my diet, help is required


help required
6am 10 weetabix 2 pints full fat milk
9.30am 3 boiled eggs, 1 apple, 1 cereal bar
10am-12pm 100g almonds
12.30pm varies, either 2 baked potatoes butter chedder cheese or 1 potatoe 1 chicken breast, chicken curry and rice or beef stew.
2.30pm 1cereal bar
3.30pm protein shake. 60g instant whey (reflex nutrition) 1 pint semiskimmed milk
5pm gym
6.30pm protein shake. 60g instant whey, 45g casein protein
7.30pm veries, chicken breast veg, mice and tatties, baked potatoes or chicken curry.
10.30pm 45g casein before bed

the above is my daily diet which rarely changes. now i have discussed an oral cycle with the lads in the forum

see here :

and i was recommended i get some help with my diet. im 5' 8" and i am about 175lbs. my goal is an extra 20lbs say and i want to achieve this with a good diet and alittle help from roids. now if anyone can hand out some help with this i would be greatful.

i also use the following

he supps i use are reflex instant whey, reflex l-glutamine, reflex creapure, reflex casein, reflex milk thistle, malto/dextrin carb powder, san nutrition tribulus
bump. Everyone preaches how important diet is and then they spend all their time in the anabolic forum.

I'll start. I'm a little guy and I eat more than you. You need more non-suppliment forms of protein. But keep in mind how much protein is actually in various sources. Chicken, for example is about 2/3 water by weight, so a 8oz chicken breast might only have 3oz (note: this is a correction. I originally stated 2oz, but 3oz is closer) of protein! A dinner for me may consist of 10 large chicken legs or 4-5 chicken breasts.

I'm not at home to cook up meat for lunch, so I bring lots of sandwiches full of meat for lunch. I can drink protein shakes all damn day, but I didn't start to grow until I added in lots of meat, bread, milk (protein+carbs)...that kinda stuff. Yeah, I was afraid of carbs for a long time before I didn't wanna get fat, but I got over it. I've gained significantly and very little of the gain has been fat. My bf% is almost certainly the same now, even at my much heavier weight.
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rossco said:
6am 10 weetabix 2 pints full fat milk
9.30am 3 boiled eggs, 1 apple, 1 cereal bar
10am-12pm 100g almonds
12.30pm varies, either 2 baked potatoes butter chedder cheese or 1 potatoe 1 chicken breast, chicken curry and rice or beef stew.
2.30pm 1cereal bar
3.30pm protein shake. 60g instant whey (reflex nutrition) 1 pint semiskimmed milk
5pm gym
6.30pm protein shake. 60g instant whey, 45g casein protein
7.30pm veries, chicken breast veg, mice and tatties, baked potatoes or chicken curry.
10.30pm 45g casein before bed

the above is my daily diet which rarely changes. now i have discussed an oral cycle with the lads in the forum

see here :

and i was recommended i get some help with my diet. im 5' 8" and i am about 175lbs. my goal is an extra 20lbs say and i want to achieve this with a good diet and alittle help from roids. now if anyone can hand out some help with this i would be greatful.

i also use the following

he supps i use are reflex instant whey, reflex l-glutamine, reflex creapure, reflex casein, reflex milk thistle, malto/dextrin carb powder, san nutrition tribulus

First don't make it complicated by eating that often - 6 meals / day is the max your going to need. All your doing by eating more often is keeping circulating insulin levels higher.

Secondly the majority of your proteins should come from "whole" food. At your weight and your current goals - I would shoot for 300g Protein / day. Your carbohydrates should be around 400g / day. Keep fats to a minimum except for 1 - 2 tbsp. EFA's.

I'm not going to lay a diet out for you, but i'd work on yours a little more. Also don't get caught up on OTC supplements. Save your money and spend it on food.

ALSO- For the kid saying 8 oz. of chicken only contains 2 oz. Protein. Your wrong and need to sit back and learn a little more.
DirkMoneyshot said:
ALSO- For the kid saying 8 oz. of chicken only contains 2 oz. Protein. Your wrong and need to sit back and learn a little more.
I wouldn't call myself a kid, but thank you anyway.

Chicken is mostly water, not protein, although I do confess that 8oz of chicken contains more like 3oz of protein.

I would suggest you really know what you are saying is true before making a statement like that. Perhaps I can give you some help:
You really didn't make your point - 8 oz. of Chicken is 8 oz. of Chicken no matter how you slice it.

Any typical animal protein will contain 5.5 - 6.5g of Protein / oz. (UNCOOKED) -

Your right that chicken contains water, but your incorrect in saying that your going to get less protein grams.

Here it is - Lets assume you start with an 8 oz. uncooked protein source. You cook it till you dry it up. You still will have the same amount of protein in the "source" as you did. Just a higher g / oz. then you did when it was uncooked.

Assume that 8 oz. of "most" uncooked protein sources will give you 50g Protein
Oh, come on. When people talk about "Chicken", they are not referring to the dehydrated chicken; they are talking about the whole thing including the water. When you purchase chicken at your supermarket for $1.99/pound, do you think you can convince the store manager that the "chicken" doesn't include the water and that you should not have to pay for the "water" within the chicken?

Maybe I'm not making my point to you, but I think I have already made it to others.
DirkMoneyshot said:
Assume that 8 oz. of "most" uncooked protein sources will give you 50g Protein
...this is another say of stating what I already said in my original message, as 2 ounces = 56.6990463 grams.
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Who did you make your point to??? No one has responded!

I don't know where you went off on this chicken issue. I know were not talking about dehydrated chicken, but the only way to LOSE all the water (like YOUR TALKING ABOUT) and theoretically come up with 2 oz. of PURE CHicken is dehydrate it.

I don't disagree that if we completely took all the water out of a breast of chicken that it would only weigh 2 - 3 oz. but that doesn't make the protein content any different than if it was full of water. Its the same 8 oz. full of water or 3 oz. without any. Hows that?

I think you could have been clearer and state that it would only contain 2-3 oz. of acutal muscle tissue.
ok so i should perhaps each more tuna and chicken than baked potatoes or maybe have a baked potatoe with tuna.... as for supps who agrees that they dont work that well? ive read so much praise on them.
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rossco said:
ok so i should perhaps each more tuna and chicken than baked potatoes or maybe have a baked potatoe with tuna.... as for suppswho agrees that they dont work that well? ive read so much prise on them.
Don't get me wrong, protein suppliments are a wonderful addition to a proper diet.
fuck the chicken talk, why so many meals and most of them are not clean,
on an oral cycle your gonna gain lots of fat anyway 10 meals is way too much, you will put on weight but its going to be fat. butter? cheese? ceral bars=sugar? do you drink beer? soda? remeber all these count towards your intake too, if you want to bulk do it clean when i first bulked i spent 12 weeks 6 moths later cutting off all the fat because i ate like you did, cut the sugars and bad fats and stick with the complex carbs
I wouldn't really call 1 cereal bar or 1 protein shake 'a meal', but I completely agree to "cut the sugars and bad fats and stick with the complex carbs." The only refined sugars I eat are those found in skim milk and a little bit in bread. For a long time I ate high-protein, high-fat, zero-carb but I finally learned that I needed to cut out the fat and add in the complex carbs.
i dont drink alcohol more than once a month and it usually a few quiet ones in the house. i dont drink soda at all. i will cut out a few of the sugary things and curries and start eating more plain but high protein meals like tuna and chicken. is tuna on a baked potatoe a good combo for a good meal?