MuscleAddiction's 2012 EpiStrong Cycle for the New Year!

Dude i can't wait to start my cycle either... Let's KILL THIS SHYT, MOTIVATE AND DOMINATE! (Sorry even DAA gets me going so it'll def be in my pct)
I would use the forma while on cuz of the transderm. 2 pumps am/pm will stop T from converting to E.

looks fun


I will be using HCGenerate on cycle, when that runs down then replace with a double dose of Bridge, Forma will start as stated, but will take your suggestion if I see any e sides during cycle, and of course I also have Tamox on the sidelines in case, but may grab another bottle of Forma today from Mr. Supps now that you have my mind on it...thanks bro!
Absolutely in to hear everything about this one

Right on DJ, thanks for your compliment on my O4E log as well...going to post my diet on here later today for the past couple of that I put it down on paper and did the calculations, I have some tweaking to do...all good though, it is clean for the most part!
Ok, I found out the hard way...after almost an hour of messing around with it...that you cannot cut and paste an Excel spreadsheet to this forum, so I saved it as a PDF and attached my meal plan from yesterday...if there is an easier way for me to post it from here on out please someone let me know! Otherwise I will just give my daily totals, but I really wanted to show in detail everything that I am ingesting on a daily lets see if this works:

Well it looks as if this is the way to go, which means more work for me to do on my end to give you all a solid log of my cycle and all that is inclusive. If someone knows a better way of doing it that can be explained in laymens terms feel free to let me know :).

Here were my totals from yesterday:

Protein: 274.5
Carbs: 258
Fats: 102
Calories: 2783.5

I trained back yesterday morning and did 30 minutes of cardio:

TRX Bands High Rows (bodyweight): 4 sets (20/15/12/12)
Bentover BB Rows: 4 sets (135/15, 185/12, 225/10, 245/10)
1 Arm DB Rows (off rack): 4 sets (85/12, 90/10, 100/10, 100/8) DB only go to 100 at SNAP :(
Low Cable Rope Pulls: 4 sets (170/12, 180/10, 190/10, 200/8)
Close Grip Pulldowns: 4 sets (140/12, 170/10, 200/8, 230/8...dropped down to 150/12)
Roman Chair Back Extentions: 4 sets (12/12/12/12)

This is how detailed I would like to be on a daily basis, but shit this takes a lot of time, and I need to find a better solution to posting here, so if someone from this forum can assist me that would be great! Anyway, my back is sore today for sure, I love to train rep range is going to drop staring Monday to 6-8 reps per set to go heavier, but at the little gym here in town, I'm limited to 100 lb dumbells, and machines, and a couple of Olympic bars and plates, but will hit my larger body parts at Powerhouse Gym on weekends and Mondays for HEAVY lifting!

Please keep coming back and keep my motivation going here, and I hope that this thread will help others in their quest of "Needing to Build Muscle!!!"
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What's going on peeps!

Well, yesterday and today I have decided to listen to my body and take some time off the weights and let me body rest. I actually slept for about 10 hours last night which is unreal for me considering I am a "go...go...go" type of guy. And as you can see, I had kind of a cheat day as far as eating, I did really well up until the evening where the family wanted pizza for dinner and I got lazy and didn't feel like cooking anything. So yes I am the type of person to feel a little guilty, which I am...but hey it is going to be strict, disciplined, balls to the wall starting tomorrow with no rest for the wicked during the cycle...the past two weeks was to front load and give my liver some support for the weeks to come...not making excuses for cheating...but we all need to keep a little sanity when we go though what we go through during cycles.

So today is spending time with my little girl and the love of my life (my wife), doing some arts and crafts right after I get done with this log, and football for the rest of the day! I will track my food today but it will be the same as yesterday...minus trail mix (didn't realize how many calories were in 1 cup of trail mix, going to order some N2 Mix from NTBM my next order to have that instead!) But here are my totals from yesterday and the attachment with my detailed log:


Tomorrow has finally come, Epi-Strong finally starts and am pretty stoked to see its affects on me, especially when I will be dialed in with everything making sure I make the most of it. This will be a f*cking bad ass ride!!! Hold on folks! I am going to have my wife take photos tomorrow, so I will get them on here. It will be leg day tomorrow at the gym too...start out right!!!

