My cycle before I start ?

Bro i hope u know its not only one u can have some genes of ecto and endo and theirs a reason why theirs a cycle man if not then whats the point if u cant cut and put on mass
Did anyone catch that he is 6'1" and only 185 pounds. He only eats 2150 calories.

Kaspain: you don't need steroids. You need to pick up the fork and eat. Get a diet coach.

This is what I was about to comment on as I was scrolling through comments. No way in hell you'll gain any weight with, or without steroids eating that amount at your weight. Plus you don't have a clear idea of how to cycle yet. Hang around, read, ask questions and learn before going forward.
Bro i hope u know its not only one u can have some genes of ecto and endo and theirs a reason why theirs a cycle man if not then whats the point if u cant cut and put on mass

If you are bulking, by definition you can not be cutting. Bulking involves gaining weight. During cutting you will never GAIN weight, you will lose weight while trying to preserve as much lean body mass as possible. You can do a lean bulk where you gain as much weight as possible while minimizing the fat gain, and maximizing muscle gain. In no way will you do both.

As far as being endo and ecto, that's horse shit. You can not be a long limbed person that is naturally lean and prone to NOT gaining weight, while also being a person that's naturally thick, and has a hard time not putting on fat no matter what they eat.

An Endo looks at a donut and gains weight, or even a sweet potato. An ecto eats 10 of them, and sadly gains an ounce.....for a day....before he shits it all out.
So basically what are the benefits of cycling while cutting?

It helps you spare muscle while still losing fat. For instance if you combine test and tren, you can eat less calories than you even would normally for cutting and still maintain your muscle mass, but lose fat. Normally if you drop your calories TOO low you just lose "weight", not necessarily just "fat". You lose a combination of muscle and fat. You want to prevent that

Regardless you need to learn more about cycling before you go further. I've been here for about a year now, and I still have a ton to learn. I would still ask questions if putting together a cycle today.

Take your time and understand what you're doing before you do it. I know you just want to start injecting, and expect magic to happen, but it doesn't work like that. It's worth being patient and taking your time, because you might jack yourself up for life. Also you enter into anything like this with the realization that you may take EVERY precaution, and still not come out smelling like a rose.

One note I want to add - If you're a novice to training and you go on a cutting cycle, you may actually add some lean mass while cutting if your macros are right, and you're taking certain compounds. However, if you're a novice to training you shouldn't be cycling. Build the lifestyle of training first. Know that you enjoy it, can consistently commit to it, not let most anything get in the way of training, learn how to train, learn proper nutrition, and try to maximize your natural gains and see what your body is capable of before ever venturing towards gear.
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I dont wana gain weight i want to gain muscle and maintain while i cut

This is usually the goal for someone AFTER they've done a 16 week bulking cycle with gear..

They've gained the muscle they've wanted, THEN they decide to cut while maintaining as much as they can (using gear for that phase if they so choose as well)

Your 6'1 185 - I think you have it kinda backwards
I see what you guys are saying so its pretty much pointless might as well take anavar or clen then since i cant add muscle while cutting is this correct? I am coming of a bulk and at 19 percent bf
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I see what you guys are saying so its pretty much pointless might as well take anavar or clen then since i cant add muscle while cutting is this correct? I am coming of a bulk and at 19 percent bf

Var needs to be ran with test,, but nothing wrong with a var/test cycle for cutting

Honestly your stats and situation seem a little off to me -- so right now your 19% body fat,, but your 6'1 and 185,, if you lost that bf and dropped down to 10%, what weight would that put you at,, like 172.. That's awfully thin weight at 6'1"..
I think you need to continue gaining muscle weight ,, maybe a clean bulk. If you were to run a cycle at some point it would be best to drop your bf below 15% though first
Hey thanks for your post on my thread yes I do agree with u that I am thin atm but I do have excess in body fat which I do want to get rid of I have 14 inch biceps when flexed and 13 or 13.5 when not I do plan on dropping to around %14 bf because if I keep bulking on %19 bf im going to end up fat what are your thoughts on this? Also what would be a good way to gain muscle in a bulk and be lean and gain minimal fat.
Var needs to be ran with test,, but nothing wrong with a var/test cycle for cutting

Honestly your stats and situation seem a little off to me -- so right now your 19% body fat,, but your 6'1 and 185,, if you lost that bf and dropped down to 10%, what weight would that put you at,, like 172.. That's awfully thin weight at 6'1"..
I think you need to continue gaining muscle weight ,, maybe a clean bulk. If you were to run a cycle at some point it would be best to drop your bf below 15% though first
Hey thanks for your post on my thread yes I do agree with u that I am thin atm but I do have excess in body fat which I do want to get rid of I have 14 inch biceps when flexed and 13 or 13.5 when not I do plan on dropping to around %14 bf because if I keep bulking on %19 bf im going to end up fat what are your thoughts on this? Also what would be a good way to gain muscle in a bulk and be lean and gain minimal fat.
Brother... Roush said it all...
6'1 185 19%bf you don't need steroids...
If you wanna decrease that body fat and be skinny you need to diet and train.
If you wanna build muscle and then cut down after you need to diet and train.
It doesn't seem to me you are at the point that steroids would be any benefit.
Just take time to perfect your diet and training and once you get there then I would recommend looking into a cycle.
Don't think of a cycle as a shortcut or a magic button. Think of it as a reward when you have your shit together.
to be honest mate you need to suck it up, have a glass of concrete and accept the weight gain whilst putting on muscle. Seriously, how sad must you be to care about muscle weight gain?

Being all like "fuck I now weigh 4 lbs heavier because of that muscle development"
I would appreciate it if anyone else had any input on this

You need to gain weight. Man up and accept it. Why do you want to remain skinny, and 185 at over 6 feet tall is skinny. You will add about 10 pounds of mostly lean muscle if you eat properly and train hard. I suggest running the prop for 8 weeks minimum and eating at least 2600 calories. That is if you must cycle right now.
to be honest mate you need to suck it up, have a glass of concrete and accept the weight gain whilst putting on muscle. Seriously, how sad must you be to care about muscle weight gain?

Being all like "fuck I now weigh 4 lbs heavier because of that muscle development"

Yes his mindset going into this is perplexing.
What's is your diet and training like? How long have you been lifting?
Have you had blood work done and checked your testosterone levels? (Being "skinny-fat" is a sign of low testosterone).

You may want to get with 3j and really get your diet dialed in cause your in a unique situation where you actually need to loose a lot of body fat and fat weight, yet you need to gain a lot of lean body mass.. Your diets gonna be key here.

Maybe focus on high rep high volume training, burn some fat while strengthening and maintaining muscle,, shoot for hitting that 12% bf range as a first goal. Then from there maybe look into a test only cycle, 500 mg a week for 12-14 weeks,, concentrate on a clean lean bulk, put on 20 lbs but diet clean and keep the bf % under 15