My 6th cycle. Is Test-E/Tren-A a good cycle for lean muscle gains?


New member
My stats: 35 yrs old; 5-8, 165 lbs, <9% BF, BMI @ 23.7
My experience: 15 yrs lifting on/off (not a bodybuilder, just an everyday Joe)
Previous Cycles: 5 in total, this will be my 6th. Over 10 yrs ago I cycled Test-E, Dbol/Sustanon 250, and Test-C/Deca and had great results, but always had that puffy look. W/in last 2 yrs I cycled Test-E/EQ and Test/Anavar and had good strength gains but not too much size.
My Goal: Not looking to be a bodybuilder, but want to put on solid lean muscle and keep most my gains, also dont want that puffy look. Ive always been a lean guy and had trouble putting on size, especially upper body (chest). Im also not in a hurry and dont mind keeping my doses low to avoid side affects. Im not in a hurry to get large and prefer not having the attention of people asking me how I got so big, so fast. I also want to do my best to keep most my gains, always had trouble with that. I never had a good post cycle therapy (pct).

My cycle plan so far:
wks 1-10 300mg/wk (Test-E, 300mg/mL, dont have this yet)
wks 2-12 50mg/EOD (Tren-A, 100mg/mL by GENE TECH)
post cycle therapy (pct) plan:
wks 11-12 500 iu/ED (HCG) for 10 days, stopping 4 day before start of post cycle therapy (pct)
wks 13-18 25mg/ED (Aromasin)
wks 13-18 20mg/ED (Nolva)
***wks 2-10 500 iu/wk (HCG) *(Dont know if I need this, suggestions please)*

*How does my cycle look for putting on lean muscle, dont want the puffy look?
*Are my doses too low, or should I up them a bit? (Im not a bodybuilder)
*Should I go with Test-P instead of Test-E?
*How does this post cycle therapy (pct) look? Never really had a solid post cycle therapy (pct) and always end up losing allot of my gains. Dont want to make that mistake this time around.
*I have never suffered from gyno and know to keep some Nolva handy in case I start to, but are there any other benefits of running Adex, Aromasin, or Nolva along with my cycle?
*Should I run Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) along with my cycle and what are the benefits?
*Are liquid SERMs and AIs as good at the pills and are they good for post cycle therapy (pct)?

This is my first post, I did my research, and read through all the newbie threads. Hopefully I didnt F this up to bad. Any feedback, good/bad would be appreciated, let me have it.
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it's the best cycle for lean mass with primo cycles.

the amount of test have to be the same than the amount of tren in the cycle.

test-p or test-e is always test, the ester doesn't make a change.

you will not look puffy, but ripped at the end if the diet is good.

you will need clomid in post cycle therapy (pct) 50mg/Ed 10 days after last injection and for 18 days.

you will need proviron or cabaser in the cycle, if proviron : 37.25mg/ed should be sufisient.

if it's cabaser, 0.5 mg every 3 day is enough.

add some vit B6. at least 200% the dose per day.

if some sign of gyno. letrozole is a good help, one pill per day till the gyno desapear completly.

during cycle to prevent gyno anastrozole, one pill every 2 days is good, no more.
it's the best cycle for lean mass with primo cycles.

the amount of test have to be the same than the amount of tren in the cycle.

test-p or test-e is always test, the ester doesn't make a change.

you will not look puffy, but ripped at the end if the diet is good.

you will need clomid in post cycle therapy (pct) 50mg/Ed 10 days after last injection and for 18 days.

you will need proviron or cabaser in the cycle, if proviron : 37.25mg/ed should be sufisient.

if it's cabaser, 0.5 mg every 3 day is enough.

add some vit B6. at least 200% the dose per day.

if some sign of gyno. letrozole is a good help, one pill per day till the gyno desapear completly.

during cycle to prevent gyno anastrozole, one pill every 2 days is good, no more.
not really aslong as you have atleast an HRT amount of test in there you should be ok.
i like running (like I am now) 200-300mg test with 300-400mg tren + some mast.
nice cycle.
for bulking id up the test to like 750-1g as i like that also.
not really aslong as you have atleast an HRT amount of test in there you should be ok.
i like running (like I am now) 200-300mg test with 300-400mg tren + some mast.
nice cycle.
for bulking id up the test to like 750-1g as i like that also.

