (5 caps ED split 3/2)
6-14 Forma-Stanzol (5 pumps am/pm)
9-12 Torem (90/60/60/30)
9-12 Post-Cycle (1 cap 3X ED)
9-12 Unleashed (1 cap 3X ED)
9-12 N2BM-DAA or D-Test Powerchews (3 grams ED)
12-16 Unique Chemicals SARMS S-4 (50 mg ED, 25 morn, 25 evening)
12-16 Unique Chemicals SARMS OSTA (MK-2866) (25 mg ED)...still have to order this from Uniquemicals, but their PayPal is not working.
12-16 Bridge (3 caps ED)

And depending on finances, I wanted to pick up a bottle of NeedtoSlin to run when I run my N2 Shred stack...which I have to figure into here...and I have T3/Clen to throw into the mix as well. I was thinking of switching back and forth from Shred stack and T3/Clen (1 week/1 week)...or just run the Shred stack during post cycle therapy (pct), and T3/Clen afterward if needed for additional fat loss...stubborn areas (lower back, midsection, chest).

Today I trained chest/triceps instead of chest/shoulders due to my ass was tore up after chest that I just threw in triceps just to hit a smaller muscle group in the end...give shoulders their own day this weekend...since my recovery has been pretty sweet.

I performed the following:

Machine Presses (warm up): 4 sets/10 reps, 100/130/160/190 lbs.
Flat DB Press: 4 sets/10, 10, 8,8, 85/95/100/100 lbs.
Incline DB Press: 4 sets/10, 10, 8,8, 75/85/90/95 lbs.
Incline DB Flyes: 4 sets/12-10 reps, 35/40/45/50 lbs.
Cable Crossovers: 4 sets/12-10 reps, 50/70/80/90 lbs
Push-ups: 2 sets/12 reps...DONE!!!

Lying Tricep DB Extensions: 4 sets/10 reps, 25/30/35/40 lbs.
Standing Cambered Bar Extensions: 4 sets/10, 10, 8,8, 75/95/115/125 lbs.
Straight Bar Pressdowns: 4 sets/10 reps, 50/70/90/110 lbs.

Then I did 30 minutes of treadmill cardio @ 4.0 mph/4.0 incline...and that was it!

Need to go and eat right now, and will post diet information later...need to get away from the computer for a bit and hang out with the family...and eat, did I mention that?
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Man, after looking at those pictures of me I need to go see the back is way out of whack! I have a "C curve" in my back which makes me tilt to one side more, and have to get adjusted and stretch out I said I have some work to do son!

Tomorrow is going to be cardio/abs and rest!
Thanks bro! I have been in the game for many years, making many mistakes along the way, wish I would have found these forums a long time ago...the kids on here don't know how good they have it! Education is what needs to happen!

Here is my new piece, a cover up on top of an old panther tattoo...have it colored a bit now, still needs a couple of hours more though :).
Looks sick man, Knowledge is power and i love learning! Keep up the killer log man

Thanks bro, itching to get it finished just need funds.

So today was an OFF day, and refuel day. Getting in my clean calories, approximately 3150 depending on if I have another protein bar for desert...those protein bars from NTBM, not just because I am a rep, are very dangerously delicious to have just sitting in the fridge, I can eat an entire pan of them in a sitting! And be sick later ;). I just made the chocolate/banana ones and they are just pure deliciousness!

So no training today, and hitting the gym tomorrow morning for shoulders/traps/abs...and cardio, then enjoy the day with the family.

One thing I have noticed though in the past few days is my muscles feel fuller all day, especially after I eat, like all of the nutrients are just being shuttled into the muscle cells, rebuilding is an addicting feeling, I love the feeling of being "ON", and the combo of Forma, Transderm, Epi, HCGenerate, and Anabeta seems to be working some magic.

I weighed myself this morning at 236, so my weight is going up and not going to worry aboit that as I will be running the N2 Shred Stack and Clen/T3 during and after PCT to shred up a bit...and still need to pick up a few things when cash is N2 Slin.

