My 2 year progress


New member
Hey all, I posted some of these a while ago but the links got all messed up so I started over. All but the first pic are new. Any way, check it out and let me know what you think!

A few updated photos:

Me on 3/2003:


Me about 1 year later 3/2004:

me on 6/2004:


me on 7/2004:


At the end of August/ early september I moved and my life, diet, and workout schedule was turned upside-down. I couldn't maintain a good diet, stay active or lift. I've been in this rut since I moved in mid september. I've lost quite a bit of muscle and have gained about 20lbs of fat. I guess it's time to get crazy about lifting again!

Here's me right before I moved in early september. you can clearly see a loss of muscle mass and fat gained. I'm way worse than this now.


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oh my god... thats great... thats what i need to do witm myself
but i dont know how
i work hard about a year, but cant see many changes.
Can u tell me/us how have u done this, ur diet, train, sup.

Looks like your a lil excited in that 4th pic bro.(boing) I like training as good as the next guy bro but dang, calm down.
^ LOL! nah not really, that picture was take at like 6am. Those are the after effect of morning wood. :goof: I was trying to push out my abs a little but must have clenched the wrong muscle.
Well, to be honest I've been lifting on and off almost all my life but I hadn't lifted in about 4-5years. I started doing my own version of the atkins diet(right around 10g of carbs per day and monstrous amounts of protien). I know, Everyone hates the Atkins but it worked pretty well for me. I also did heavy cardio at least 3 times a week for about 50 minutes each session(It was actually playing indoor soccer but I guess that counts as cardio). The only problem was that after about 5 months I went down to 204lbs and I was totally stuck, and I had lost alot of muscle. I still looked like a no shape fat ass. Anyway,I hovered around that weight until about the end of december. Then I started lifting hard and doing 1 less cardio session a week. I also added Creatine(EAS Phosphagen/VPX Creaject[its like liquid creatine but discontinued now], EAS ZMA, and VPX Clenbutrx caps(YECA stack- gone!). Besides the obvious fat loss most of my gains have come after I started lifting. To get as lean as possible, I ate as clean as I ccould(with a weekly cheat meal) taking in under 100g of carbs on days I don't workout and under 130g on workout days. If I lift and do cardio on the same day I eat about 150g of carbs. I sort of changed my diet and eat much cleaner, cutting fats, sugars, etc. My staples were Steak, tuna, chicken, eggs and spinach salad. all of it cooked plain, no condiments. As for sups, I took VPX's liquid clenbutrx and San's V-12(a creatine product). I'm still taking Biotest's ZMA(it's cheap) as well as Flaxseed oil, Fish oil and a good multi. I really think lifting has given me most of the gains. I;m starting to hit the weights hard again. It's tough getting back into it. thanks again for the compliments, they are very motivational.
That is fucking amazing!!!
Even in the pissed off photo you look 100000 times better!!!
I try to eat perfect for 4-5 days,eat my 1st 3 meals of solid protien then eat whatever!!!Speeds up the metabolism:)
Just always do cardio,lift heavy or rep out just don't stop.
thats fucking incredible... hopefully you can be a shining gleam of hope for those fat bastards out there! GREAT JOB!
Fast Food said:
thats fucking incredible... hopefully you can be a shining gleam of hope for those fat bastards out there! GREAT JOB!

LOL! thanks for the encouragement. I'm trying to make a comeback now from the last pic to get even bigger, stronger, and leaner. It's so freakin hard to stay motivated. especially when it's cold as fuck outside.
Wow that is impressive. I am sure you worked your ass off to get there. Trust me i know what it takes. I trained along time natural before using AAS. Started at 145 and bulked to 225 natural. Trained for 5 years before using AAS.
Extremely impressed by your pics though. You have some fierce determination.