My before's and after's *shivers*


New member
As you will notice from my before pics... I wasnt in the gym for a few years :)
Started juicing mid November 2004 and have had about a 2 month break during mid Jan to early March.

Not to concerned about my stomach atm as I only plan to compete next year (2006) March. I have upped my back training to twice a week as well as leg training. I'm not to concerned about the lack of thickness in my chest as I feel my technique has improved lately. It's been about 12 years since my last cycle and keen enthuisasm in the gym so it's only slowly coming back to me now.

Feel free to chuck what you like in my face, it's all good!
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good work, the befores haha :)
well im not to shure youll be ready for comp next year but fight for it and proove me wrong bro!
good luck
Yup, feeling good about it is what makes me nervous. I kinda feel like Darth Vader now, "once you enter the dark side theres no going back"! :)