My cycle before I start ?

What's is your diet and training like? How long have you been lifting?
Have you had blood work done and checked your testosterone levels? (Being "skinny-fat" is a sign of low testosterone).

You may want to get with 3j and really get your diet dialed in cause your in a unique situation where you actually need to loose a lot of body fat and fat weight, yet you need to gain a lot of lean body mass.. Your diets gonna be key here.

Maybe focus on high rep high volume training, burn some fat while strengthening and maintaining muscle,, shoot for hitting that 12% bf range as a first goal. Then from there maybe look into a test only cycle, 500 mg a week for 12-14 weeks,, concentrate on a clean lean bulk, put on 20 lbs but diet clean and keep the bf % under 15
Yes I have gotten blood work done my test levels are low for my age they are 400 rn I Mean pretty low for my age again I have a bone structure of a ectomorph and slighly a metabolism of a endo I can eat 3k and start to gain weight. what do you guys recommend for my protein intake?
Yes I have gotten blood work done my test levels are low for my age they are 400 rn I Mean pretty low for my age again I have a bone structure of a ectomorph and slighly a metabolism of a endo I can eat 3k and start to gain weight. what do you guys recommend for my protein intake?

If u gain weight with 3k calories, that's fine, but make it a clean diet so your gaining muscle, not storing fat. Protein, prob 1.5 grams per pound of body weight.

If your serious about this get with 3j and he'll get your diet squared away.. With the right diet and set up he can have you loosing body fat and putting on lean body mass.

As for your rep range and training,, personally I'd up the intensity, volume, and repetitions (help stimulate the muscles, driving blood and nutrients to the muscles and creating micro tears that will create cell 'repair' and growth), while at the same time help you loose body fat (diet dependent)..
Do two warm up sets- then do working sets of 12-20 reps for 8+ sets (at hi intensity)..**

** that's what I'd personally do,, but everybody and their bodies are different