I will post again tomorrow...
Here are a couple of pictures that I took in the last couple of days, still have a ways to go, but there is a faint glimpse of my abs underneath the flab that is my midsection :). I carry fat in my chest, lower back, and gut, and I know it is all in tweaking the diet around, which will happen in the next few weeks again.

Today I did shoulders/traps/abs...what I was supposed to do yesterday but didn't get to. This is what I did...

DB Overhead Press: 8 sets, 20/15/10/10/8/8/6/6 reps, 40/50/60/70/75/80/85/85 lbs.
BB Front Raises: 4 sets, 12/10/10/10 reps, 40/50/60/70 lbs.
Side Lateral Raises: 4 sets, 15/12/10/8 reps, 30/40/45/50 lbs.
DB Bent Over Rear Delt: 4 sets, 12/10/10/10 reps, 35/40/45/50 lbs.
Shrugs: 4 sets, 10/10/8/8 reps, 225/315/365/415 lbs

Hanging Leg Raises: 4 sets, 10/12 reps BW
Rope Crunches: 4 sets, 15/12/12/10, 150/170/190/200 lbs.
Ball Crunches: 4 sets/15 reps

I rode my bike to and from the gym today, nice sunny day here on the coast of California, should be a nice sunset for sure.

I haven't eaten like I have wanted to today due to my stomach hasn't been feeling good, and now my little one doesn't feel good so hopefully it isn't something going around...but I have managed to put down all my supplements and am about to have a protein shake and some peanut butter mixed in it until I get back from taking my little girl to swim class and make dinner, most likely chicken, sweet potatoes, and veggies...and get ready for the work week!

Let me go get some calories in and check back in a bit...
Alright, this is getting a bit frustrating to say the least. My computer is acting up again, and it is hard to log (in detail) on my Droid Bionic but will just have to make due with what I have at the moment.

I have one more week of Epi :( and then it is time for post cycle therapy (pct) for 4 weeks, then SARMS for approximately 10-12 weeks, and then onto my next cycle :). My strength is really damn good right now, I have been getting in around 3200-3400 calories a day, basically maintenance/clean diet and have managed to put on a few pounds and look a bit leaner, but am leaving the cutting for post cycle therapy (pct) and SARMS instead.

Today I did legs and hit it pretty good...way too much to type up on a phone screen, but on leg press today I loaded up 1125 lbs and performed 3 work sets of 12 reps...if I had somebody to sit on the sled for me I could have easily done 1300-1325 for maybe 6-8 reps, who knows, but it felt phenominal! I had also done hack squats up to 455 for 10 reps, seated squats up to 495 for 8 reps, extensions to 250 for 10, and lying leg curls up to 175 for 8...I was dead after all of legs are cramping a bit right now, feels so good!

Tomorrow morning will be chest/calves with 30 min treadmill if legs can hang...otherwise I will stretch for 20 min or so.

Well time for the pillow...later!
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Alright, this is getting a bit frustrating to say the least. My computer is acting up again, and it is hard to log (in detail) on my Droid Bionic but will just have to make due with what I have at the moment.

I have one more week of Epi :( and then it is time for PCT for 4 weeks, then SARMS for approximately 10-12 weeks, and then onto my next cycle :). My strength is really damn good right now, I have been getting in around 3200-3400 calories a day, basically maintenance/clean diet and have managed to put on a few pounds and look a bit leaner, but am leaving the cutting for PCT and SARMS instead.

Today I did legs and hit it pretty good...way too much to type up on a phone screen, but on leg press today I loaded up 1125 lbs and performed 3 work sets of 12 reps...if I had somebody to sit on the sled for me I could have easily done 1300-1325 for maybe 6-8 reps, who knows, but it felt phenominal! I had also done hack squats up to 455 for 10 reps, seated squats up to 495 for 8 reps, extensions to 250 for 10, and lying leg curls up to 175 for 8...I was dead after all of legs are cramping a bit right now, feels so good!

Tomorrow morning will be chest/calves with 30 min treadmill if legs can hang...otherwise I will stretch for 20 min or so.

Well time for the pillow...later!

