Well I have a lot of catching up to do, sorry for my absence...family takes priority.
Let me just start with...I love being ON! The muscle fullness, the aggression, my workouts have been awesome, I'm feeling it for sure and it is
DAY 6 of
Epi-Strong, or maybe it's just in my head

. My strength is getting better, but no change in my weight, although I am trying to lean while maintain muscle so not going to see any weight go up but if everything works to my advantage I will get leaner and stay up around 220-230, and am going to have another brother help me out a bit with my diet before I get too far along. I trained back and calves this morning, and did 45 minutes of cardio:
TRX Bands High Rows (body-weight/warm-up exercise): 4 sets (20/15/12/12)
Medium Grip/Palms in Pull Downs: 4 sets (150/15, 200/12, 225/10, 250/8)
T-Bar Rows: 4 sets (135/12, 180/10, 225/10, 270/8)
Dorsi Flexor Machine Rows: 4 sets (280/12, 300/10, 345/10, 390/8)
Dead Lifts: 4 sets (235/12, 315/10, 405/8, 405/8...dropped down to 235/12)
Lat Pull-down/Crucifix style: 4 sets (130/12)...back was done after these!!!
Calf Sled: 4 sets (135/20, 225/15, 315/12, 405/12)
Seated Calf Raises: 4 sets (90/20, 135/15, 180/12, 180/12)
Cardio was 20 min
HIIT & 25 min walk at an incline (3.8 mph @ 10 incline)
I am going to attach my daily food logs for the past 4 days instead of typing it all up here to save time and space, I have been fluctuating a bit due to work, meetings, and interruptions...but as I said will have some help here pretty quick and get it dialed in this weekend for next week...but I just had:
1 Protein Shake (1 1/2 scoops
Whey to Build Muscle/Chocolate Fudge) 30 g...
Whey To Build Muscle - This protein delivers what you need, when you need it!
2 slices Ezekiel Bread
2 tbls Natural Peanut Butter
1 tbls Low Sugar Apricot Jam
Oh, yesterday I ordered from
NTBM some snacks for during the day at work due to I just keep getting rudely interrupted during the course of the day and I need to have something healthy, quick, and to keep me on track with my diet...so check this out folks,
NTBM is having a sale right now on their
Better Protein Bars Better Protein Bars - No Bake Protein Bars, $10 for a bag that makes 12 bars per bag!!! I ordered Chocolate Raspberry, Original Peanut Butter, and Chocolate Banana...best thing is you make them fresh at home without having to bake them!!! Wrap them up in cellophane and have them with you in case you are pressed for time, or running into a meeting like me. I also grabbed
N2 High Protein Trail Mix N2 Mix is a quick, on-the-go meal replacement for that afternoon snack that I am always trying to figure out what to have, so why not some deliciousness of trail mix, and high protein to boot!
I am very pleased so far with this cycle, and just scroll up to the top to see what I am currently running...I am going to go out and flip one of my tractor tires for some additional strength training right now, watch the sunset, and spend some time with my little girl out in the backyard...that is what's nice about living on the California coast right now...blue skies and sunshine, 60 degree weather... definitely not winter weather at the moment...but I will take advantage of it!!!
Check out my meal logs from the past 4 days below...thanks for following along, and if you have any questions or need advice just send me a PM or shoot me an e-mail, I would love to help you out in anyway I can!!!