My cycle before I start ?


New member
Hey guys I plan on running Test Prop for about 4-6 weeks and I am currently 6'1 weighing in at 185. Trying to gain size while staying lean so if you have any changes u think needs to be made to my diet let me know thanks.

Arimidex EOD .5mg
Clomid 50/50/50/50
Im not using nolvadex because I am young and not prone to gyno etc.

Protein 190-200 G
Carbs 180
Fats 80g
Trying to stay lean and put on size.
You didn't say how many MG of test prop your running.. I'm assuming you plan to pin eod.

At only 4-6 weeks long your going to quit and end your cycle right when your levels are finally high?
I wouldn't expect much,, seems like a waste and no point in shutting yourself down and going through pct just to spike your levels and quit.
I'd run the test prop like you planned for 6 weeks but also add in test e and run it along side it and run that for 12 weeks
Well the dose ill be running the ai arimidex will be fine I mean nolvadex isnt really needed bro its my first cycle and its not a long one.
Ill be pinning at 200mg a week

What.. Your pinning test propionate 50 mg 4 x per week for a total of 200 mg a week?!?!!

Dude, you prob at your age produce more then that naturally, , you need to go 100 mg every other day , NOT 200 mg of test prop total a week.
Am I reading something wrong here,, really 200 mg of test p a week ?!
Did anyone catch that he is 6'1" and only 185 pounds. He only eats 2150 calories.

Kaspain: you don't need steroids. You need to pick up the fork and eat. Get a diet coach.
200mg a week is worthless. you might as well go to gnC and buy some weight gaining shake which will be much more help then 200mg of test.
You're suppressing your own natural production for less testosterone...
As for the diet I agree with what was said above. You can gain a lot more lean mass just by eating better. Look for 3J, he's helped me get from 185 to 205 in 4 months, just by changing my diet.
Like the other guys said, I think youre missing the point of what testosterone does when injected into the body.., You probably think youre just adding 200mg, thats not the case. Youre taking away your natural test and replacing it with artificial. So theres no gain really.
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I understand guys the reason why i am eating 2.1k is because i am cutting but at the same time im trying to put on some size also im naturally ecto/endo not a crazy metabolsim maintenance is around 2.7k i will boost up the test to 500-600mg a week also any other thoughts?