My 2 year progress

Thanks for the encouragement!

I've been busting my butt in the gym for a solid 2 weeks now so I am on my way. I've got my diet in check (for the most part). Next is to start doing cardio so hopefully I'll llok better than my previous best by summer.
Awsome transformation!!!!!

Now get some width on that back and you will be amazed how much differnt you will look again!
caladin said:
Awsome transformation!!!!!

Now get some width on that back and you will be amazed how much differnt you will look again!

What's the best way to add width? I'm doing deads for the first time ever. I've also done all the row variations....Any advice?
Wow thats really some weight loss. Doesn't look like you had any problem with extra skin after teh weight came off... how long were you overweight for?
great work, keep it up in the gym and youll look even better. That is amazing, i showed my roomates and they were impressed. I wish one of them would take some viewing from seeing your pictures and see what is possible.
BiggerthanLavar said:
I'm also going to be doing deadlifts for the first time ever. I'm hoping for some decent results from incorporating them into my routine.

It's all about the deads and the squats baby. Well and staying out of nations and the glow club, LOL.

Great fat lose in a yr! Dont worry about that lose of muscle you can get that bacvk real quick. Now you skinny enough you can keep the cardio low or eliminate eat and hit up a 3 day mass routine.
Rules said:
Wow thats really some weight loss. Doesn't look like you had any problem with extra skin after teh weight came off... how long were you overweight for?

Rules- I've been overweight for most of my life, Always the chubby kid. Everyone in my family is a bit overweight. I didn't balloon up until right after I got married Though. The extra skin wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.

{R}a{G}e, Dlove, RichGenetics - Thanks for the ecouragement guys. I'm hoping the Squats and deads add some more mass on my physique. I was fairly thin for a while there but I just didn't have the mass I wanted. Well, I've been eating well(but clean) for a little while now and as I said, I've added squats and deads to my routine. I hope to be able to post pics after I start cutting in about a month or so. I figure since I've only got about 15lbs to lose this time, I wont have to cut for more than a few months.
kosherfried said:
Holy shit that is the MOST incredible transformation I have EVER should post this on many other boards and hell magazines for that matter....and all natural...hell fuckin go dude! Rock that body out homie....

"Dude, I'm not gay or anything, but you have a sweet ass ::spank::"

LOL, Orgasmo.. that movie is so fucked up lmao

its somethin like this though

"I don't wanna sound like a queer or nothin, but you got a nice butt"
angelopaco5 said:
good job in a short time, but your still ugly

well hey I never said was a good looking guy or anything, just that I'm not a fat ass anymore....:flipoffha

naam thanks for the comments!

I'll be posting some updated pics here shortly.
Hey biggathnlavar,

Good job !
Thats quite wonderful transformation from wot u were in2003.
But dude accomplishment is not about reaching success its about maintaining the success consistently.
U need to get back to ur workouts.
Can I suggest something ?
Though I'm not a very hi-fi bodybuilder, but I used to have perfect 6 pack and a good back-muscles(deltoids)

I saw all your pics, I saw what you have. But bro, do u really think u need shoulder press ?
I would recommend decrease time for shoulder press and give time for ur back, lats and chest

Without a proper back (deltoids) and lats no one can claim to have a good wellshped curved well-cut muscular body.

Also I want to know what are ur current stats, ur chests, biceps, and shoulder ?

Ur biceps are ok but I think u shd give more time to ur chest and back alongwith lats to make urself look better.
If u r following a good diet with plenty of protein (it shd be as many grams as about twice ur weight in lbs)
and taking adequate rest in between workouts with complementary drinks/shakes, theres no reason absolutely why u shdn't start losing weight and build up lean nice looking muscles.

Give one day to ur back and lats and another day to ur chest. that way u can concentrate on one thing at a time and the muscles will be able to get adequate rest before severe heavyweight workout.

For ur back I would recommend these exercises.

Exercises for back and lats :
Lat Pull Downs
Bent-Over Barbell Rows
T-Bar Rows
Seated Cable Rows
One-Arm Dumbbell Rows
Behind the Neck Pull Downs

and for chest I think these exercises should do.

Exercises for chest:
Bench Press
Incline Bench Press
Decline Bench Press
Dumbbell Presses
Dumbbell Flies
Pec-Deck Flies
Standing Cable Crossover

After u try out all these, prepare a chart ... which-one do to and how many times (reps) and many times over / frequency (sets)

Write to me back if u follow these exercises and get benefitted. :)

Till then take care, shape up and enjoy life to the fullest !!

wow, thanks for the tips 2passion8!!!!

I'll try to get some stats soon. I also have to get some more recent pics...I just haven't had time lately. I'm progressing much better now since adding squats and deads to my routine. I will try out your work out. thanks for the awesome post and great suggestions.
i remember the original post, it was funny because it just turned into several posts like "he went from gorrilla to godzilla" or "from a zero to a hero" and on and on.

Agan great transformation ... but you did the typical thing people do ... they'll go from being a twig to being buff, and then take 3 months off and enjoy their new look and go right back to where they started.

This isn't a fad homeboy ... this is a way of life.