My 3J Diet At HAlf Way Point


New member
Ok guys I started my diet on Jan. 2nd on my own and started out at 230lbs. After about 3 1/2 months I got down to about 210 but I couldnt lose anymore weight so I decided to give 3J a try. I asked him to workout a diet to get me to about 210 - 215lbs but at 9% body fat. Now after researching I realized that was a very ambitious goal but thats what goals are about. So the plan with 3J was to do a 8 week diet and to cut weight and then do a lean bulk. So when I started with 3J i was at 210lbs. and probably 16% body fat. I stuck with the cutting phase a little longer than planned and ran it for 6 weeks and I got to 198.4 and at my lowest 9.7% body fat. All my body fat measurements were done with a metacal set of calipers so the accuracy could be off some but thats all that I had to go by. So now i've been on the lean bulk for a week and im hoping to get up to around 210lbs. now of course im going to have to run the diet with 3J for at least another 6 - 8 week run to try and reach my goal. What I can say is that im extremley pleased with my progress from 3J, I have trained on and off for 23 years and I have done at least 6 cycles throughtout the years but I have never looked like I do now after my run with 3J. During all my years the one thing I never had in check or knew how to do was diet and I will have to say that i'm a firm believer now that dieting is the most important thing in reaching your goals. Im going to have to get 3J to post my pics since I dont have enough posts(working on that now). The first pic was about a month before I got with 3J and the other pic is the last day of my cutting diet after a workout. Let me know what you guys think.
ok... first pic is the before shot

here are the after shots


i seriously feel like a mad evil genius when i see before and after shots like this.. lol

very strong dedication on his part of course!
Amazing difference. I too am using 3J, although my results are not as dramatic as yours. I need to send my pics to 3J so he can post them for me. Or get to 50 posts......
Thanks guys for the props. Lots of hard work and the diet was brutal. I stuck to his diet to the exact plan and it paid off. Also I added some help in there but to be honest it shoudnt have started to kick in until about a week ago and it is more to help with the lean bulk.
i seriously feel like a mad evil genius when i see before and after shots like this.. lol

very strong dedication on his part of course!

Hey 3J, Im new to the site and was wondering if you would you be willing to look at my diet? I started a thread in the diet forum.