I want to put on some size, but want to make sure it is lean. I'm used to stacking Test 500mg/wk, but heard Tren is pretty strong so I was trying to keep the doses low.
Most my cycles where over 10 yrs ago, then went over 6 yrs with out lifting. I've just started lifting again for the past 3 yrs. Been working heard at getting my BF down and just got it below 10%.
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Is running cabaser in the cycle going to take the place of aromasin as an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) or do I need to run both?
Do yourself a favor and go w the prop. You're gonna shoot eod anyway. Might as well feel the test sooner and not deal w the tren shutting your dick off for weeks waiting for the test to kick in

Prop over enan anyday in my book. I love short esters tho so def biased. Especially if you're shooting short esters anyway the prop is the way to go. Plus more test per mg...

Short w short
Long w long
I agree with mass. I hate shooting more than twice a week so run long esters but, if you were gonna run tren a why not just run prop.

I`ve ran Tren E twice and its good shit. be ready. The stuff will fuck with your sleeping, emotions, and attitude but, it will give you great strength and good gains if done correct. It won`t take long for you to see what I`m saying. At first everythings all cool but, at about week 8 you`ll see.
Been researching Tren for about 3 wks now and everyone I know raves about it. I know it can have some strong sides, that's why I'm taking my time, doing the research, and want to make sure and have all my shit together before I start. Never really had any issues with gyno, but have suffered from limpdick, ha ha but not funny when it happens to you. But like I said I never really had a good PCT or ran anything during my cycles to protect myself.

I heard with Tren you should use Cabaser as an Aromatase inhibitor (AI), and it's good to help against limpdick? I was planning on using Aromasin as an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and to protect against gyno. Is Cabaser used in place of Aromasin or do I need to use both? And then for PCT do I continue to use Cabaser or do I switch to Aromasin?
it's the best cycle for lean mass with primo cycles.

the amount of test have to be the same than the amount of tren in the cycle.

test-p or test-e is always test, the ester doesn't make a change.

you will not look puffy, but ripped at the end if the diet is good.

you will need clomid in post cycle therapy (pct) 50mg/Ed 10 days after last injection and for 18 days.

you will need proviron or cabaser in the cycle, if proviron : 37.25mg/ed should be sufisient.

if it's cabaser, 0.5 mg every 3 day is enough.

add some vit B6. at least 200% the dose per day.

if some sign of gyno. letrozole is a good help, one pill per day till the gyno desapear completly.

during cycle to prevent gyno anastrozole, one pill every 2 days is good, no more.

Is there anything I can get from Rui that is similar to cabaser or Proviron?

I've heard Aromasin is better than Anastrozole, can I use Aromasin or is Anastrozole specific to Trens sides?
Ok, I've decided to scratch my Test/Tren cycle for now. Having issues getting all the required PCT, and I want to continue doing more research, and get a few more cycles under my belt. Going to keep it on the self for another cycle. Still planning on using it eventually, so any more advice on this would help. Thanks.
I've had excellent lean mass results from Test E/Tren E cycles. No water retention. I usually run 12 weeks test @1g/week, 8 weeks tren @500mg/week, and post cycle therapy (pct) with clomid. I'm not trying to get huge so this combination has been perfect for me. 5'10", 203#, 8%bf.
jkhobson, these doses (1g Test & 500mg Tren) seems kinda of high, from what I've been seeing on others cycles. I'm not trying to get huge ether. Do you run your Tren at the beginning or end of you Test cycle?
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Do yourself a favor and go w the prop. You're gonna shoot eod anyway. Might as well feel the test sooner and not deal w the tren shutting your dick off for weeks waiting for the test to kick in

Prop over enan anyday in my book. I love short esters tho so def biased. Especially if you're shooting short esters anyway the prop is the way to go. Plus more test per mg...

Short w short
Long w long

Massive, I already have Test E. Can I start the Tren A later in the cycle, like three wks after starting Test E so that the test is already in my system and hopefully avoid any dick issues?
yes you can start the tren a then....also tren is more androgenic then test so you shouldnt have any dick issues...tren makes me raging horny