my current bulk with 3J pic incl


New member
Sitting at 219lbs at 5'10 and got some more lbs to.add before I consider chopping ofcourse with the help of 3j in this process of bulking
Been away for abit due to gf probs but everything is fine now
A couple weeks threw me back from my routine and as I lost some weight in the process of being stressed out and just not eating as I probs would be up to 230lbs or so by now
Oh well shit happens just glad to be back strong.and 3j has cals up starting next week :)
The dude Def knows his stuff
Easy to work with and makes prepping simple!
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Def not recommended but experimented with 2 19 nors
Test 600mg, Deca 400mg, tren a 50mg ed, had my test up to 800mg/week but recently simmer it down abit
No bad sides what so ever other then the fact it's at times hard to leave the gym lol but gotta keep the gf happy learned the hard way lol
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Hell ya bro, was in the dumps for a few weeks as I moved out for a cool down period but worked out for the best as we were arguing to.much and got a child on our hands so wasn't good
But all in all we have been together for 3 years but myself I was.getting alittle to carried.away with work.and the gym and pretty much was thinking it wouldn't happen but it did
All is good now brother been back home for.a month.after 2 weeks away and learned nothing is.for granted exspecially the ones u love bro incl our well
Shoot, got most of you'll beat by a loooonnnggg shot. Celebrated 27 years of wedded bliss in November. I could write a book.....congrats Matt on working it out, because yur daughter deserves a mom and dad in the same house. There's a good reason it takes both to make a child.
I don't have to tell you about compromise I'm sure.

Family is way more important than we give them credit for sometimes.
Good to see you BULKING MATT! You were cutting for so long everyone was wondering when you were going to bulk.
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I wish you luck with all of this. I too just started a bulk phase with 3J, I cannot wait for the results. I will be following this thread.

Delta Zulu
3j has jacked my cals up to 4800 k cals started this week so should be a good run to get up to where I wanna be :) as I also love to eat haha
He's the man
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