Going to do arts and crafts with my little angel now...GO 49ERS!!!!
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Hey everyone!

Sorry for my absence, been kind of busy having fun elsewhere...NOT! Really, work has me buried at the moment...but I started Epi-Strong on Monday and we are starting the 6 week cycle of it! So this is how I am dosing my supplements each day:

Day 14 of cycle:

4:00 a.m.:

1 Epi-Strong
3 HCGenerate
3 N2 Guard
4 N2 Amp (pre-workout)
1 Anabeta

6:30 a.m.:

1 Muscle Replenisher post workout shake
1 Anabeta
5 pumps RS Transderm (post shower)

12:00 p.m.:

1 Epi-Strong
2 N2 Guard
1 Anabeta

8:00 p.m.:

1 Epi Strong
2 HCGenerate
2 N2 Guard
1 Anabeta

10:00 p.m.:

Whey to Build Muscle protein shake (bedtime)
2 N2 Sleep (if needed)

As far as my calories for the day they were on the low side. This is a day off of work for me and I seem to be busier on this day than I am at work! Have to work on that...better prepare my meals for the day. So here are my daily totals and I have attached my daily meal plan below:

Protein: 212 g
Carbs: 160.1 g
Fat: 55 g (too low I know)
Calories: 1920.5

And I started out the week right by training legs! I had a really solid workout at Powerhouse Gym in Redwood City which is my home gym for 18 years, so yeah I am kind of familiar with the equipment...don't get me wrong I have floated around to Gold's Gym, World's Gym, and others in the area...but Powerhouse is my tried and true!

So legs consisted of:

Exercise Bike: 20 min warm up

Leg Extensions: 5 sets
(warm up 80/20) 120/15, 160/12, 200/10, 240/10

Squats: 5 sets
(warm up 135/20) 225/15, 315/12, 365/10, 405/8

Leg Press: 4 sets
735/15, 915/12, 1005/10, 1095/10

Hammer Strength Extensions: 4 sets One leg...

Hip Abductors/Aductors: 4 sets ea.
140/10 Drop set, increments of 40 lb drop

I was done after this, but I felt like I could keep going! Oh, I also had 1 1/2 scoops of PWO Zero Loss pre-workout instead of my normal N2KTS...and it was solid! Great product for the price at Mr. Supps for a limited too!!!

I am going to figure out a way to make posting all of this information easier to do on a daily basis, because this is a lot of typing for me :). Below is my meals for today attached as a PDF, check it out...I know this is a lot of reading, but I like to be detailed as possible so it is transparent and feel free to try it for yourself.

Thanks for following, and sorry for the delay...I will post more tomorrow for sure, need to hit the sack to get up at 4 a.m.

Goodnight to all of you!!!
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Nice looking log man looks like everything is going really smoothly, I might have missed it but any note on weight gain yet? I'm about to start my Epi cycle next week, i'll have a log up as well :)
Well I have a lot of catching up to do, sorry for my takes priority.

Let me just start with...I love being ON! The muscle fullness, the aggression, my workouts have been awesome, I'm feeling it for sure and it is DAY 6 of Epi-Strong, or maybe it's just in my head :). My strength is getting better, but no change in my weight, although I am trying to lean while maintain muscle so not going to see any weight go up but if everything works to my advantage I will get leaner and stay up around 220-230, and am going to have another brother help me out a bit with my diet before I get too far along. I trained back and calves this morning, and did 45 minutes of cardio:

TRX Bands High Rows (body-weight/warm-up exercise): 4 sets (20/15/12/12)
Medium Grip/Palms in Pull Downs: 4 sets (150/15, 200/12, 225/10, 250/8)
T-Bar Rows: 4 sets (135/12, 180/10, 225/10, 270/8)
Dorsi Flexor Machine Rows: 4 sets (280/12, 300/10, 345/10, 390/8)
Dead Lifts: 4 sets (235/12, 315/10, 405/8, 405/8...dropped down to 235/12)
Lat Pull-down/Crucifix style: 4 sets (130/12)...back was done after these!!!
Calf Sled: 4 sets (135/20, 225/15, 315/12, 405/12)
Seated Calf Raises: 4 sets (90/20, 135/15, 180/12, 180/12)

