I'm back, I am now on
Day 5 of
post cycle therapy (pct) and I am feeling good, except I have a splitting headache at the moment and have had them more often since starting the
Shred Stack, and it may be due to dehydration...but I have been slamming water constantly and usually after a while it subsides...but they come on more often lately.
I added some additional supplements, such as mentioned above the
N2 Shred Stack (
N2 Burn, Stim, & Flame),
Gear, and
Ruthless 3D multi vitamin (replacing
N2 Guard). I also have
Clen/T3 combo that I was planning on incorporating into this layout, but still on the fence about it due to the dosing of them and reading to be really careful using T3...so still researching into those and dosing. I will let the Shred Stack get a good 2 week run and see how that does for now.
All I can really say at this point is that I feel a good sense of well being, my libido is all good, I have leaned out some but my weight is up (235), so I feel like I have put on some muscle during this cycle and my strength is solid. As I mentioned earlier in this thread I love the feeling of being "ON", but honestly I still feel that sensation even in post cycle therapy (pct). I know, it is too early to say much but that is the feeling I have at the moment, and the boys never really seemed to have been hit that hard by the Epi because I never really felt any difference in their size from being on to now, which most likely was the
HCGenerate and
Forma while on cycle.
Now, I do have my SARMS ready to go (2 bottles each of of
Uniquemicals S-4 and MK-2866-Osta) to start following post cycle therapy (pct) and will run those for 8-10 weeks with
Bridge until my next cycle and am REALLY excited for this as this will be my first time with SARMS (oh, sorry...my rats first time with SARMS

So below is my updated layout of what I am currently doing and into SARMS:
3-12 HCGenerate (5 caps ED split 3/2)
6-12 Forma-Stanzol (5 pumps am/pm)
9-12 Torem (90/60/60/30)
9-12 Post-Cycle (1 cap 3X ED)
9-12 Unleashed (1 cap 3X ED)
9-12 N2BM-DAA or
D-test Powerchews (3 grams ED)
9-12 N2 Burn (2 morning/1 midday)
9-12 N2 Stim (1 morning/1 midday)
9-12 N2 Flame (1 midday/2 afternoon...not past 4 p.m.)
12-21 Uniquemicals SARMS S-4 (25 mg ED and ramp up to 50 mg ED, 25 morn, 25 evening)
12-21 Uniquemicals SARMS MK-2866 (Osta) (12.5 ED and ramp up to 25 mg ED)
12-21 Bridge (3 caps ED)
Gear (8-10 caps ED, pre/post workout and the rest in between meals)
NeedtoSlin (4 caps ED, prior to whole food meals)
Ruthless 3D Multi (recommended dosage ED)
As far as the
Clen/T3 go, after researching the two there seems to be a lot of mixed feelings about the them. For my first time using
T3, most say not to go over 25-50 mcg ED, and taper on/off, and from what I have read most confirm that
T3 is catabolic (which isn't good obviously) and should just be used while on a AAS cycle. I was thinking since it has been years since using
Clen to peak around 80-100 mcg ED, but still trying to figure out how to ramp and taper in a 2 week period...AND is it OK to run this combo with
SARMS? So just FYI, I am still researching this, and if worst comes to worst I won't touch it until I am ready to. If I do incorporate this in, I will do 2 week on/off and in between do the
Shred Stack.
If anybody would like to make suggestions I am open to them.
Thanks for following!