My 2 year progress

Holy shit that is the MOST incredible transformation I have EVER should post this on many other boards and hell magazines for that matter....and all natural...hell fuckin go dude! Rock that body out homie....

"Dude, I'm not gay or anything, but you have a sweet ass ::spank::"
as soon as I can start hitting the wheels hard, I'll try to get some pics of them. I'm also going to be doing deadlifts for the first time ever. I'm hoping for some decent results from incorporating them into my routine.
kosherfried said:
Holy shit that is the MOST incredible transformation I have EVER should post this on many other boards and hell magazines for that matter....and all natural...hell fuckin go dude! Rock that body out homie....

"Dude, I'm not gay or anything, but you have a sweet ass ::spank::"

Well, all natural if you include ECA stacks, creatine and just bout every OTC supp. natural. No PS or PH though.....
Give this guy a pat on the back,(and a medal) lol.
Well done, a man I can follow, theres still hope for me yet.
You look great, I'm envious. :O)
Great job, BTL!! Don't beat yourself up too much, you've done it once, you can do it again! Fantastic progress, keep it up!!
Football_Bill said:
Great motivation, I guess I can get rid of this gut I have has since I was like 2 and get me some abs. GOOD WORK!

definitely. I've had a gut all my life. I lost it, then gained a little back and I'm now losing it again. The thing is to keep at it even if it seems like you're not making progress.