"Must Have" supplements, vitamins, proteins, etc.


New member
Gang -

I'm pretty sure that I saw a thread on this forum that outlined the top supplements / vitamins / minerals / proteins to have / take. I can't find it - and thought I had it bookmarked. Does anyone recall this thread or know what one I'm referring to? Thanks.
Check this thread

Heres my list....RLS 3d Multi-vitamin, RLS Krill oil, NTBM digesta Matrix, N2Guard (Yes I run this year round), and glutamine.
The only supplement I'm always on is fish oil. The ones that I play around with are whey, BCAAs, creatine, and vitamin d.
BCAA, whey, casine, daily multi, krill oil , d3, L glutamine, c4 preworkout, dark matter (post workout),and sometime Need2sleep or melanota if I have insomnia like when I do a cycle with Tren :)