MY Cycle


New member
what do you think about taking just Sus250 and Winstrol is this a good combonation to use. would this be good for a beginner cycle and how much is good to take
Test/Winny is a fine first cycle!!

Week 1 to 8: 400mg of Cyp
Week 5 to 10: 12.5mg orally twice a day
Week 11 to 13: Clomid therapy
I wouldn't do Sus250 for first cycle. You want to keep your test levels same not fluctuating. Cyp is good or even Test enathate.
LAWNSAVER' s suggestion looks perfect except I would run the test for 10 weeks instead of 8 and just run the Winstrol (winny) past the test. Good luck bro
10 weeks would work fine!

test for 10 and Winstrol (winny) 7 to 12...clomid 13-15

Doses the same!!

Diet will be the key to your success!!
10 weeks would work fine!

test for 10 and Winstrol (winny) 7 to 12...clomid 13-15

Doses the same!!

Diet will be the key to your success!!
This would be my pick

10 weeks would work fine!

test for 10 and Winstrol (winny) 7 to 12...clomid 13-15

Doses the same!!

Diet will be the key to your success!!

you hit it on the money.....DIET IS KEY
How about this:
Weeks 1-6 Winstrol (winny) @50 mg ed
Weeks 1-10 500mg enth
Weeks 6-12 75mg fina ed
start clomid week 13
I just finished with that cycle a couple of months ago.....sweet. But do u think three AAS's for a newbie is too much?
Wartime100 said:
How about this:
Weeks 1-6 Winstrol (winny) @50 mg ed
Weeks 1-10 500mg enth
Weeks 6-12 75mg fina ed
start clomid week 13

Wartime...great cycle, but not for a first. I really would like to see him pick one gear and see what it does!

I like 400mg of EQ with 50mg of proviron ED for 10 weeks.

If I could go back, thats what I would do. My second cycle would be 500mg of Enabthate with 1.25mg of letrozole EOD for 10 weeks.

I wish I did it that way, so I could see how each steroid effected all alone!
I'd rather see you just use 500-750mg test a week with a frontload for 10 weeks...simple yet effective, I just don't think the money you're gonna spend on the Winstrol (winny) tabs will be worth it (unless you've got a great source)...if you really wanna add a second compound I would pick EQ (400mg) or tren (50mg ED)

with and anti-e and standard clomid therapy of course

not that the previously meintioned cycles don't look good, lawnsavers second one and wartimes both look great, although if you did wartimes, I'd do the tren first six weeks and Winstrol (winny) the second (b/c tren is so suppresive to the HPTA and Winstrol (winny) isn't)
10 weeks would work fine!

test for 10 and Winstrol (winny) 7 to 12...clomid 13-15

Doses the same!!

Diet will be the key to your success!!

That's the one... test cyp or enth

And like everyone's been sayin' don't forget the clomid!!
10 weeks would work fine!

test for 10 and Winstrol (winny) 7 to 12...clomid 13-15

Doses the same!!

Diet will be the key to your success!!

I agree with that. Also take a look at my thread in the "my cycle" forum.