help required
6am 10 weetabix 2 pints full fat milk
9.30am 3 boiled eggs, 1 apple, 1 cereal bar
10am-12pm 100g almonds
12.30pm varies, either 2 baked potatoes butter chedder cheese or 1 potatoe 1 chicken breast, chicken curry and rice or beef stew.
2.30pm 1cereal bar
3.30pm protein shake. 60g instant whey (reflex nutrition) 1 pint semiskimmed milk
5pm gym
6.30pm protein shake. 60g instant whey, 45g casein protein
7.30pm veries, chicken breast veg, mice and tatties, baked potatoes or chicken curry.
10.30pm 45g casein before bed
the above is my daily diet which rarely changes. now i have discussed an oral cycle with the lads in the forum
see here :
and i was recommended i get some help with my diet. im 5' 8" and i am about 175lbs. my goal is an extra 20lbs say and i want to achieve this with a good diet and alittle help from roids. now if anyone can hand out some help with this i would be greatful.
i also use the following
he supps i use are reflex instant whey, reflex l-glutamine, reflex creapure, reflex casein, reflex milk thistle, malto/dextrin carb powder, san nutrition tribulus
9.30am 3 boiled eggs, 1 apple, 1 cereal bar
10am-12pm 100g almonds
12.30pm varies, either 2 baked potatoes butter chedder cheese or 1 potatoe 1 chicken breast, chicken curry and rice or beef stew.
2.30pm 1cereal bar
3.30pm protein shake. 60g instant whey (reflex nutrition) 1 pint semiskimmed milk
5pm gym
6.30pm protein shake. 60g instant whey, 45g casein protein
7.30pm veries, chicken breast veg, mice and tatties, baked potatoes or chicken curry.
10.30pm 45g casein before bed
the above is my daily diet which rarely changes. now i have discussed an oral cycle with the lads in the forum
see here :
and i was recommended i get some help with my diet. im 5' 8" and i am about 175lbs. my goal is an extra 20lbs say and i want to achieve this with a good diet and alittle help from roids. now if anyone can hand out some help with this i would be greatful.
i also use the following
he supps i use are reflex instant whey, reflex l-glutamine, reflex creapure, reflex casein, reflex milk thistle, malto/dextrin carb powder, san nutrition tribulus