my cut 245lbs to 198lbs in 5 weeks


New member
before i ever started lifting.

2 years after i started lifting. 245lbs start of my cut.

5 weeks into my cut 198lbs.

cutting to 185lbs in the next 6 weeks.
Damn thats a lot of weight real fast, what the hell u u'se? But next cut, cut that hair! Ha just playing
Hard to see any difference at all. First is a side shot with a shirt on second is a front shot without a shirt.
^ what? Every pic looks dramatically different dint know if weight is exact, but he went from scrawny, to massive, (probably short, hence the tall hair) to being cut, good metabolism no doubt but hard work there too is evident
^ what? Every pic looks dramatically different dint know if weight is exact, but he went from scrawny, to massive, (probably short, hence the tall hair) to being cut, good metabolism no doubt but hard work there too is evident

Not saying the pics arevnot dramatically different at all! He is asking about his cut so I was referring to pics 2, and 3. Pic 2 is just one big arm with some acne. Pic 3 cant see the arms at all just a shot of his chest and abs which is useless in comparing to pic #2. Not saying anything about hard work or not. All i'm saying is it was practically pointless to post up those pics for a comparison.
Yeah I'm not really into the cutting thing, 6'4" 275 just like being big and strong as an ox, and yeah maybe leaner was the best term for it, but u can't deny he dropped weight, given he's probably 5'6" and like I said didn't know about the weight but u can tell he was big for his size and cut down, wasn't really referring to ur post anyways the pedestrian post, and by ur avi I can tell????
Agreed. Need to post some pics of similar stature. However, arm looks nice and big (what does it measure)? Might need to work on traps and chest alittle more. What about wheels??

What are cycling??? Experience???
So it looks like you started at about 16yo juiced for almost 2 years straight didnt pct/recover and lost 80% of your gains

thats all i could came up with since i dont really notice that much bf difference on those pics...especially after you dropped 50 pounds?
those 50 pounds were prolly 30 muscle 10 water 10 fat
Damn good work OP. You look huge before the cut. I'm with BigHuge as far as the cutting thing goes at the moment. I don't want to risk losing hard earned muscle and i'm already around 12 percent at 210, 5'9'' right now. And analbeads lmfao thats a hilarious username.
Don't want to be one of those guys, but there's either oil in the left delt and triceps, or the image smoothing toward the back of the delt and triceps suggests the image has been manipulated.

I could be wrong, but that plus 50lb in 6 weeks, maintaining that waist and no loose skin? C'mon.
you look just like when you started, there goes my chances of ever getting a cutting cycle imean if i do steroids is to look big as fuk,50lbs in 5weeks yikes!!!!!!