my blood work docs plz read!


New member
test, serum 1500
test free 50

prolactin 1.7
progesterone 2.7

estriol, serum 0.3
estradiol 109.2

i had this test done 2 weeks ago. i have been taking 2.5 mg of letro fora gyno lump for a little more then a month now. so far i felt the lump get "flatter" its not as round and feels slightly smaller.

according to this my estro is really high so shuld i jus keep blasting it with letro??

currently taking:
500 mg ew teste
600 mg ew deca
2.5 mg ed letro
.625mg bromo eod

any advice on what to do according to my results?? thanks in advance
Estrogen is SKY HIGH! Keep hitting it with the Letro. Drop your DECA to 250mg ew. Not sure who would have ever told you otherwise, but you never run more DECA than TEST. 2:1 TEST/DECA
sorry bout that with the deca it was a mistake im taking 400 mg ew of deca not 600mg. shuld i still drop it to 250?
have you guyas ever tried running a maintenance dose of test with deca? I know alot of guys who do it without issue. I you wanted to do a joint repairation cycle you would have to keep your test under 200.
test, serum 1500
test free 50

prolactin 1.7
progesterone 2.7

estriol, serum 0.3
estradiol 109.2

i had this test done 2 weeks ago. i have been taking 2.5 mg of letro fora gyno lump for a little more then a month now. so far i felt the lump get "flatter" its not as round and feels slightly smaller.

according to this my estro is really high so shuld i jus keep blasting it with letro??

currently taking:
500 mg ew teste
600 mg ew deca
2.5 mg ed letro
.625mg bromo eod

any advice on what to do according to my results?? thanks in advance

Man can i ask you something??

With this high amount of estrogen + progesterone how where your balls doing??

did you suffer some particular atrophy??

What and how long to use to bring down progesterone to regular values??

I have 1.4 mg/dl and i am only using aromasin to bring down my e2 at the moment but i feel numb dick and low sensitivity to genitals and have testicular atrophy after finasteride use so i suspect also some high prolactin along with the estro/progesterons
my progestoerone is not high is raised only a few points from normal cuz of deca.

as far as my balls i never really had a problem with atrophy. if it happens i dont even notice. and i am a walking hard on. my wife is done she cant take n e more. and i cant stop watching porn... so idk wtf is going. i just wanna stop taking this fucking letro.
oh shit your right bro i fucked up my progesterone is high. but yea i started taking bromocripitine for that i upped my frequency and dose a little. to see what happens im gonna get blood done again soon.
Man what do yo mean progesterone levels are not high?? Its like 150% higher than normal. Ranges are 0.1 - 1 mg/dl as far as i remember and you have 2.7. Plus many docs now consider the value of higher than 0.6 to be stimulating prolactin release
yea ur right bro as i poseted before.. i looked at the wrong numbers..

but since then i have stopped taking deca so now i am only taking test.. also i am dropping the femera cuz my knees are getting achy and im running 20 mg nolva ed? i felt 100% better in 2 days! i i got a love hate thing with letro...