My Enanthate...

Mr. dB

Angry Old Curmudgeon

Every injection I've taken since I made my homebrew has had some lingering soreness. And I'm only shooting 0.5cc at a time, for HRT. The pain is just something that feels like a deep muscle bruise. It's most noticeable when I shoot quads, sort of noticeable in the glutes, and least problematic when I shoot delts.

This enanthate is only 1% BA, and I used cotton seed oil. Could it be the ester itself that hurts? Or my injection technique?
Just a thought...everything and anything I shoot hurts for the first few weeks, until the sites are "used to" the injections. Id think test enanthate with 1% ba to be the as close to truely painless as you can get. You know the drill; inject slow, warm your gear, massage site afterwards...all that crap does help but enanthate should be inherently painless for most. What is the concentration?
doesnt make much sense to me. obviously larger muscle groups handle the oil better...dont see why your body would favor the delts rather than glutes or quads. Possibly just a string of bad injections?
DougoeFre5h said:
Just a thought...everything and anything I shoot hurts for the first few weeks, until the sites are "used to" the injections. Id think test enanthate with 1% ba to be the as close to truely painless as you can get. You know the drill; inject slow, warm your gear, massage site afterwards...all that crap does help but enanthate should be inherently painless for most. What is the concentration?

One thought on this, what time of the day are you injecting?? I used to have a similar problem when I injected just before bed..
Now I do it at lunch time (seems to hurt a hell of a lot injecting first thing on a morning! :) )

Just a thought..

i must say it is odd to have pain at that concentration, esp w/ the low ba content. I have some 500 i am geting ready to start soon. hope i don't have any issues.
Well, I shot 0.5cc into my right quad this morning, exercising just a little more care in the art of injecting, and so far it seems completely painless. I just jabbed myself a little more slowly. Still swiftly and confidently, just not quite darting myself. I've also found that injections seem less intrusive if I really douse the site with a LOT of rubbing alcohol first. That's one reason why I prefer to use a bottle of alcohol and a cotton ball, to using the packaged alcohol wipes.

It also seems to help to not go crazy when aspirating, just the merest flick of back pressure, vs. pulling the plunger back a quarter of an inch.
I spoke too soon, eight hours after injection my leg had the usual sensation of a deep bruise. It's much better today, although not completely gone yet.
Mr. dB said:
It also seems to help to not go crazy when aspirating, just the merest flick of back pressure, vs. pulling the plunger back a quarter of an inch.

1/4 of an inch, yikkes....I would think that is enough to cause anyone pain.. I pull it back about 1mm just till I see a slight air bubble in the bottom of the syringe..
Mini Me said:
How do you know that you arent in a vein??

sometimes i do hit a vein. hit one yesterday with 1g of cyp and .9g of tren E. got a great ab workout while i almost couged my nuts up for 10 minutes.

heres my thoughts on this. when you push the pin in then aspirate then push the plunger there is no way in hell the needle is not gonna move. veins are so small and you may not be in one when you check but when you push you may push it in. i have seen guys post on here about getting coughing spells after aspirating. coughing spells come from blood carrying hormones/solvents/whatever thru the lungs where the body is trying to get rid of them. tren is the worst. i have gotten spells from straight cyp and anything with peg as a carrier. i may go months with out a coughing spell or have two in a row. also depends on how much is injected into the vein.

i knw dozens of guys who dont aspirate. and contrary to some opinions i have read on here it dont kill ya. one guy actually posted if you dont aspirate and hit a vein you will die.