my 2nd cycle test enanthate + deca-durabolin


New member
Hi Guys. I'm shortly going to be starting my 2nd cycle. My course will consist of the following:

weeks 1-12 test e 500 mg/pw
weeks 1-10 deca durabolin 400 mg/pw
weeks 1-12 500 iu pw HCG
weeks 14-17 Clomid + Nolva??

My average day's diet will be as follows:

1st meal - protein shake
2nd meal - porridge + bannana (x2)
3rd meal - half tin of tuna + rice
4th meal - 1 chicken breast + veg + rice
5th meal - half tin of tuna + rice
6th meal - steak/chicken/fish dinner with veg
7th meal protein shake
8th meal 3 boiled eggs (only 1 yoke)

I will also be drinking 8 evian 50cl bottles of water per day and 2 pints of blue milk

I will add my weight on later (not sure at the minute) i am currently 5'9.

My question is regarding the post cycle therapy (pct). I will have clomid and plan to take a 20mg ed for three weeks starting a week after last pin of test e. I have been doing some research and there are mixed opinions for using Nolva as pct with Deca. Can someone please give me some advice on whether i should run Nolva with Deca? if its not a good idea could someone suggest a decent alternative please. Also would appreciate any other comments/ advice regarding my cycle / diet. thanks
my 2nd cycle test e + deca durabolin

Hi Guys. I'm shortly going to be starting my 2nd cycle. My course will consist of the following:

weeks 1-12 test e 500 mg/pw
weeks 1-10 deca durabolin 400 mg/pw
weeks 1-12 500 iu pw HCG
weeks 14-17 Clomid + Nolva??

My average day's diet will be as follows:

1st meal - protein shake
2nd meal - porridge + bannana (x2)
3rd meal - half tin of tuna + rice
4th meal - 1 chicken breast + veg + rice
5th meal - half tin of tuna + rice
6th meal - steak/chicken/fish dinner with veg
7th meal protein shake
8th meal 3 boiled eggs (only 1 yoke)

I will also be drinking 8 evian 50cl bottles of water per day and 2 pints of blue milk

I will add my weight on later (not sure at the minute) i am currently 5'9.

My question is regarding the post cycle therapy (pct). I will have clomid and plan to take a 20mg ed for three weeks starting a week after last pin of test e. I have been doing some research and there are mixed opinions for using Nolva as pct with Deca. Can someone please give me some advice on whether i should run Nolva with Deca? if its not a good idea could someone suggest a decent alternative please. Also would appreciate any other comments/ advice regarding my cycle / diet. thanks
Hi Guys. I'm shortly going to be starting my 2nd cycle. My course will consist of the following:

weeks 1-12 test e 500 mg/pw
weeks 1-10 deca durabolin 400 mg/pw
weeks 1-12 500 iu pw HCG
weeks 14-17 Clomid + Nolva??

My average day's diet will be as follows:

1st meal - protein shake
2nd meal - porridge + bannana (x2)
3rd meal - half tin of tuna + rice
4th meal - 1 chicken breast + veg + rice
5th meal - half tin of tuna + rice
6th meal - steak/chicken/fish dinner with veg
7th meal protein shake
8th meal 3 boiled eggs (only 1 yoke)

I will also be drinking 8 evian 50cl bottles of water per day and 2 pints of blue milk

I will add my weight on later (not sure at the minute) i am currently 5'9.

My question is regarding the post cycle therapy (pct). I will have clomid and plan to take a 20mg ed for three weeks starting a week after last pin of test e. I have been doing some research and there are mixed opinions for using Nolva as pct with Deca. Can someone please give me some advice on whether i should run Nolva with Deca? if its not a good idea could someone suggest a decent alternative please. Also would appreciate any other comments/ advice regarding my cycle / diet. thanks

welcome to ology

thats a good second cycle just like it is . im not 100% sure about the nolva but Imo since the deca stopped 3 weeks before pct then it should be fine to run WITH the clomid.
ps as far as the diet goes i would podt it in a thread in the diet forum and get the mod 3J's advice.
forgot to put on there i work out 3-5 times per week. I work two muscle groups each time i.e. chest/ tri's back/bi's and will do legs/abs/shoulders on the same day. I also get around 2 hours cardio per week. My goal is to bulk up but with lean muscle. As i said before any advice / improvments for my cycle would be highly appreciated.

I advice you to follow this protocol for clomid
W1 : 100mg

you dont necessarily need Nolva. But its a good think to have it in a hand just is case it gyno.
Killing Oestrogens is not very good if you havent got a gyno. You have to preserv these to keeping mass gains, good joins, moral etc...
Dont forget to continue to have a very good diet plan after the pct.

good luck
Thanks for the quick reply. I have some nolva spare from my last course so i will keep just incase gyno symptons occur. My diet is pretty clean at the minute and will be after post cycle therapy (pct). i am just upping the calorie intake whilst on the course to help me get the gains i want.
Yop you have to up calories for the Deca. Deca is useless if you dont have enough calories ;)
Its a good thing to dont input orals on kick start : useless and toxic.
You just have to wait about 2 weeks before starting to check your gains. :)
Thanks again. i can't wait to see what gains i get. My first course was only 4 weeks of dbol tabs 40mg p/d and 6 weeks of test e 500 mg/pw (i know its short but wanted to see how my body would recept). i managed to keep 13 pounds of muscle out of the original 23 pounds i put on whilse on the course after my pct.
Good luck for this cycle. if your respect all, u will have very good gains :)

(dont forget ton put + reput on my profile :) )
Get yourself an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and maybe some prami or caber just to be safe. I just started 600mg test/300mg deca blast for 16/14 weeks. Good luck.
thanks for the replys. Not sure if i can get hold of any caber/ prami. I can however get some arimidex? would that be ok?
ok so i found some letrozole on a website for around 40 dollars? it is RUI products which i found on this forum. although its liquid form. Should i take the letrozole during my entire cycle along with the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) or should i just have on hand incase gyna occurs?
thanks. i will upload some when i start the course. i will be doing my first pin on Monday. i Will post some pics up then and add more each week.
hi again guys, just a quick question, i know its been discussed many times before but should i take Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) throughout my whole course? the guy who i get my gear of said dont bother with Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) until pct and use with clomid. everywhere i have researched has said always take Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) with deca throughout the cycle. Just curious because i have my doubts about the guy i get my gear off, i know the gear is legite but im not convinced he is right here. Can someone please help.