Cardio was 20 min HIIT & 25 min walk at an incline (3.8 mph @ 10 incline)

I am going to attach my daily food logs for the past 4 days instead of typing it all up here to save time and space, I have been fluctuating a bit due to work, meetings, and interruptions...but as I said will have some help here pretty quick and get it dialed in this weekend for next week...but I just had:

1 Protein Shake (1 1/2 scoops Whey to Build Muscle/Chocolate Fudge) 30 g...Whey To Build Muscle - This protein delivers what you need, when you need it!
2 slices Ezekiel Bread
2 tbls Natural Peanut Butter
1 tbls Low Sugar Apricot Jam

Oh, yesterday I ordered from NTBM some snacks for during the day at work due to I just keep getting rudely interrupted during the course of the day and I need to have something healthy, quick, and to keep me on track with my check this out folks, NTBM is having a sale right now on their Better Protein Bars Better Protein Bars - No Bake Protein Bars, $10 for a bag that makes 12 bars per bag!!! I ordered Chocolate Raspberry, Original Peanut Butter, and Chocolate thing is you make them fresh at home without having to bake them!!! Wrap them up in cellophane and have them with you in case you are pressed for time, or running into a meeting like me. I also grabbed N2 High Protein Trail Mix N2 Mix is a quick, on-the-go meal replacement for that afternoon snack that I am always trying to figure out what to have, so why not some deliciousness of trail mix, and high protein to boot!

I am very pleased so far with this cycle, and just scroll up to the top to see what I am currently running...I am going to go out and flip one of my tractor tires for some additional strength training right now, watch the sunset, and spend some time with my little girl out in the backyard...that is what's nice about living on the California coast right skies and sunshine, 60 degree weather... definitely not winter weather at the moment...but I will take advantage of it!!!

Check out my meal logs from the past 4 days below...thanks for following along, and if you have any questions or need advice just send me a PM or shoot me an e-mail, I would love to help you out in anyway I can!!!
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Nice looking log man looks like everything is going really smoothly, I might have missed it but any note on weight gain yet? I'm about to start my Epi cycle next week, i'll have a log up as well :)

Thanks Beast!!! I am trying to do my best to keep up with it and keep it as detailed as I like to see logs...I think that by attaching my daily meal logs PDF gives other the opportunity to print and save for their own tweaking if they like. I can't wait for those Better Protein Bars and N2 High Protein Trail Mix to get here in the next couple of days, want to taste some of that deliciousness!!!

Only $10 a bag!!! that is 48 fresh protein bars for $40!!! That is a delicious deal bro!!!!

When you start your Epi cycle, send me the link so I can follow you too bro! I can't wait to start 60 mg a day...may do that on week 3 if all is going this good! As far as the weight, not worrying about that, going by how I look in the mirror...and I need to have the wife take some photos of me still...too much going on at once around here!!!!
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Thanks Beast!!! I am trying to do my best to keep up with it and keep it as detailed as I like to see logs...I think that by attaching my daily meal logs PDF gives other the opportunity to print and save for their own tweaking if they like. I can't wait for those Better Protein Bars and N2 High Protein Trail Mix to get here in the next couple of days, want to taste some of that deliciousness!!!

N2 Mix is a quick, on-the-go meal replacement

Better Protein Bars - No Bake Protein Bars

Only $10 a bag!!! that is 48 fresh protein bars for $40!!! That is a delicious deal bro!!!!

When you start your Epi cycle, send me the link so I can follow you too bro! I can't wait to start 60 mg a day...may do that on week 3 if all is going this good! As far as the weight, not worrying about that, going by how I look in the mirror...and I need to have the wife take some photos of me still...too much going on at once around here!!!!

Yeah buddy! Sounds pretty good makes me hungry :tounge2:

I got you man that's what it's all about, how you look keep up the great work man looking forward to the pic's and i'm gonna get this log setup tonight so i'm ready to go tomorrow :)
nice log, bro. You are lifting some heavy ass weight there! Did you do any blood work to know what your baseline test is? It would be interesting to compare that with mid cycle.

Keep up the hard work bro!
What do you think of the transaderm M/A??? I have a couple of bottles of that and some forma laying around and I am looking to put something together in a month or so.. nice detailed log.