My first beginner cycle


New member
10 wks
1-10 Test Enanthate 500 mg/wk
1-10 Deca 400mg/wk
1-4 Dbol 35mg/ed
7-13 Anavar 50mg/ed
1-4 milk thistle 1500mg/ed
7-13 milk thistle 1000mg/ed
1-15 Arimidex .5mg/ed
HCG starting second week 500 Iu every 7 days
CLomid Therapy
day 1 300mg, 2-7 150 mg, wk2 100mg,wk3 100mg and wk 4 50mg/ed
Also be running Nizoral 2% throughout and multivitamin ed:afro:
As NTO said thats a shit load of gear for a first cycle. A test/dbol or test/deca cycle would be good.
My goals for this cycle is to gain as much a si can and keep most of it. My current stats r :
6' ft tall
190 lbs
7%bf, goal is to get up to 220 at 10 5 bf
i dont know what you guys are reading--that is a fine starter cycle---the only thing that is out of the ordinary is the var

after all it is a test/deca/dbol cycle--the "standard" beginner cycle
superman1975 said:
i dont know what you guys are reading--that is a fine starter cycle---the only thing that is out of the ordinary is the var

after all it is a test/deca/dbol cycle--the "standard" beginner cycle

I was looking at the fact he will be putting over 1000 mg of compounds a week into his body, and he has no idea how he is going to react to it.
superman1975 said:
i dont know what you guys are reading--that is a fine starter cycle---the only thing that is out of the ordinary is the Anavar (var)

after all it is a test/deca/dbol cycle--the "standard" beginner cycle

I didnt use an oral until my 6th cycle.

I say Test only or Test/EQ. Use what you can control. He doesnt know how sensitive he is to estrogen or progesterone. Use 1 or 2 compounds that can be controled by an anti-E or anti-A

Save the Anavar (var) for a possible bridge and do Test only or Test/EQ
Bros i gave a lot of thoughts for this cycle and i know i'm ready to do it. I want to make this first cycle one of the best since my receptors are fresh and i'll be growing ( i Hope ) . Bros lemme know what u guys think , i'm starting this cycle in about a month till i get rest of my supplies .
I've been trining for 5 years and when istarted i weighed 115 lbs and right now i'm up to 188 naturally which i think is awesome .
Wish me luck wit my cycle !
that is alot of gear for first cycle, better to stick with two substances like deca/dbol classic cycle that way you can see how you respond and not ruin latter cycles by overloading this one.