My bulk over the past couple of years.


New member
Over the past couple of years i have decided to bulk and really hit the gym hard and add as much lean mass as I can. Eating a fair amount of protein while eating as clean as i can but im no saint. I will still eat my chips and a bag of cookies like its anyone's business I have never counted my carbs or calories or anything like that but i eat 7 times a day protein shakes, fresh veggies lots of fish, egg whites you name it. .But here is a couple pics of my process. Ive been a bit of yo-yo as im a wrestler and i compete in grappling tournaments as much as i can typically between 180-190 class. i have been able to cut weight very easily but sacrificing muscle when i cut it the "wrestler way"...but i am 100% natural. Not even so much as creatine has went into my body. My cut will start early March as i prepare for the summer season and im tired of looking chunky! Any thoughts guys? By next summer i will contemplate a "supplement route and see where i can go"
I have contemplated researching some on test E. But im far from jumping that ship. With my body type what would you guys suggest for a beginner cycle, my muscles are ready but i need far more research. i think i would respond very well to it as well. Its very easy form me to gain weight and now i find it harder to lose weight then my college years. I was always a natural 182 lbs and i would make the cut to wrestle 165 to 157 in college. i love the way i looked not how i felt. im just throwing around ideas on getting a bit bigger faster. Again thanks to all you experts out there.

The before pics i was around 165-170lbs

My stats at the moment
body fat%15 possibly more??

ill have my girlfriend take some better pics but this is all i have for now stupid cell phone crap pictures but at least it gives you a clue on my process.This is just standing still no workout prior no flexing. so what do i need to work on guys and my legs are my strong points. They have stayed ripped and big fortunately.

The after pics below really need help poor cell phone quality ill use the i phone next time and some better lighting.
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IMO i would do a little more research and make sure a cycle is what you wanna do and if you do,i would do something like this for your first time

Test-500mg/week-12-14 weeks
Aromasin 12.5mg/ed

PCT Nolva 40/40/20/20
Clomid 50/50/50/50 2-3 weeks after last pin

there are plenty of threads on first timers,i suggest doing some more reading and concentrate on diet first and foremost,i would get with 3J in the diet section first before even considering a cycle and talk to him,he's a master of nutrition and will lead you inthe right direction brother

as his motto is 80% diet 15%training 5% gear
Huge difference between your 1st set and 2nd set of pictures. Traps are a huge improvement. Like with most bulking cycles you put on a little fat but it makes you look healthier I think
if all you wanna do is cut then you don't need gear. If you wanted to add some lean muscle and then trim a bit of body fat then like Bullseye said, do a Text only cycle.

Looks good on the bulk though!
IMO i would do a little more research and make sure a cycle is what you wanna do and if you do,i would do something like this for your first time

Test-500mg/week-12-14 weeks
Aromasin 12.5mg/ed

PCT Nolva 40/40/20/20
Clomid 50/50/50/50 2-3 weeks after last pin

there are plenty of threads on first timers,i suggest doing some more reading and concentrate on diet first and foremost,i would get with 3J in the diet section first before even considering a cycle and talk to him,he's a master of nutrition and will lead you inthe right direction brother

as his motto is 80% diet 15%training 5% gear

excellent post!!!!!
excellent post!!!!!

Thanks for the post guys i definately will have to hit up 3j for some advice. I can lose weight very quickly but liek i said i really dont want to lose the muscle i have added. 3j ill be emailing you about some diet advice. Im ready to cut up again.
excellent post!!!!!
OP I will be hiring 3j myself soon myself to help me out,and i know i will succeed,just like you will
Thanks for the post guys i definately will have to hit up 3j for some advice. I can lose weight very quickly but liek i said i really dont want to lose the muscle i have added. 3j ill be emailing you about some diet advice. Im ready to cut up again.
well brother he will help you for sure