Holy crap nice work man! I'm coming to the end of my cycle too :( I'm honestly expecting better results with my PCT stack since i have DAA, 3 17 keto, Aromatase inhibitor (AI), Nolva and a crazy product called sovereign, have you ever heard of a PCT like this messing with hormone levels too much? I've had some dudes tell me that setup is insane and i should get extremely good recovery and even gain. Sorry to thread derail your killing it man great work with your cycle!!
Holy crap nice work man! I'm coming to the end of my cycle too :( I'm honestly expecting better results with my PCT stack since i have DAA, 3 17 keto, Aromatase inhibitor (AI), Nolva and a crazy product called sovereign, have you ever heard of a PCT like this messing with hormone levels too much? I've had some dudes tell me that setup is insane and i should get extremely good recovery and even gain. Sorry to thread derail your killing it man great work with your cycle!!

You are good bro, not like I haven't done that to others on here as well thing for sure is this site is so slow on my Droid without an app, and I can't even see what I am typing on my screen and have to check from time to time to make corrections...anyway thank you for following, I think due to my absence while my computer was/is down I lost my following, but am trying to redeem myself thanks for subbing in, steal all you want bro lol!!!

So today I did chest but ran out of time for calves, but still managed 30 minutes on the treadmill to burn some cals. The exercises I did were BB Incline Press, DB Incline Press, Incline Cable Flyes, DB Pullovers, and finished with TRX Band Atomic Push-ups...was a very solid workout and was able to push 100's on DB Incline Press for 10 reps (that is as high as the DB go up to at this gym in town), BB Incline I went up to 275 for 6 reps (I have no spotter unfortunately, so make due with what I have right!), the other lifts were strict form, heavy as I could go, and really trying to shape and put some needed development into my upper chest, so squeezing and posing inbetween sets helps with this which is why I ran out of time.

I am feeling really good, and like you said Beast my PCT is dialed in so I should be making gains from it as well during those 4 weeks (Torem, Unleashed/Post Cycle combo, DAA Powerchews, Forma, HCGenerate, Creatine, Anabeta, and I may be missing something...anyway). I am pretty psyched due to this will be the most complete PCT I have ever ran, and will use this PCT for my next cycle as well...N2 Guard was the other staple supplement as well, see my memory is still sharp ;).

Then SARMS! I can't wait to start S4 and Osta after post cycle therapy (pct), so some exciting events here in next couple of weeks.

Got to get back to work, took a drive up to the lakes here where I work to update my log, so check in tomorrow!
Well, the computer is fixed for the time being...hopefully longer than last time :mad:. Anyway, I am in my final week of Epi...which I really enjoy by the way...and will be starting post cycle therapy (pct) next week:

3-12 HCGenerate (5 caps ED split 3/2)
6-12 Forma-Stanzol (5 pumps am/pm)
9-12 Torem (90/60/60/30)
9-12 Post-Cycle (1 cap 3X ED)
9-12 Unleashed (1 cap 3X ED)
9-12 N2BM-DAA or D-test Powerchews (3 grams ED)

That is everything I will be utilizing, obviously already taking HCGenerate and applying the Forma so my recovery should be strong. This will be the most complete and intelligent post cycle therapy (pct) I have ever done after a cycle, and if there is one thing I have learned on these forums is the importance post cycle therapy (pct) is to the cycle if not more! So for every cycle I do from this cycle forward my post cycle therapy (pct) will always be dialed!!

Currently my weight is up, I am floating around 235, but seem a bit leaner. So I am also going to incorporate the N2 Shred Stack starting next week, and am going to alternate weekly between that and Clen/T3 combo but am curious to see how I react to N2 Burn, Stim, and Flame combo!

Then today I ordered 2 bottles of Uniquemicals MK-2866 to add to the S-4 and Bridge and along with the above stack...I should get pretty damn lean if I know what I am doing :scratchhe.

I have been strong, I have veins popping from my neck going down to my chest that looks pretty cool, but can never get the lighting right for a picture. I feel awesome on cycle, just that feeling of the muscles being pumped up, full muscle bellies, skin feels tight, kind of an euphoric feeling. I eat clean just have the occasional carbohydrate spill over :rolleyes:, but I am making progress and will reach my goal 10% or lower bf, so double cardio days will be coming soon!

Tomorrow is back/hams/calves and 30 minutes treadmill, and will enjoy the weekend with my little girl!
I'm back, I am now on Day 5 of post cycle therapy (pct) and I am feeling good, except I have a splitting headache at the moment and have had them more often since starting the Shred Stack, and it may be due to dehydration...but I have been slamming water constantly and usually after a while it subsides...but they come on more often lately.

I added some additional supplements, such as mentioned above the N2 Shred Stack (N2 Burn, Stim, & Flame), Need2Slin, Gear, and Ruthless 3D multi vitamin (replacing N2 Guard). I also have Clen/T3 combo that I was planning on incorporating into this layout, but still on the fence about it due to the dosing of them and reading to be really careful using still researching into those and dosing. I will let the Shred Stack get a good 2 week run and see how that does for now.

All I can really say at this point is that I feel a good sense of well being, my libido is all good, I have leaned out some but my weight is up (235), so I feel like I have put on some muscle during this cycle and my strength is solid. As I mentioned earlier in this thread I love the feeling of being "ON", but honestly I still feel that sensation even in post cycle therapy (pct). I know, it is too early to say much but that is the feeling I have at the moment, and the boys never really seemed to have been hit that hard by the Epi because I never really felt any difference in their size from being on to now, which most likely was the HCGenerate and Forma while on cycle.

Now, I do have my SARMS ready to go (2 bottles each of of Uniquemicals S-4 and MK-2866-Osta) to start following post cycle therapy (pct) and will run those for 8-10 weeks with Bridge until my next cycle and am REALLY excited for this as this will be my first time with SARMS (oh, rats first time with SARMS :naughty:).

So below is my updated layout of what I am currently doing and into SARMS:

3-12 HCGenerate (5 caps ED split 3/2)
6-12 Forma-Stanzol (5 pumps am/pm)
9-12 Torem (90/60/60/30)
9-12 Post-Cycle (1 cap 3X ED)
9-12 Unleashed (1 cap 3X ED)
9-12 N2BM-DAA or D-test Powerchews (3 grams ED)
9-12 N2 Burn (2 morning/1 midday)
9-12 N2 Stim (1 morning/1 midday)
9-12 N2 Flame (1 midday/2 afternoon...not past 4 p.m.)
12-21 Uniquemicals SARMS S-4 (25 mg ED and ramp up to 50 mg ED, 25 morn, 25 evening)
12-21 Uniquemicals SARMS MK-2866 (Osta) (12.5 ED and ramp up to 25 mg ED)
12-21 Bridge (3 caps ED)
Gear (8-10 caps ED, pre/post workout and the rest in between meals)
NeedtoSlin (4 caps ED, prior to whole food meals)
Ruthless 3D Multi (recommended dosage ED)

As far as the Clen/T3 go, after researching the two there seems to be a lot of mixed feelings about the them. For my first time using T3, most say not to go over 25-50 mcg ED, and taper on/off, and from what I have read most confirm that T3 is catabolic (which isn't good obviously) and should just be used while on a AAS cycle. I was thinking since it has been years since using Clen to peak around 80-100 mcg ED, but still trying to figure out how to ramp and taper in a 2 week period...AND is it OK to run this combo with SARMS? So just FYI, I am still researching this, and if worst comes to worst I won't touch it until I am ready to. If I do incorporate this in, I will do 2 week on/off and in between do the Shred Stack.

If anybody would like to make suggestions I am open to them.

Thanks for following!
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Nice cycle you have there.

For the headaches..Try some Nature Made Magnesium 250mg tablets at Wal-mart.

Seems to work for me when I load up on the protein shakes,Then stop because no time to drink it.
Nice cycle you have there.

For the headaches..Try some Nature Made Magnesium 250mg tablets at Wal-mart.

Seems to work for me when I load up on the protein shakes,Then stop because no time to drink it.

Thanks for the suggestion...might have been stress causing them as they have seemed to subside.